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Comparación entre el arte visual y la literatura; la adaptación de Orson Welles de El proceso de F. Kafka como ejemplo
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Este estudio muestra una relación comparativa entre literatura y arte, concretamente entre las artes visuales (pintura y cine) y la literatura. Dicho estudio se puede clasificar dentro de los estudios actuales de literatura comparada. El interés por la cuestión viene por la problemática relación entre las dos artes, que tiene una larga tradición que se extiende desde el Ars poetica de Aristóteles hasta la aparición del vanguardismo en el siglo XX. La relación se presenta a través de los colores de las pinturas y los sonidos de las palabras. A los pintores de iconos se les conocía como iconógrafos porque se les consideraba más escritores que pintores. El icono era en realidad un texto escrito en imágenes. Es decir, la palabra que enuncia o relata y la imagen que representa configuran la base primaria y primordial para interpretar y descifrar el significado de cualquier actividad u obra artística. El estudio hace una revisión sobre la teoría clásica de la imagen poética que es la base fundamental de la relación entre la imagen y palabra. En este estudio se intenta reconocer el lugar que ocupa la relación interartística en literatura comparada, después se muestra un ejercicio simple de literatura comparada aplicado a la novela alemana El proceso de Franz Kafka y a la adaptación cinematográfica del director americano Orson Welles. Con esto se pretende hacer una analogía entre lo escrito y lo visual.


This study shows a comparative relation between art and literature, particularly between the visual arts (drawing and Cinema) and the literature, this study can be classified within the current studies of the comparative literature. Paying attention on this topic comes from the problematic relation between these arts which have a long imitation extend from the classical theory of the Aristotle poetical art until the appearance of The avant-garde Artistic and literary movement at the twentieth century, this relation which is  between the colors, the drawings, and the words sounds, the icons painters they were called icons writers because they are writers more than being painters, in reality the icon was a written text written in the picture, the word was commenting and narrating while the picture is presenting and they are both compose the basic base in reading and interpreting any activity or any artistic work. In this study, we tried to reconsider the classical theory of the poetical art which is considered as the basic base of the relation development between the image and the word in the present time and knowing the place that the artistic art in the comparative literature and doing a simple practice of the comparative literature, applied on the practical Germany novel of the playwright (Kafka) and the film’s Quotation of the American playwright (Orson Welles) to extract the difference between what is written and what is visual.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sufi Tendency Between Abdul Wahab Al-Bayati and Sohrab Sepehri
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Comparative studies are, in a sense, a study of cultural identity in a broader and deeper way, as self-knowledge is in part an awareness of the other. Therefore, every study that falls within the scope of comparative literature is a study of the authentic human identity that is open to the other without distorting the individual self or cancellation of social, environmental or national affiliation.


      Modern comparative studies seek to go beyond the unilateral perspective of knowledge, which often leads its holders to condescend to all that may be the characteristics of the other. They strengthen the human ties between societies that differ in their culture, literature, and language, esp

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Natural gas in Iraq between burning and licensing rounds
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The research aims to shed light on the importance of Natural gas as a National wealth is not being used optimally to be a financial resource is important to Iraq in addition to Oil, as well as could be used as an important Source of Energy, instead of burning gas is a waste of wealth and Contribute to the contamination of the environment. Research Reviews the importance of Natural gas, where is currently about a quarter of global energy consumption. Then deals with the reality of the gas industry in Iraq and winning because of the volume of waste incineration, which reached a rate (45%) of the gas Associated with oil, where Iraq is fourth globally in Terms of the amount of gas Burned. Finally, this paper discusses the future of n

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2004
Journal Name
كلية الفنون الجميلة بين تقادم المعرفة وعصر التحديات
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كلية الفنون الجميلة بين تقادم المعرفة وعصر التحديات

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Weighting between the texts as the ruling when Imam Al-Salmi
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Objectives: The study aims to reveal the approach of Imam Al-Salmi in the weighting between the apparently conflicting texts, and to show the extent of his agreement and disagreement with the rest of the fundamentalists, and does he have vocabulary that can be used to elicit legal rulings in modern contemporary issues?

Method: The method of induction and analysis is one of the main tools to reach the research results. The study resorted to following the sayings of Imam Al-Salmi in various sources and fatwas and standing on them, then analyzing and applying them to the various branches of jurisprudence in the various jurisprudential chapters.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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            Arzı Kanber/Kamber hikayesi Anadolu, Rumeli, Azerbaycan, Türkmenistan ve Irak gibi Türk dünyasının birçok yerinde birden fazla varyantı bulunan, çok sevilen ve yaygın olarak anlatılan aşk ve dramatik maceralı bir halk hikayesidir. Türk halk hikayelerinin en popüler olanlarından biri sayılan Arzı Kanber/Kamber hikayesi, Anadolu'nun birçok yöresinde bilinmesine rağmen Irak Türkmenleri arasında daha çok sevildiği ve yaygın olarak anlatıldığı tespit edilen birden fazla varyantından da görülebilir. Irak Türkmenleri arasında günümüze kadar hikayenin iki varyantı tespit edilmi

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Relationship between federal budget estimates And actual implementation
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he public federal budget of the state includes estimated figures for state revenues and expenditures for the next fiscal year. The estimation process is one of the main parts of the preparation of the general budget of the state and the accuracy in the estimation of revenues and expenditures of the most important principles that should be based on the process of making estimates and should not overestimate the assessment process to ensure the availability of funds in the future in all cases, which lead to unfair distribution of allocations, so the research aims to study The case of preparing the budget in the Directorate and how to estimate the expenditure in, by the analysis of operating budgets and identify deviations in the implementa

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2006
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
اشكالية الطائفية السياسية في العراق بين الاستمرارية والانكفائية
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اشكالية الطائفية السياسية في العراق بين الاستمرارية والانكفائية

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Bridging the Gap between Graphemes and Phonemes in the Phonetic Transcription
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Bridging the Gap between Graphemes and Phonemes in the Phonetic Transcription

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Federal and problematic relationship between the center and the region in Iraq
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The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 unleashed the repressed national aspirations of the Kurdish people. After the colonial powers, especially Britain, failed to establish a homeland of scattered Kurds in Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran, Iraq's Kurds managed to establish a semi-independent state in the north of the country Which lasted decades against the central authority in Baghdad in protest against what they call the forced integration of Kurds in the Iraqi state, and to obtain more rights and privileges as partners in this country. The federal region in the Kurdistan region of Iraq has become a reality, and it is eager not to strengthen its authority in return for the authority of the central government, but to annex other areas inhabited b

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
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Dialectical relationship between digital Technique and aesthetic Picture TV
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The technical development has significant effects on the mediator Alcinmatugrave, and TV originated mainly based on technical, with the development and the continuation of these technologies and the enormous impact on the level of the television picture, initially dramas in recent times approaching in the aesthetic composition of the film thanks to the employment of modern digital technologies, Montag was not only one of the cinematic elements that went into television thanks to technical developments analogue and digital, and which added the possibility of large processors in the picture, high-definition digital cameras that have led to dispense often for artificial lighting intensive imaging light available, as these cameras have helpe

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