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תאור השטטל ביצירות סופרים עבריים מאת עוזר לפרופ. עדנאן שביב ג'אסם Description of Shtetl in Works of Hebrew writers
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מחקר זה עוסק בנושא (העיירה היהודית) שטטל ביצירותיהם של שני סופרים עבריים שהתמקדו בביקורת בשטטל. וזה נחשב להגבלה או למכשול לפיתוחם של היהודים, אז זה התרחש ביצירותיהם והם נתנו תשומת לב רבה לזה –לפי דעתם- גם זה נחשב להיבט בהיסטוריה והחיים של היהודים באירופה.

 סופרים עבריים רבים התעסקו בנושא השטטל שנהיתה לחומר ביצירותיהם. גם כן נהיתה אצל כמה מהם לשאלה חשובה, כי אם  אנו מוצאים שיצירותיהם לא נטשו את האזכור של השטטל. דבר זה צפוי למצב הפרנסה הקשה שעמד בפני היהודים בשטטלים, ובגלל המדיניות שנתנהגו על ידי הממשלים האירופיים תוך כדי לרסן את העושר והשתלטותם של היהודים על הכלכלה של אותן מדינות. דבר זה הוביל לחולשת האפשרויות הכלכליות של היהודים שהביא אותם לבורות ולסיבה הזאת הופיעו התנועות הפוליטיות כמו הציונות, תנועות התחיה הלאומית, הדתיות והתרבותיות במו ההשכלה בתחילתה. 

שלום עליכם תיאר את השטטל בסיפורים רבים מסיפוריו, הוא תיאר את מצבה ומצב האוכלוסיה היהודית שחיה בה במיוחד העשירים שתיארם בצורה מצחיקה וסטירית. שלום עליכם היה משתמש בשמות וירטואליים לשטטלים וגם לאוכלוסיה.

 סיפוריו של ברדישבסקי התענינו ביחיד המורד על המסורת בשטטל, כנושא מרכזי כמו שמצאנו בסיפוריו, סיפורים אלה עסקו במציאות השטטל ומצב היהודים איפה חיים. הוא הותאם עם שלום עליכם בשאלת הצגת המציאות היהודית בשטטלים ובכפרים היהודים, אף על פי השתנות השיטה אלא שהמטרה היא אחת, שהיא הצגת המציאות היהודית ותיאורו בטרגי לגמרי.

מההשוואה בין שני הסופרים מתברר שהשנים עסקו 


This research deals with the subject of Shtetl (Jewish town) in the works of some Hebrew writers who focused on the criticism of this Shtetl and considered a restriction or an obstacle in front of the development of the Jews. Therefore It took space in their works and gave it great attention to it-by their point of view- considered an important part in the history and life of Jews in Europe.

Many Hebrew writers took Shtetl and was subject of their works, and has been formed the important issue, we find their works didn’t abandoned mention of Shtetl. It is likely to the living situation, which was difficult that Jews faced in these Shtetls, because the policies of European governments to reduce their wealth,  and control on the economic affairs in those countries. This affair led to the weakness of the Jew’s abilities, which led them to ignorance and illiteracy. These situations bring to appearance the political movements such as Zionism and nationalism movements, also the religious like Hasidic, and the cultural like Haskalah.

Sholem Aleichem described Shtetl by many stories and the situation of Jews in these Shtetls. He talked about the economic situation of the population Jews in these Shtetls sociality the riches that he described them with irony and satire. Sholem Aleichem named the Shtetls and their peoples with virtual names.

Berdyczewski’s stories took the recalcitrant Jew person upon Shtetl’s traditions as a central subject such as we find this issue in his stories. These stories deals with the reality of Shtetl and Jews situation where they lived. Berdyczewski’s coincided with Sholem Aleichem to view the Jewish reality in the Jewish towns, villages and Shtetls. In spite of different of the style, but the target is one to review the Jewish reality and imaging it as a tragic.

Through comparative between two writers, become clear that they dealing with Shtetl as they think. So Berdyczewski focused on the salt and destructive reality in Shtetl. Sholem Aleichem focused on the ideology, culture and economic sides. He criticized the illiterate community whose had been grasped traditions.

