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תאור השטטל ביצירות סופרים עבריים מאת עוזר לפרופ. עדנאן שביב ג'אסם Description of Shtetl in Works of Hebrew writers
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מחקר זה עוסק בנושא (העיירה היהודית) שטטל ביצירותיהם של שני סופרים עבריים שהתמקדו בביקורת בשטטל. וזה נחשב להגבלה או למכשול לפיתוחם של היהודים, אז זה התרחש ביצירותיהם והם נתנו תשומת לב רבה לזה –לפי דעתם- גם זה נחשב להיבט בהיסטוריה והחיים של היהודים באירופה.

 סופרים עבריים רבים התעסקו בנושא השטטל שנהיתה לחומר ביצירותיהם. גם כן נהיתה אצל כמה מהם לשאלה חשובה, כי אם  אנו מוצאים שיצירותיהם לא נטשו את האזכור של השטטל. דבר זה צפוי למצב הפרנסה הקשה שעמד בפני היהודים בשטטלים, ובגלל המדיניות שנתנהגו על ידי הממשלים האירופיים תוך כדי לרסן את העושר והשתלטותם של היהודים על הכלכלה של אותן מדינות. דבר זה הוביל לחולשת האפשרויות הכלכליות של היהודים שהביא אותם לבורות ולסיבה הזאת הופיעו התנועות הפוליטיות כמו הציונות, תנועות התחיה הלאומית, הדתיות והתרבותיות במו ההשכלה בתחילתה. 

שלום עליכם תיאר את השטטל בסיפורים רבים מסיפוריו, הוא תיאר את מצבה ומצב האוכלוסיה היהודית שחיה בה במיוחד העשירים שתיארם בצורה מצחיקה וסטירית. שלום עליכם היה משתמש בשמות וירטואליים לשטטלים וגם לאוכלוסיה.

 סיפוריו של ברדישבסקי התענינו ביחיד המורד על המסורת בשטטל, כנושא מרכזי כמו שמצאנו בסיפוריו, סיפורים אלה עסקו במציאות השטטל ומצב היהודים איפה חיים. הוא הותאם עם שלום עליכם בשאלת הצגת המציאות היהודית בשטטלים ובכפרים היהודים, אף על פי השתנות השיטה אלא שהמטרה היא אחת, שהיא הצגת המציאות היהודית ותיאורו בטרגי לגמרי.

מההשוואה בין שני הסופרים מתברר שהשנים עסקו 


This research deals with the subject of Shtetl (Jewish town) in the works of some Hebrew writers who focused on the criticism of this Shtetl and considered a restriction or an obstacle in front of the development of the Jews. Therefore It took space in their works and gave it great attention to it-by their point of view- considered an important part in the history and life of Jews in Europe.

Many Hebrew writers took Shtetl and was subject of their works, and has been formed the important issue, we find their works didn’t abandoned mention of Shtetl. It is likely to the living situation, which was difficult that Jews faced in these Shtetls, because the policies of European governments to reduce their wealth,  and control on the economic affairs in those countries. This affair led to the weakness of the Jew’s abilities, which led them to ignorance and illiteracy. These situations bring to appearance the political movements such as Zionism and nationalism movements, also the religious like Hasidic, and the cultural like Haskalah.

Sholem Aleichem described Shtetl by many stories and the situation of Jews in these Shtetls. He talked about the economic situation of the population Jews in these Shtetls sociality the riches that he described them with irony and satire. Sholem Aleichem named the Shtetls and their peoples with virtual names.

Berdyczewski’s stories took the recalcitrant Jew person upon Shtetl’s traditions as a central subject such as we find this issue in his stories. These stories deals with the reality of Shtetl and Jews situation where they lived. Berdyczewski’s coincided with Sholem Aleichem to view the Jewish reality in the Jewish towns, villages and Shtetls. In spite of different of the style, but the target is one to review the Jewish reality and imaging it as a tragic.

Through comparative between two writers, become clear that they dealing with Shtetl as they think. So Berdyczewski focused on the salt and destructive reality in Shtetl. Sholem Aleichem focused on the ideology, culture and economic sides. He criticized the illiterate community whose had been grasped traditions.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Banking Liberalization and its impact on Attracting Customers: applied research in a sample of Iraqi banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The research aims to shed light on banking liberalization and explain its impact on attracting customers, especially since Iraq adopted this policy after (2003) due to the changes that occurred, as the Central Bank of Iraq granted flexibility to banks in setting the interest rate on deposits and loans as well as allowing the entry of foreign banks in the local environment. The research relied on the analytical method for the dimensions of banking liberalization represented by (liberating interest rates, liberating credit, legal reserve requirements, entering foreign banks, privatization) as well as the factors affecting the attraction of customers, and a number of Iraqi banks listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange were selected as a

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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Property ownership and its implications for urban development The Case study (the development project of the Rashid camp for housing in Baghdad)
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        Of the importance of the concept of ownership of real estate as the basic basis from which various projects are launched in various economic, tourism, and urban areas .... The need to research the diagnosis of real estate reality went astray in the difficulties, which played a decisive role in the process of urban development.


