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Comparación entre el arte visual y la literatura; la adaptación de Orson Welles de El proceso de F. Kafka como ejemplo
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Este estudio muestra una relación comparativa entre literatura y arte, concretamente entre las artes visuales (pintura y cine) y la literatura. Dicho estudio se puede clasificar dentro de los estudios actuales de literatura comparada. El interés por la cuestión viene por la problemática relación entre las dos artes, que tiene una larga tradición que se extiende desde el Ars poetica de Aristóteles hasta la aparición del vanguardismo en el siglo XX. La relación se presenta a través de los colores de las pinturas y los sonidos de las palabras. A los pintores de iconos se les conocía como iconógrafos porque se les consideraba más escritores que pintores. El icono era en realidad un texto escrito en imágenes. Es decir, la palabra que enuncia o relata y la imagen que representa configuran la base primaria y primordial para interpretar y descifrar el significado de cualquier actividad u obra artística. El estudio hace una revisión sobre la teoría clásica de la imagen poética que es la base fundamental de la relación entre la imagen y palabra. En este estudio se intenta reconocer el lugar que ocupa la relación interartística en literatura comparada, después se muestra un ejercicio simple de literatura comparada aplicado a la novela alemana El proceso de Franz Kafka y a la adaptación cinematográfica del director americano Orson Welles. Con esto se pretende hacer una analogía entre lo escrito y lo visual.


This study shows a comparative relation between art and literature, particularly between the visual arts (drawing and Cinema) and the literature, this study can be classified within the current studies of the comparative literature. Paying attention on this topic comes from the problematic relation between these arts which have a long imitation extend from the classical theory of the Aristotle poetical art until the appearance of The avant-garde Artistic and literary movement at the twentieth century, this relation which is  between the colors, the drawings, and the words sounds, the icons painters they were called icons writers because they are writers more than being painters, in reality the icon was a written text written in the picture, the word was commenting and narrating while the picture is presenting and they are both compose the basic base in reading and interpreting any activity or any artistic work. In this study, we tried to reconsider the classical theory of the poetical art which is considered as the basic base of the relation development between the image and the word in the present time and knowing the place that the artistic art in the comparative literature and doing a simple practice of the comparative literature, applied on the practical Germany novel of the playwright (Kafka) and the film’s Quotation of the American playwright (Orson Welles) to extract the difference between what is written and what is visual.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Analytical Approaches between New Media and Traditional Media
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The research deals with an analytical approach between new media and traditional one in the light of the changes imposed by technology, which has been able to change a number of common concepts in the field of communication and media. The researcher tries to find an analytical explanation of the relationship between technology by being an influential factor in building the information society, which is the basis of new media, and the technical output that influenced the forms of social relations and linguistic construction as a human communication tool. The research deals with an analytical approach between new media and traditional one in the light of the changes imposed by technology, which has been able to change a number of comm

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Emergency of Edge city between Regeneration and Acclimatization Urban
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           In the nineteenth century, a new type of cities appeared, known as new cities located on the edges of major cities, and these cities began to  decentralization, urban studies turned to this type of cities to find out the most important reasons for the emergence of new cities and find out what those cities will become . Therefore, we will discuss in this research how the urban emergence of these cities (edge cities) occurs, so the research formulates its problem : The need to know the stages that edge cities go through, ending with their emergence, and the mechanisms that cities take within their context  ( regeneration or adaptation ), Assuming that edge cities are a

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Medea Euripides between text and contemporary theatrical presentation
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It is not available for us to go back in time and see plays old and it plays giants tragedy ancient Greek (Aeschylus, Sofokls, and yourbedes) through the eyes of a generation ago, and if we were able to go back to Ntegathm play it is certain that we will not taste or Nstassig for much of what we see from these offers will not afford the traditional religious rituals, which was accompanied also dance and music in the style of ancient Greek play was representing a large part of the theater see manifestations Can our eyes and ears we twentieth century audience to accept those appearances, and it was then?
Inevitably it will look like a museum bycollection not only. So we find ourselves in the light of the foregoing forced When you do rem

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The majority of statisticians, if not most of them, are primarily concerned with the theoretical aspects of their field of work rather than their application to the practical aspects. Its importance as well as its direct impact on the development of various sciences. Although the theoretical aspect is the first and decisive basis in determining the degree of accuracy of any research work, we always emphasize the importance of the applied aspects that are clear to everyone, as well as its direct impact on the development of different sciences. The measurements of public opinion is one of the most important aspects of the application of statistics, which has taken today, a global resonance and has become a global language that everyone can

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 02 2009
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
العلوم السياسية بين الطرح النظري والبعد العملي
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العلوم السياسية بين الطرح النظري والبعد العملي

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 11 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Conflict and Integration between New and Traditional Media
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The new media scene reveals that the unprecedented overlap of a number of technical, economic, and political factors has made the new media a very complicated issue; and the focus of specialized and public debates about its impact on traditional means of communication and forms of social media and social relations. Then, the same scene discloses the reality of the relationship between the new and the traditional. These are the axes that will be will be discussed in this study.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Sacrament of Baptism among Christian Denominations Descriptive Study
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Christianity has rituals and rituals to be carried out, and can not be abandoned, and they see that the sacred statutes ordered by Christ () his followers, including: (the mystery of baptism between Christian denominations, descriptive study) A Christian is to be baptized as the seal of faith, as evidenced by the Bible in the words of Jesus to His disciples.
Baptism takes place in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This makes them Christian through the practice of this obligatory man enters the Church, represented by the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ according to their belief. And every person who has received the sacrament of baptism remains a Christian until death, in the light of what they see.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2006
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
جدلية العلاقة بين الديمقراطية - المواطنة والمجتمع المدني
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جدلية العلاقة بين الديمقراطية - المواطنة والمجتمع المدني

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التشوهات التشوهات الخلقية للأجنة بين الماضي والحاضر
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Muslim doctors have long spared no effort in diagnosing the various embryonic diseases that have afflicted the fetus since its early days in his mother's womb. The most important of these

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
التنمية المكانية ... بين العدالة الاجتماعية والكفاءة الوظيفية.
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