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        La traducción de los refranes, que son unas sentencias breves, habitualmente, de autor desconocido y lo mismo que el proverbio, aunque en su parte universalizable refleja una experiencia humana, hace referencia en parte particularizante e idiosincrática a una experiencia sin paralelo en la lengua de destino, no es una tarea tan sencilla ni tan fácil como piensan muchas personas, sino al contrario por completo, es algo tan difícil y tan complicado. Por eso, la traducción de los refranes  no es una transferencia de un significado, un párrafo o una frase de un cierto idioma a otro, porque si aceptamos ese concepto, el proceso de traducción de refranes sería muy sencillo y tan fácil que cada persona puede abrir el diccionario, transmitiendo el significado de las palabras, y todas las personas, de esa forma, se van a convertirse en traductores, sino la traducción de los refrenes implica y exige que el traductor deba ser bien consciente, bien conocedor y bien informado de las culturas, las diferencias sociales y lingüísticas y debe tener una buena convivencia, por lo menos, con la otra cultura a la que traduce para evitar caer en una callejuela sin salida a la hora de traducir y tal vez causando problemas a nivel local o internacional si traduce unos refranes de una forma incorrecta.

      Tanto en árabe como en español muchos refranes tienen una base histórica y se han construido sobre hechos históricos propios. La traducción de muchos de ellos resulta dificultosa por cuanto remiten a realidades no compartidas por las dos comunidades de habla. La mejor traducción es aquella que hace sentir al lector como si el texto que este leyendo hubiera sido escrito originariamente en la lengua receptora, y para que el traductor pueda alcanzar este grado de perfeccionamiento en la traducción, tiene que reunir dos requisitos fundamentales: ser bilingüe y ser bicultural

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Psychomotor delay, dysmorphsim and epilepsy with underlying genetic etiology: A case report of first child with a genetically confirmed diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome on a hospital-based setting in Iraq
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In this case report we discuss essential issue to be considered with regard to the clinical genetic testing in the epilepsies. The identification of genes that influence risk for the epilepsies has extremely important implications for both research and clinical practice. In a research context, information obtained may lead to the development of new treatments targeted to specific mechanisms, or even to ways of preventing epileptogenesis. In clinical practice, the use of genetic information can either clarify the diagnosis in people already known or suspected to have epilepsy (diagnostic testing), or to predict onset of epilepsy in people at risk of developing epilepsy because of a family history (predictive testing). This 8-year old girl

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The social control Of Kindergartens department students
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The research aims to identify the social control among kindergarten department students. In order to achieve the objective of the research, a sample of (400) female students: (200) from Baghdad University / Faculty of Education for women and (200) from Mustansiriyha University / Faculty of Basic Education were chosen randomly.

   The researchers designed a tool to measure the social control of the study sample. It was exposed to group of specialists in the educational and psychological sciences, measurement and evaluation. In addition to specialists in kindergartens. Two indicators of validity were used. The Alpha-Cronbach method, Pearson correlation coefficient, and independent samples t-test were used to analyze the c

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Addiction of electronic games for children
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Childhood is characterized by ahigh privacy in the life of the child overall educational institutions in the world. Based on this specificity, modern education begins with a holistic vision of the child through all developmental aspects (moral, religious, emotional, social, linguistic, physical, health, and mental). This integration could be achieved through taking into consideration the needs and rights of children and developing curricula that consider these needs and capacities to provide opportunities for developing and supporting the developmental aspects of the child. The contemporary technological developments in the field of computer and the Internet have brought with it new forms, ideas, and problems for children in recent years

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The physical corner of the crime of recruiting children in armed conflict
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Children are considered the most affected group in armed conflicts because of the diversity and diversity of the forms of aggression against them.Their recruitment into armed conflicts is one of the most dangerous images.                                              

Therefore, the use of children in armed conflicts, it is not a modern phenomenon that is confined to contemporary armed conflicts, but has been used in ancient wars and different times and civilizations.       &

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اتجاهات طالبات قسم رياض الاطفال نحو العمل في رياض الاطفال ( دراسة مقارنة كليتي التربية للبنات والتربية الاساسية )
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ان نجاح رياض الاطفال في تحقيق اهدافها يتوقف الى حد كبير على معلمة الروضة التي تزود الطفل بالخبرات ، فهي تمثل الام البديلة للطفل ، وتقع على عاتقها مسؤوليات نفسية واجتماعية واخلاقية نحو اطفال الروضة ، لدلك فان معلمة الروضة تقوم بعدة ادوار في رياض الاطفال ، فهي ممثلة لقيم المجتمع وتراثه التي تسعى الى غرسها في الطفل . 

 وعليه فان ليس كل من تتقدم للعمل في رياض الاطفال تصلح ان تكون معلمة ناجح

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Organizational Values of Kindergarten Teachers
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The current study aims to identify the organizational values ​​of kindergarten teachers as well as to identify the difference in the organizational values ​​of kindergarten teachers in term of years of service, to do this; the researcher designed a scale to measure the organizational values. The scale was applied on a sample of (400) kindergarten teachers. The resesults revealed that kindergarten teachers have a high level of organizational values ​​within the classroom. The result of the second objective showed significant differences among the organizational values ​​(political,

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Cognitive Balance of Students in the Kindergarten department
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Balance is a psychological need and a requirement of importance as the individual seeks to maintain it.  The research problem is summarized in the question: do students in the kindergarten department have a cognitive balance? The research aims to identify the cognitive balance of students in the kindergarten department and to identify if there are differences among students of the four stages according to the cognitive balance. The research community was limited to the students in the kindergarten department at the University of Baghdad / College of Education for Women and Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education and Iraqi University / College of Education for Women for the academic y

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Psychological Security of Students in the Kindergarten Department
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The current research aims to identify the psychological security of students in the kindergarten department and identify if there is a significant difference between stage one and stage four students. To do this, the researcher adopted the psychological research scale of (Al-mohamdawi, 2007) that consisted of (30) items. It was administered to (120) female students chosen randomly from the kindergarten department in the college of education for women for the academic year (2029-2021). The results revealed that students in the kindergarten department have psychological security. There is a significant difference between stage one and four students in favor of stage four students.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العنف الاسري ضد الاطفال
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اولاً : اهمية البحث والحاجة اليه :

تعد الطفولة مرحلة مهمة من مراحل حياة الانسان لانها ثروة مجتمعاتنا ومستقبلها وهي تمثل اللبنة الاولى في تركيب المجتمعات اذا ما صحلت صلح المجتمع وأذا ما فسدت فسد ذلك المجتمع ، لذا فأن تنمية القوى العقلية والبدنية والنفسية للطفل لمراحل نموه المختلفة هي مرحلة مهمة وخطيرة في الوقت ذاته لكي تسهم في بناء شخصيتهم في المستقبل واستثمار طاقاتهم من اجل تطوير وخدمة مجت

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 23 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-farabi For Humanity Sciences
Estudio analítico del modo subjuntivo en algunas traducciones del Corán sagrado
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This study analyzes translations of the Quran into Spanish with a focus on the use of the subjunctive. A corpus analysis was performed comparing five different translations of the Quran. The results reveal significant differences in the use of the subjunctive in translations. Differences in the use of the subjunctive reflect variations in interpretation and fidelity to the rhetorical purposes of the original text. This study provides a basis for improving the accuracy of religious translations.

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