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תאור השטטל ביצירות סופרים עבריים מאת עוזר לפרופ. עדנאן שביב ג'אסם Description of Shtetl in Works of Hebrew writers
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מחקר זה עוסק בנושא (העיירה היהודית) שטטל ביצירותיהם של שני סופרים עבריים שהתמקדו בביקורת בשטטל. וזה נחשב להגבלה או למכשול לפיתוחם של היהודים, אז זה התרחש ביצירותיהם והם נתנו תשומת לב רבה לזה –לפי דעתם- גם זה נחשב להיבט בהיסטוריה והחיים של היהודים באירופה.

 סופרים עבריים רבים התעסקו בנושא השטטל שנהיתה לחומר ביצירותיהם. גם כן נהיתה אצל כמה מהם לשאלה חשובה, כי אם  אנו מוצאים שיצירותיהם לא נטשו את האזכור של השטטל. דבר זה צפוי למצב הפרנסה הקשה שעמד בפני היהודים בשטטלים, ובגלל המדיניות שנתנהגו על ידי הממשלים האירופיים תוך כדי לרסן את העושר והשתלטותם של היהודים על הכלכלה של אותן מדינות. דבר זה הוביל לחולשת האפשרויות הכלכליות של היהודים שהביא אותם לבורות ולסיבה הזאת הופיעו התנועות הפוליטיות כמו הציונות, תנועות התחיה הלאומית, הדתיות והתרבותיות במו ההשכלה בתחילתה. 

שלום עליכם תיאר את השטטל בסיפורים רבים מסיפוריו, הוא תיאר את מצבה ומצב האוכלוסיה היהודית שחיה בה במיוחד העשירים שתיארם בצורה מצחיקה וסטירית. שלום עליכם היה משתמש בשמות וירטואליים לשטטלים וגם לאוכלוסיה.

 סיפוריו של ברדישבסקי התענינו ביחיד המורד על המסורת בשטטל, כנושא מרכזי כמו שמצאנו בסיפוריו, סיפורים אלה עסקו במציאות השטטל ומצב היהודים איפה חיים. הוא הותאם עם שלום עליכם בשאלת הצגת המציאות היהודית בשטטלים ובכפרים היהודים, אף על פי השתנות השיטה אלא שהמטרה היא אחת, שהיא הצגת המציאות היהודית ותיאורו בטרגי לגמרי.

מההשוואה בין שני הסופרים מתברר שהשנים עסקו 


This research deals with the subject of Shtetl (Jewish town) in the works of some Hebrew writers who focused on the criticism of this Shtetl and considered a restriction or an obstacle in front of the development of the Jews. Therefore It took space in their works and gave it great attention to it-by their point of view- considered an important part in the history and life of Jews in Europe.

Many Hebrew writers took Shtetl and was subject of their works, and has been formed the important issue, we find their works didn’t abandoned mention of Shtetl. It is likely to the living situation, which was difficult that Jews faced in these Shtetls, because the policies of European governments to reduce their wealth,  and control on the economic affairs in those countries. This affair led to the weakness of the Jew’s abilities, which led them to ignorance and illiteracy. These situations bring to appearance the political movements such as Zionism and nationalism movements, also the religious like Hasidic, and the cultural like Haskalah.

Sholem Aleichem described Shtetl by many stories and the situation of Jews in these Shtetls. He talked about the economic situation of the population Jews in these Shtetls sociality the riches that he described them with irony and satire. Sholem Aleichem named the Shtetls and their peoples with virtual names.

Berdyczewski’s stories took the recalcitrant Jew person upon Shtetl’s traditions as a central subject such as we find this issue in his stories. These stories deals with the reality of Shtetl and Jews situation where they lived. Berdyczewski’s coincided with Sholem Aleichem to view the Jewish reality in the Jewish towns, villages and Shtetls. In spite of different of the style, but the target is one to review the Jewish reality and imaging it as a tragic.