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Wed Jul 01 2020
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Biochemical And Cellular Archives
Histopathological changes in liver induced by piroxicam administration in adult male albino mice mus musculus
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Sat Jun 30 2007
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Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Trace Elements in Serum and Seminal Plasma and Their Relationship to Infertility in Iraqi Males
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Background: Environmental chemicals are thought to
adversely affect human reproductive function.
Objective : To estimate the concentration of cadmium(Cd)
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among infertile men .
Methods: A sample of 70 infertile men was investigated.
The relationship of trace elements concentration in serum and
seminal plasma was studied in relation to sperm density,
motility and sperm count.
Results: Except for Zinc the concentration of (Pb) and (Cd)
were generally higher in serum than in seminal plasma. The
mean concentration of (Zn) in seminal plasma was more than
25 times higher than in serum There were no statistical
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Fri Mar 21 2025
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Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
BAX In situ hybridization and proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunohistochemical expressions in salivary gland tumours
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Mon Mar 07 2022
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Insights into developing curricula in mass communication departments and colleges in public and private universities
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Technology developed at very rapid paces in the last decade of the twentieth century and what followed, especially communication technology, as the World Wide Web appeared in the mid-nineties of the last century, Facebook in 2004 and 2006, the mobile phone, 1993, 1994, and social networking sites. The other. These technological developments have had an impact on societies, whether among individuals in one country or among different peoples. The citizen in any part of the world has become a journalist who practices the work of a specialized or professional journalist, even if he does not know how to read and write, or has a low level of education, as he can now transmit events from wherever he is to the world, through his personal page, or v

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Sat Dec 02 2023
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Journal Of Engineering
Empirical Study for Capturing and Allocating Significant Risk Factors in School Construction Projects in Iraq
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In Iraq, more than 1031 school projects have been halted due to disputes and claims resulting from financial, contractual, or other issues. This research aims to identify, prioritize, and allocate the most critical risk factors that threaten these projects’ success for the duration (2017-2022). Based on a multi-step methodology developed through systematic literature reviews, realistic case studies, and semi-structured interviews, 47 risk factors were identified. Based on 153 verified responses, the survey reveals that the top-ranked risk factors are corruption and bribery, delaying the payments of the financial dues to the contractors or sub-contractors, absence of risk management strategy, multiple change orders due

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Tue Sep 01 2020
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Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Study on Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics in Subcooled Flow Boiling in a Microchannel
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The current study presents an experimental investigation of heat transfer and flow characteristic for subcooled flow boiling of deionized water in the microchannel heat sink. The test section consisted of a single microchannel having 300μm wide nominal dimensions and 300μm height (hydraulic diameter of 300μm). The test section formed of oxygen-free copper with 72mm length and 12mm width. Experimental operation conditions spanned the heat flux (78-800) kW/m2, mass flux (1700 and 2100) kg/m2.s at 31˚C subcooled inlet temperature. The boiling heat transfer coefficient is measured and compared with existing correlations. Also, the experimental pressure drop is measured and compared with microscale p

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Thu Sep 22 2022
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Veterinary Medicine International
Mentha piperita Oil Exerts an Antiepileptic Effect in Pilocarpine and Pentylenetetrazol-Induced Seizures in Mice
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Introduction. Epilepsy is a progressive, chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) (MP) is one of the most commonly ingested herbal teas or tisanes with a single component. Aim. We aimed to assess the potential antiepileptic and neuroprotective features of MP essential oil (MPO) in pilocarpine (P) and pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) models of epilepsy. Methods. The study used eight groups of mice to assess the anticonvulsant activity of MPO in both the P and PTZ acute models in mice. P (350 mg/kg, i.p.) was given 30 minutes after MPO (1.6, 3.2, and 6.4 ml/kg, i.p.). As a positive control group, diazepam (1 mg/kg, i.p) was used. PTZ (95 mg/kg, i.p.) was given 30 minutes after M

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What Bukhari shortened to a bug in its attribution: (Applied study in the correct mosque)
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This study aims to show some of Imam Al-Bukhari's criticism of the Hadith from the Metn side, and part of his methodology in dealing with the correct hadiths that are tainted by a bug. This research focuses on what Imam Al-Bukhari summarized in his Sahih illusion of the narrator in his attribution, or uniqueness of the narrator, or to suggest a novel. We find that Bukhari sometimes abbreviates the hadeeth, and does not bring it out completely in his Sahih. He is satisfied with the abbreviated position but has done so because of a bug in it. The Bukhari usually does not declare his intention but knows this through tracking, inspection, and research of the correct hadiths.

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Thu Mar 01 2012
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Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Risk Analysis in Group Life Insurance: An Applied Research in the General Iraqi Insurance Company
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Insurance actions has become a task of the vital foundations on    which the international economy depends, where its presence helped in the development of economic resources in which human resource is considered the most important of these resources. Insurance companies play the biggest role in protecting this resource and minimizing the impact of the dangers that verify this condition.Human has worked hard to get rid of the dangers and its harm, and to devise many ways to prevent them. A risk management is considered within human’s creations in order to create a society with fewer negative risks impacts.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
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Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Personality Types in relation to dental caries and salivary testosterone among teachers in Baghdad city
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Background: Personality could be defined broadly as those characteristics of individuals that describe the pattern of feeling, cognition and behaving. Personality types can be measured by using one of personality type’s measures. Personality has been proposed to influence the oral health. The purpose of the present study was to assess the influence of Personality Types on caries experience in relation to salivary testosterone hormone among teachers in Baghdad city. Materials and Methods: Female teachers (n=534) of randomly selected schools were subjected to personality questionnaire using The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator. Teachers were examined to estimate the caries experience according to the decayed-missing and filled i

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