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תאור השטטל ביצירות סופרים עבריים מאת עוזר לפרופ. עדנאן שביב ג'אסם Description of Shtetl in Works of Hebrew writers
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מחקר זה עוסק בנושא (העיירה היהודית) שטטל ביצירותיהם של שני סופרים עבריים שהתמקדו בביקורת בשטטל. וזה נחשב להגבלה או למכשול לפיתוחם של היהודים, אז זה התרחש ביצירותיהם והם נתנו תשומת לב רבה לזה –לפי דעתם- גם זה נחשב להיבט בהיסטוריה והחיים של היהודים באירופה.

 סופרים עבריים רבים התעסקו בנושא השטטל שנהיתה לחומר ביצירותיהם. גם כן נהיתה אצל כמה מהם לשאלה חשובה, כי אם  אנו מוצאים שיצירותיהם לא נטשו את האזכור של השטטל. דבר זה צפוי למצב הפרנסה הקשה שעמד בפני היהודים בשטטלים, ובגלל המדיניות שנתנהגו על ידי הממשלים האירופיים תוך כדי לרסן את העושר והשתלטותם של היהודים על הכלכלה של אותן מדינות. דבר זה הוביל לחולשת האפשרויות הכלכליות של היהודים שהביא אותם לבורות ולסיבה הזאת הופיעו התנועות הפוליטיות כמו הציונות, תנועות התחיה הלאומית, הדתיות והתרבותיות במו ההשכלה בתחילתה. 

שלום עליכם תיאר את השטטל בסיפורים רבים מסיפוריו, הוא תיאר את מצבה ומצב האוכלוסיה היהודית שחיה בה במיוחד העשירים שתיארם בצורה מצחיקה וסטירית. שלום עליכם היה משתמש בשמות וירטואליים לשטטלים וגם לאוכלוסיה.

 סיפוריו של ברדישבסקי התענינו ביחיד המורד על המסורת בשטטל, כנושא מרכזי כמו שמצאנו בסיפוריו, סיפורים אלה עסקו במציאות השטטל ומצב היהודים איפה חיים. הוא הותאם עם שלום עליכם בשאלת הצגת המציאות היהודית בשטטלים ובכפרים היהודים, אף על פי השתנות השיטה אלא שהמטרה היא אחת, שהיא הצגת המציאות היהודית ותיאורו בטרגי לגמרי.

מההשוואה בין שני הסופרים מתברר שהשנים עסקו 


This research deals with the subject of Shtetl (Jewish town) in the works of some Hebrew writers who focused on the criticism of this Shtetl and considered a restriction or an obstacle in front of the development of the Jews. Therefore It took space in their works and gave it great attention to it-by their point of view- considered an important part in the history and life of Jews in Europe.

Many Hebrew writers took Shtetl and was subject of their works, and has been formed the important issue, we find their works didn’t abandoned mention of Shtetl. It is likely to the living situation, which was difficult that Jews faced in these Shtetls, because the policies of European governments to reduce their wealth,  and control on the economic affairs in those countries. This affair led to the weakness of the Jew’s abilities, which led them to ignorance and illiteracy. These situations bring to appearance the political movements such as Zionism and nationalism movements, also the religious like Hasidic, and the cultural like Haskalah.

Sholem Aleichem described Shtetl by many stories and the situation of Jews in these Shtetls. He talked about the economic situation of the population Jews in these Shtetls sociality the riches that he described them with irony and satire. Sholem Aleichem named the Shtetls and their peoples with virtual names.

Berdyczewski’s stories took the recalcitrant Jew person upon Shtetl’s traditions as a central subject such as we find this issue in his stories. These stories deals with the reality of Shtetl and Jews situation where they lived. Berdyczewski’s coincided with Sholem Aleichem to view the Jewish reality in the Jewish towns, villages and Shtetls. In spite of different of the style, but the target is one to review the Jewish reality and imaging it as a tragic.

Through comparative between two writers, become clear that they dealing with Shtetl as they think. So Berdyczewski focused on the salt and destructive reality in Shtetl. Sholem Aleichem focused on the ideology, culture and economic sides. He criticized the illiterate community whose had been grasped traditions.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Foreign direct investment in Iraq and its role in economic development
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الاستثمار الاجنبي المباشر في العراق ودوره في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Physiological and Immunological Assessment in Infertile Women Undergoing In-vitro Fertilization
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All the available reports on the issue of infertility confirmed the increase in this population problem worldwide. Although the accurate estimate of the number of infertile people is due to several reasons, including the discrepancy in the true definition of infertility (whether it extends for one, two or five years of failed pregnancy attempts), as well as the great discrepancy in the size of the selected population groups (large population sample size versus epidemiological studies) and defining the category that diagnosed included (individuals, women, or couples). The goal of today’s IVF program is to obtain high-quality embryos with high efficiency in development, which leads to an increase in live birth rates.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dry Canal in Iraq and Mutual Growth in International Economic Environment
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In this paper, an attempt was made to measure and interpret the impact of several variables on global maritime transport, including: OECD industrial productions, high growth rates of some developing countries, and growth in world GDP. These variables contribute to higher rates of maritime transport revenues of 800 billion dollars annually; in the form of numerical sequences. The dry canal in Iraq was assumed to transfer 99 million tons of goods annually. This was made sure through the economic feasibility of the difference between maritime and land transport through railways. The effect of geographical and anthropological nature of Iraq on this project was studied too. Our findings indicated that the project will not drive growth

