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Las preposiciones en español: Estudio analítico de "Por" y "Para"
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                       Este trabajo de investigación ofrece uno de los temas relevantes en la lengua, el cual es estudiar las dimensiones sintácticas, semánticas y pragmáticas de las preposiciones, en general, y de las dos preposiciones "Para" y  "Por" en concreto, en una unidad linguística más amplia que la llamada "Oración". En la parte  referida al  estudio de las dos preposiciones mencionadas,  estudiamos sus distntos usos funcionales, usos que se acercan, unas veces,  entre sí  y  se alejan en otras. 


This investigation offers one of the relevant topics in the language, which is studying the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic dimensions of prepositions, in general, and of the two prepositions "por" and "para" in particular, broader than the so-called "sentences" linguistic unit. In the part, concerning the study of the two above mentioned prepositions, study their different functional uses, which sometimes similar and some other times different.      

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Adsorption and Kinetic Study of Methylene Blue dye on New Surface Derived from Copolymer (Melamine – Formaldehyde – Para- methyl Anisole)
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A new copolymer (MFA) was prepared from condensation of melamine (M) with p- methyl – anisole (A) in the presence of condensation agent like 37% (w/v) of formaldehyde. The new copolymer was characterized by elemental, IR and HNMR spectra. The chelating ion-exchange property of this polymer was studied for methylene blue dye in aqueous solution in 100-200ppm concentrations. The adsorption study was carried out over a wide range of pH, shaking time and in media of various kinetic parameters models. Thermal parameters like enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy of adsorption process of methylene blue on surface of MFA resin were determined on the basis of kinetic parameters at different temperatures. To describe the equilibrium of adsorp

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis, Characterization of Chitosan para- hydroxyl Benzaldehyde Schiff Base Linked Maleic Anhydride and the Evaluation of Its Antimicrobial Activities
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Current research included preparation, characterization of some new chitosan- hydroxy benzaldehyde-Schiff bases with maleic anhydride. The present study aimed to the synthesis and characterization of novel chitosan Schiff base compounds using para- hydroxy benzaldeh and maleic anhydride. The  derivative of the  schiff-chitosan base, which is associated with different drugs, has been replaced with   different  amino  and  hydroxy  drugs.  The derivative is characterized by different analytical techniques. The results of FT-IR studies clearly indicate construction of the chief amine group in chitosan and the emergence of new bands that correspond to the association of maleic anhydride with the chitosan base. TGA, 1

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 24 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Arabic Language Teachers’ Training Needs for Implementing Cognitive Trips Strategy when Teaching Arabic Language Courses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: أمل ناصر الحربي, و وفاء العويضي
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The present work focuses on examining the strategy of cognitive trips and the Arabic language teachers’ training needs of such a strategy when teaching Arabic language courses in the Saudi Arabia Kingdom. To achieve the objective of the study, and check whether this strategy is used in lesson planning, lesson teaching, or lesson assessment, a descriptive approach and a questionnaire have been adopted. The researchers used a number of statistical tools, and chose a purposive sample, which consists of (58) Arabic language teachers from Saudi Arabia Kingdom. Results have shown that the training needs of Arabic language teachers for implemining the strategy of cognitive journeys while teaching Arabic language courses came in the following

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
اثر استعمال الحاسوب في تحصيل طلبة كلية الادارة و الاقتصاد جامعة بغداد في مادة اللغة العربية
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Si Alfonso x el sabio y la Escuela de Traductores de Toledo habia hecho del castellana una lengua apta para la expresión cientifica, fue Pablo Neruda quien aplicó su sentido artistico para crear una poesia amorosa de caracter lileraria. Por lo tanto, pocos poetas han llegado ton populares come. Pablo Neruda, en el mismg tiempo: se comsidera esccitor de una abundante producción literaria ne sólo en su ciudad natal de (Chile), Sino ha sida uno de los padres de la poesia hispanoamericana contemporónea. Ademas la influencia que ejerció en el grupo de poetas de la Generación del 27, con los que empezó a relacionarse durante su estancia en Madrid, fue decisiva también para la poesia espańola. Esa era la razon principal que me hizo pe

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of higher Education Institutes in restricting Administrative and Financial Corruption: An Analytic Reading
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Corruption, in all its categories and forms, is regarded as the nowadays virus which has greatly spread in most institutes and society, a matter that cause a great waste of resources.

      According to the reports of international transparency Institute, Iraq is regarded as one of the greatest countries in corruption.

      Regardless of the reasons and forms of corruption, the retreat in work – values and ethics are the main reasons behind that.

      Being the main source of providing qualified staff "educators" for the working market, the high education institutes face great challenges in standing against corruption inside and outside

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of the Satirical Language in Al-Hajjar's Caricatures
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The present study is a qualitative study that aims to investigate the way the Iraqi caricaturist,Dheaa Al-Hajjar uses caricatures to produce a satirical meaning humorously.Producing satire while at the same maintaining humor requires a creative thinking on the part of the caricaturist. Thus, the study examines the production of humorous satire in terms of creativity. The analysis is done from the cognitive linguistic point of view using Arthur Koestler's theory of bisociation as presented in his book The Act of Creation in 1964. The main principle on which the theory is based is that humor is created via linking (or bisociating in Koestler's terms) two habitually incompatible trains of thought in order to come up with a novel me

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Zeolite Y
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Worldwide attention is being focused on  nanocrystalline  zeolites  and they are replacing conventional ones due to their pronounced potential in many fields. In this study, NaY zeolite has been prepared hydrothermally using sol –gel method and modified to the proton type by ion –exchange process. Characterization is made using X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA),  Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR),  Atomic force microscopy (AFM), Brunauer –Emmet- Teller (BET) nitrogen adsorption method, Ammonia Temperature programmed desorption (NH3-TPD) and Scanning electron microscopy( SEM).  The effect of aging time, silica to alumina ratio is studied and the results sh

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Gilgamesh Ou La quête de l'immortalité
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L'œuvre de fiction la plus ancienne qui nous soit restée, est aussi bien la première jamais écrite. L'épopée de Gilgamesh a été composée à l'aube de la civilisation mésopotamienne. Gilgamesh était le cinquième souverain après le déluge.

                      Sous son règne, trois millénaires environ avant Jésus-Christ, les Urukiens s’emparèrent des cités voisines, et formèrent ainsi ce que nous appellerions une petite nation. Pendant plus de deux mille ans, les civilisations du Proche-Orient ont fait de Gilgamesh leur héros épique. Il existe des

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Rental in fees faik hassan
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The super good artist, and its leading role experience detailed instrumental in the birth of the modern Iraqi drawing because of the represented technical personal super good in leading production Iraqi drawing since the early forties. If taken Excellence professional to experience the artist compared to the experiences of other pioneers and strengthened, the stylistic diversity through metaphors Different presented by the super good so that covered the period from romantic to Impressionism through schools drawing expressionism and cubism space, and therefore the heritage and the richness of diversity stylistic high to experience the good represents documentation required by contemporary Iraqi formation history, so the researcher found t

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