Through comparative between two writers, become clear that they dealing with Shtetl as they think. So Berdyczewski focused on the salt and destructive reality in Shtetl. Sholem Aleichem focused on the ideology, culture and economic sides. He criticized the illiterate community whose had been grasped traditions.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
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Political Sciences Journal
The problem of political change in Algeria
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The article aims to study the crisis of political change  from three Phases . The first focuses on the crises of political legitimacy and democratic postponement, as fundamental issues in analyzing the phenomenon of power struggle through the dialectic between the concept of historical legitimacy and institutional fragility from the beginning of statehood in 1962 to the stage of multi-partyism and the cessation of the electoral process in the 1990s. While the second focuses on the question of the monopoly of power in the post-terrorism and national reconciliation according to considerations  Political, social and security measures to prolong the life of the regime and avoid the demands of political change brought about

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Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of Medication Errors in Hospitalized Patients
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Objectives: Many medication errors occur in the hospital, and these can endanger patients. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence of medication errors in hospitalized patients, and to categorize the most frequent types of errors, and to asses the possible measures that may prevent the occurrence of such errors.
Methods: A prospective, exploratory, and evaluative study, using direct observation method to detect medication errors in adult hospitalized patients in medical and surgical units in Baquba Teaching Hospital- Diyala-Iraq.. The files of 299 patients had been reviewed from July 2009 to September 2009, including medication orders and treatment sheets to detect existing errors. The detected errors were recorded and

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Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Cubic ideals of semigroup in KU-algebra
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Abstract<p>In this work, we study of the concept of a cubic set of a semigroup in KU-algebra. Firstly, we study a cubic sub KU-semigroup and achieve some results in this notion. And then, we get a relation between a cubic sub KU-semi group and a level set of a cubic set. Moreover, we define some cubic ideals of this structure and we found relationships between these ideals.</p><p>2010 AMS Classification. 08A72, 03G25, 06F35</p>
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Environment Asia 14(1) 2021 13-22
Synoptic analysis of dust storm in Iraq
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In this study, the synoptic analysis of dust storm for spring and summertime in Iraq were investigated. The images for dust provided by NASA are used to emphasize the dust storm days, while the composite maps of wind vector and geopotential 850hPa are mapped to investigate the pressure and wind direction patterns appearing with the dust condition in the same days. Spring has more dust frequency than summertime, especially in May. The frontal type of dust storm is dominant on spring, the cold air pushes the warm air that picking up the sand to the air through the vertical wind, but the southwestern high-speed wind and drought condition were controlled on the dust in summer. The northwestern wind is the main factor that carries the dust for l

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
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Baghdad Science Journal
Some Types of Mappings in Bitopological Spaces
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            This work, introduces some concepts in bitopological spaces, which are nm-j-ω-converges to a subset, nm-j-ω-directed toward a set, nm-j-ω-closed mappings, nm-j-ω-rigid set, and nm-j-ω-continuous mappings. The mainline idea in this paper is nm-j-ω-perfect mappings in bitopological spaces such that n = 1,2  and m =1,2 n m. Characterizations concerning these concepts and several theorems are studied, where j = q , δ, a , pre, b, b.


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Proceedings Of The International Conference On Intelligent Science And Technology
The nature of intelligent system in buildings
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Sun Jan 30 2022
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Magna Scientia Advanced Research And Reviews
Application of Nanoparticle in the Veterinary Medicine
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Nanotechnology is a modern and developed technology, which have great importance in many fields of medicine (diagnosis and treatment). Also, it used to prevent and solve many problems related to animal production and health. The Nanosystems are including metallic nanoparticles, liposomes, polymeric Nanospheres, polymeric micelles, carbon nanotubes, functionalized fullerenes, polymer-coated Nanocrystals, dendrimers and Nanoshells. Our review showed a details classification of nanoparticles and their uses. Nanoparticles have several features depended on the size, colossal surface. The development of antibiotics nanoparticle is very important and has an excellent impact in treating bacterial infections wherever the antibiotics nanopar

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Sun Feb 01 2015
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Journal Of Engineering
Planning of Distribution Networks in Baghdad City
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Planning of electrical distribution networks is considered of highest priority at the present time in Iraq, due to the huge increase in electrical demand and expansions imposed on distribution networks as a result of the great and rapid urban development.

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Mon Jan 08 2024
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Mechanisms of creative action in print design
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Wed Sep 30 2015
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