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Publication Date
Sat May 16 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Information technology and replacement system in decision-making in the city
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IT has its impact on all aspects of life, including its planning and operations. Based on the assumption that the plan can adapt any technique as an analytical tool within broader dimensions to include society in general and meet the requirements of that society. They have neutral values, meaning and usefulness rather than being adopted as abstract goals or objectives so that the planner or the decision-maker can benefit greatly from them. This information technology is summarized in three main axes: First: Geographic Information Systems. Second: computer modeling. Third: visual simulation and the Internet. The problem of research is that the decision-making environment of the plan is surrounded by uncertain information-planning conditio

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Archaeological Surveying in Wadi Al – yabis in Jordan (( Athnoarchology study ))
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Wadi AL – yabis situated to the north jorden , its extended from Aglon
mountain to the jorden river , the surveying of this valley about 186 KM , and the
highest point in it about 1200 m upon the sea level , the lower point ther under the
sea level . This study lay to appear the historical important and to study the variation
of environment and population which happened in the different periods , in the
beginning the Paleolithic until the later period , and to understand the environment ,
political and economical circumstances , which it can to influenced or limited in
human behavior from choosing , the settlement sits and than ( we could ) knowledge
of living ways and the tools which they used in there living a

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Contributions to Iraqi Children Press in Promoting Educational Values in Children
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The researcher aims at focusing on the participations of children journalism in supplying the educational values for them. The researcher uses the survey method in addition to the method of content analysis through analyzing the content of two journals (Majalati and The Mezmar). Both of them deal with children issues.

         The researcher concludes that the two journals focus on literary arts in a way which surpasses the journalistic arts. Furthermore, the two journals have concerned with showing the positive values as well as insuring the necessity of rectifying the wrong behaviors. Finally, the researcher recommends that it is necessary to improve the employees who work with children j

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Ecological Taxation and its role in achieving sustainable development in Algeria
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This study aimed to clarify the importance of ecological taxation in achieving sustainable development, by analyzing a set of economic measures such as taxes, taxes levied by the legislation in the field of ecology, to fight against pollution.       And we tried to evaluate this initiative in Algeria. The results of the study showed that economic measures of ecological taxation contribute to achieving sustainable development, and Although Algeria has adopted a series of ecological tax mechanisms, it is far from keeping pace with developments in this area. 

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 26 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The crude enzyme Nattokinase produced by Bacillus subtilis was used in ripening cheddar cheese by adding three concentration of enzyme 80, 160 and 320mg/Kg beside the control treatment without enzyme, the product was checked for three months to determine humidity, protein, fat, non-protein nitrogen, soluble nitrogen and pH, sensory evaluation was conducted, it was noticed that the variety in protein percentages and the soluble nitrogen percentage during second month of ripening for T2, T3 and T4 treatments were (11.2, 15.54 and 18.48) respectively, in comparison with control which was 7.6%, while in the third month it was (17.37, 20.67 and 22.26) respectively, in comparison with control which was only 10%, on the other hand, non-protein

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 18 2017
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Non Motor Symptoms In Patients With parkinson's Disease In Baghdad Hospitals
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Background:Parkinson’disease(PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by resting tremor, bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, and impairment of postural reflexes; the frequency of PD increases with aging.Clinically Parkinson's disease characterized by two groups of symptoms: motor and non-motor symptoms.Non-motor symptoms can be categorized as autonomic, cognitive/psychiatric (may include depression, dementia, anxiety, hallucinations), sensory and rapid eye movements (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD).

Objectives:The objectives of this study are to find out the frequency of the non-motor symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson disease in a group of patients in Baghd

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 29 2023
Journal Name
Geomatics And Environmental Engineering
Challenges and Issues in Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Development in Iraq
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This paper addresses the nature of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), considered as one of the most important concepts to ensure effective functioning in a modern society. It comprises a set of continually developing methods and procedures providing the geospatial base supporting a country’s governmental, environmental, economic, and social activities. In general, the SDI framework consists of the integration of various elements including standards, policies, networks, data, and end users and application areas. The transformation of previously paper-based map data into a digital format, the emergence of GIS, and the Internet and a host of online applications (e.g., environmental impact analysis, navigation, applications of VGI dat

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