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Comparación entre el arte visual y la literatura; la adaptación de Orson Welles de El proceso de F. Kafka como ejemplo
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Este estudio muestra una relación comparativa entre literatura y arte, concretamente entre las artes visuales (pintura y cine) y la literatura. Dicho estudio se puede clasificar dentro de los estudios actuales de literatura comparada. El interés por la cuestión viene por la problemática relación entre las dos artes, que tiene una larga tradición que se extiende desde el Ars poetica de Aristóteles hasta la aparición del vanguardismo en el siglo XX. La relación se presenta a través de los colores de las pinturas y los sonidos de las palabras. A los pintores de iconos se les conocía como iconógrafos porque se les consideraba más escritores que pintores. El icono era en realidad un texto escrito en imágenes. Es decir, la palabra que enuncia o relata y la imagen que representa configuran la base primaria y primordial para interpretar y descifrar el significado de cualquier actividad u obra artística. El estudio hace una revisión sobre la teoría clásica de la imagen poética que es la base fundamental de la relación entre la imagen y palabra. En este estudio se intenta reconocer el lugar que ocupa la relación interartística en literatura comparada, después se muestra un ejercicio simple de literatura comparada aplicado a la novela alemana El proceso de Franz Kafka y a la adaptación cinematográfica del director americano Orson Welles. Con esto se pretende hacer una analogía entre lo escrito y lo visual.


This study shows a comparative relation between art and literature, particularly between the visual arts (drawing and Cinema) and the literature, this study can be classified within the current studies of the comparative literature. Paying attention on this topic comes from the problematic relation between these arts which have a long imitation extend from the classical theory of the Aristotle poetical art until the appearance of The avant-garde Artistic and literary movement at the twentieth century, this relation which is  between the colors, the drawings, and the words sounds, the icons painters they were called icons writers because they are writers more than being painters, in reality the icon was a written text written in the picture, the word was commenting and narrating while the picture is presenting and they are both compose the basic base in reading and interpreting any activity or any artistic work. In this study, we tried to reconsider the classical theory of the poetical art which is considered as the basic base of the relation development between the image and the word in the present time and knowing the place that the artistic art in the comparative literature and doing a simple practice of the comparative literature, applied on the practical Germany novel of the playwright (Kafka) and the film’s Quotation of the American playwright (Orson Welles) to extract the difference between what is written and what is visual.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 12 2024
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الكوت الجامعة للعلوم الانسانية
التنظيم القانوني للشرط المانع من التأجير (دراسة مقارنة)
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الشرط المانع من التأجير هو عبارة عن قيد اتفاقي يرد في عقد الإيجار مقتضاه تقييد حرية المستأجر من التصرف في حقه بالإيجار من الباطن أو التنازل عن الإيجار إلا بموافقة المؤجر.وهو بذلك قيد إرادي يرد على حرية المستأجر في التصرف بحقه الناشئ عن عقد الإيجار استثناءً من الأصل العام، وهذا الشرط أما ان يرد على منع المستأجر من التنازل عن الإيجار إلى الغير أو الإيجار إلى الغير من الباطن أو كلا الحالتين، وهو أما أن يظهر بصورة

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 14 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
استخلاص وتنقية انزيم الكايتنيز من بكتريا Bacillus sp
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تم الحصول على 4 عزلات من بكتريا Bacillus sp ودرست قدرتها على انتاج الكايتنيز حيث اظهرت نتائج الغربلة الكمية ان العزلة Bacillu sp A3 هي الاغزر انتاجا وبلغت الفعالية النوعية 3.8وحده/ملغم بروتين.

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Publication Date
Wed May 24 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Analyzing the likeness of fundamentalists and examples of its jurisprudential applications
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The new events in every era are endless, and it is not required of the legal texts to pursue each event by itself and attach to it its ruling.
At the same time, every event or action must have a Shari’a ruling according to the wise Lawgiver, and our scholars have noted this in every event presented to them. ...etc.
It is well known that reaching the legal ruling on a matter, by examining the detailed evidence, is subject to following the path of the rules and regulations specific to the overall evidence, which we organize on the basis of the principles of jurisprudence.
Therefore, any disagreement about the manner or content of these rules will have an impact on the difference of jurists in partial issues, when examining the d