 This leads us to the research problem of the difficulty of implementing urban development plans in many cases due to the absence of a clear methodology for organizing and modernizing the ownership of real estate and its coordination with the management of urban land and to achieve the objective

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Beta angle in a sample of Iraqi adults with Class I skeletal and dental relations and its correlation with other craniofacial measurements
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Background: This study aimed to determine the value of Beta angle for a sample of Iraqi adults with class I skeletal and dental relations and to verify the existence of sexual dimorphism and to find out the relation between this angle and other craniofacial measurements. Materials and Methods: Sixty dental students (23 males and 37 females) with an age ranged between 20-31 years old and having class I skeletal and dental relations were chosen for this study. Each student was subjected to clinical examination and digital true lateral cephalometric radiograph. The radiographs were analyzed using AutoCAD 2007 computer program to measure the angular and linear variables. Descriptive statistics were obtained for the measurements for both genders

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 12 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prepare rules spatial data for soils and the Calculation of an Area in Iraq for Industrial Purposes using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      The process of soil classification in Iraq for industrial purposes is important topics that need to be extensive and specialized studies. In order for the advancement of reality service and industrial in our dear country, that a lot of scientific research touched upon the soil classification in the agricultural, commercial and other fields. No source and research can be found that touched upon the classification of land for industrial purposes directly. In this research specialized programs have been used such as geographic information system software The geographical information system permits the study of local distribution of phenomena, activities and the aims that can be determined in the loca

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Neuroprotective Effect of Vinpocetine against Lead Acetate-Instigated Neurotoxicity in Rats by Evaluation Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha, Interleukin-1Beta and Interleukin-10
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Lead toxicity elicits neurological damage which is a well-known disorder that has been considered to be a major cause for multiple condition such as behavioral defect; mental retardation; and nerve insufficient activity.

This research is designed to estimate potential protective effect of vinpocetine on neurotoxicity stimulated by lead acetate in rats.

Eighteen adult rats of both sexes were randomly enrolled into three groups. Each group includes 6 rats as followings: Group I- Rats were given 0.3ml normal saline solution orally; then intraperitoneal injection of 100μl of the normal saline was given 1h later; this group was considered as control. Group II- Rats were given an intraperitoneal injection of 20mg/kg lead acetate

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process FEAHP to Prioritize The Evaluation of The Main and Subsidiary Criteria in B2B Industrial Market Sectors – Applied Research
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The research aims to define the main and subsidiary criteria for evaluating the industrial market sectors and proposing a model for arranging these criteria according to priority and knowing the highest criteria in terms of relative importance in the General Company for Automobile Trade and Machinery, and for the purpose of establishing this model, experiences in the concerned company were approved, and this study proposes a multi-criteria decision model According to the FEAHP, the expanded fuzzy hierarchical analysis method enables the commercial company to develop clear strategic policies on which the company’s management system depends on determining criteria for evaluating and selecting market sectors and making appropriate

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Argumentative Communication in RawdatAl-MuhebbenwaNozhattAl-Mushtaqeen’s Book by Ibn Al-Qayyem: The Foundations and Mechanisms of its Functioning: مريم إبراهيم علي غبان
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This research seeks to unravel the components of the argumentative discourse in the Book ofʻRawdat al-MuhebbeenwaNozhatt al-Mushtaqeenʼ - The Garden of Lovers and the Promenade of Longing People – by Ibn Al-Qayyem Al-Jawziyah. This is because this book has a moderate discourse with a sound Islamic thought that is characterized by its sustainability, popularity, realism, and interaction with the successive developments of the new age. This reflects the intellectual maturity the composing process has reached in the philosophy of love and its educational bases in every place and time. To explore the componets, properties, and the working mechanisms of an argumentative discourse in Ibn Qayyem’s book, the present work has been conducted

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Mustansiriyah Of Sports Science
The Impact of an Educational Curriculum according to the Five-year Learning Cycle on Some Offensive Skills in Basketball for Female Students
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Modern trends have appeared recently in educational thought that call for the achievement of the outcomes of the educational process. Some of these trends are the development of individual thinking skills, considering the individual differences, and learning basic skills. The five-year learning cycle is one of these models. It is called as five-year learning cycle because it passes through five stages. These five stages are: (operate - discover - clarify - expand – Evaluate), which make the learner as the main axis for activating thinking processes. This can be done by organizing study materials through research, investigation, and identifying concepts by himself, as in learning sports skills that depend on motor performance and teamwork,

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 03 2024
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Dental Research
The Impact of Passive Smoking on Salivary Glutathione Peroxidase and Selenium in Relation to Dental Caries Severity among Five Years Old Children
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Background: It had been found that passive smoking may have the same harmful effect as tobacco cigarettes smoking. Aims: This study was conducted to determine the effect of passive smoking on salivary glutathione peroxidase and selenium in relation to dental caries severity. Settings and Design: The sample consisted of 120 children aged 5 years old, classified into four groups according to the number of cigarettes smoked by their fathers daily: Passive smoking children of 5-10 cigarettes, those of 10–15 cigarettes daily, those of 15–20 cigarettes daily and non-passive smoking children of no smokers indoor (the control group). The sample was further classified according to dental caries severity into three groups: mild (DMFS values <4

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
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Directorial Vision and its Relation to Scenographic Proposal in the Iraqi Theater Show- The Play of Darkness -A Model: رامي سامح زكي
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The increase of the scenographic designer role on account of the character of the director in the Iraqi theater constituted a clear phenomenon that has been manifested in many shows, which necessitated a stance on the nature of this relation and delimiting the work space for each one of them inside the theater show. The research focuses on determining the work relation between the directorial vision and the scenographic proposal in the Iraq theater show. The research is divided into four chapters, the first one addressed the methodological framework, where the research problem was stated in the following question (has the scenographic designer been able through his scenographic proposal to remove the director from his position being the

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