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Two side properties of EWMA control panels unilaterally
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This study, establishes two stochastic monotonicity results concerning the run length of an upper one –sided Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) control charts, based on the logarithm of the sample variance, for monitoring a process standard deviation, these properties cast interesting light on the control chart performance, and their extension to other one –sided EWMA control charts.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Removal of Amoxicillin from Water by Adsorption on Water Treatment Residues
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The presence of residual antibiotics in water results in the development of antibiotics resistant genes. The available wastewater treatment systems are not capable of removing such antibiotics from sewage. Thus, antibiotics need to be removed before the discharge of wastewater. Adsorption is among the promising techniques for the wastewater treatment to aid the removal of a wide range of organic and inorganic pollutants. The present work is a contribution to the search for an economical method for the removal of low concentrations of amoxicillin (AMX) from water by adsorption on water treatment residue, WTR, taken from a local drinking water facility. The chemical composition and the adsorptive characteristics of the material were first

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
دراسات في التاريخ والاثار
unpublished cuneiform texts from the Iraqi Museum (confiscation)
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The research included studying a group of eight cuneiform texts dating back to the Old Babylonian era, specifically to the reign of King Larsa Rim-Sin, which were identified through studying the historical versions of these texts. These texts are confiscated, i.e. texts of unknown location, because they did not come through excavations, but rather came to the Iraqi Museum either by people who obtained them through digging, or stolen and smuggled texts that are retrieved by the General Authority for Antiquities; as is the case with our texts that were found smuggled to Jordan and were retrieved by the General Authority for Antiquities.

Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
دراسات في التاريخ والاثار
نصوص اقتصادية غير منشورة من العصر البابلي القديم
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تعد النصوص المسمارية من اهم الوثائق التي رفدتنا بمعلومات غزيرة عن واقع الحياة اليومية في العصر البابلي القديم المتميز بتطور النشاط الاقتصادي فيه وازدهاره. وتضمن هذا البحث دراسة وتحليل لخمسة نصوص مسمارية اقتصادية غير منشورة وهي من نصوص المتحف العراقي (المصادرة) المجهولة الموقع والمصدر وهي ذات مضامين اقتصادية , ولم نستطع اثبات عائدية النصوص وذلك لانها لاتحمل صيغ تاريخية تشير الى عائدتيها باستثناء النص الا

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Free Convection in an Inclined Concentric Annular Square Cavities Filled With Porous Medium and Heated By Non-Uniform Temperature
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A numerical study of the two-dimensional steady free convection flow in an inclined annulus between two concentric square cavities filled with a porous medium is presented in this paper for the case when the side outer walls are kept with differentially heated temperature while the horizontal outer walls and the inner walls are insulated. The heated wall is assumed to have spatial sinusoidal temperature variation about a constant mean value. The Darcy model is used and the fluid is assumed to be a standard Boussinesq fluid. For the Cartesian coordinate system, the governing equations which were used in stream function form are discretized by using the finite difference method with successive under – relaxation method (SUR) and are solv

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of a Kinematic Neural Controller for Mobile Robots based on Enhanced Hybrid Firefly-Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
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The paper present design of a control structure that enables integration of a Kinematic neural controller for trajectory tracking of a nonholonomic differential two wheeled mobile robot, then  proposes a Kinematic neural controller to direct a National Instrument mobile robot (NI Mobile Robot). The controller is to make the actual velocity of the wheeled mobile robot close the required velocity by guarantees that the trajectory tracking mean squire error converges at minimum tracking error. The proposed tracking control system consists of two layers; The first layer is a multi-layer perceptron neural network system that controls the mobile robot to track the required path , The second layer is an optimization layer ,which is impleme

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Tapered Splicing Points SMF-PCF-SMF Structure based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer for Enhanced Refractive Index Sensing
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Photonic crystal fiber interferometers (PCFIs) are widely used for sensing applications. This work presented solid core-PCFs based on Mach-Zehnder modal interferometer for sensing refractive index. The general structure of sensor was applied by splicing short lengths of PCF in both sides with conventional single mode fiber (SMF-28).To apply modal interferometer theory collapsing technique based on fusion splicing used to excite higher order modes (LP01 and LP11). A high sensitive optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) was used to monitor and record the transmitted wavelength. This work studied a Mach-Zahnder interferometer refractive index sensor based on splicing point tapered SMF-PCF-SMF. Relation between refractive index sensitivity and tape

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