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Jorge Luis Borges: El hombre de las paradojas Estudio analítico de dos cuentos "el Alpeh y Los dos reyes y los dos laberintos"
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     La literatura española tiene muchísimos de los grandes personajes y las figuras literarias que casi todos desempeñaron de una forma u otra un eficaz  e importante papel en el desarrollo de la literatura española en particular y la literatura universal en general, entre otros podemos mencionar el gran escritor de origen argentino Jorge Luis Borges sobre el mismo gira este trabajo de investigación.

    Sinceramente, podemos decir que el objetivo principal de ese trabajo de investigación es hacer conocer de una forma tan sencilla, tan simple y tan clara al lector público quién es Jorge Luis Borges quien procedía de una familia de próceres de la milicia que contribuyeron a la independencia de su país, Argentina, quien nació en una típica casa porteña de fines del siglo XIX, y quien es uno  de los mejores escritores de su época que dejó una profunda y clara huella en la literatura argentina en especial y la literatura internacional en general. Y también darle a conocer al lector cuáles son sus obras más destacadas de Jorge, y cuáles son sus temas esenciales sobre los que siempre le gustaba escribir. Y sabiendo al mismo tiempo, de qué se tratan las paradojas de Jorge Luis Borges.


The literature of Latin American literature full of personalities literary giant, clearly left its mark in world literature in general and Spanish literature in particular, among the most important of these great literary figures, we can mention the Argentine writer Giant (Jorge Luis Borges).

The main objective of this research is to show the citizen strange contradiction in the story of "alpha" and "two kings and tow labyrinths", we find, for example, in his story "Alpha" ", which means diversity of others infinity of the universe, is a fictional story starts events after his lover's death (Baatrit) which Left (Borges) lives with her memories. This is a short story different global reality afflicting the world where the glory achieved by some and abuse experienced by others. We find in the story of "two kings and tow labyrinths" which revolves around the events of a tow kings hit the ground running, one more than the other, both of them boast, and starts mocking generated between them, which makes the spirit of revenge between them awake.

Try this story, which is a religious subject, show the fact that, according to the composition of the world and the universe, there is not a victory for evil, but is justice will prevail and that a long time. In this story the writer is trying to warn of excessive use of force from the presence of men, and the need to control their intentions in transit. Ear is a moral spiritual story teaches us that good will triumph is of first and foremost. Where we find an apparent contradiction in two different worlds, one normal and the other is the world of artificial world.

This study contains the following themes: a brief summary of the life and work of writer and literary style, and analyze the story of "Alpha" morally integrated analysis, and analysis of the story of "two kings and tow labyrinths" in a clear and soft.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What Imam Ibn al-Subki disagreed with Imam al-Amadi in Tashnif al-Masma’, the chapter on analogy as a model
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Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" means: the words that the worshiper says to start his prayers, and refrain from anything invalidates it. the findings revealed that the four school jurists agreed that the prayer is not valid without Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer", and they disagreed on its description, so the majority of jurists said that it is a pillar, and some of them called it an obligatory, but Hanafi made it a condition. Likewise, the four jurists agreed that the one who articulates Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" with the word: “Allahu Akbar,”; his Takbeer is correct, and they disagreed about the one who adds a word, or replaced it with another, where the m

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The importance of logic in the study of Islamic sciences
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Logic is one of the sciences that have receded and regressed in the field of Islamic sciences. This regression is the result of several factors, the most important of which are:

1- The Aristotelian logic, concerned with the seemingly essential shape and the underlying truth in the text, which has been translated into Arabic, is no longer able to keep pace with scientific revelations and epistemological spaces of our time.
2- The existence of logic in the curricula of Islamic studies was not subject to a study linking logic and Islamic sciences. Therefore, we find that the student studies logic as if it were a strange subject that has nothing to do with the subjects of Islamic studies and even Islamic philosophy.
3- Logic is

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Ecologia and Abbasid's Community/ Historical-Ecological Study
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The study includes the relationship between the ecologia and Abbaside's community in the middle ages, and the role of Baghdad capital city to increasing the sensibility of the people to the outwardly peripheral.

The study explains the efforts between the people and Abbaside's government to cure the knowledge of ecologia, to prevent the separation of diseases and  pollutions of the community. 

 Keywords: Ecologia, Abbasid's, diseases, pollutions.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية
دراسة نقدية في محل العقد والالتزام
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يعد موضوع المحل من المواضيع الشائكة في القانون المدني ، اذ ان هذا الموضوع رغم قدمه الا انه لازال يمثل ارضا خصبة للبحث ، اذ يوجد خلاف حول تحديد الكائن القانوني الذي يعد المحل ركنا فيه ، حيث اختلفت التشريعات في هذه المسألة ، فبعض التشريعات تذهب الى ان المحل ركن في العقد ، وبعضها يذهب الى ان المحل ركن في الالتزام ، وبعضها يذهب الى ان المحل ركن في العقد وركن في الالتزام وقد انتقل هذا الخلاف الى الفقه فظهر فيه عدة اتج

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 31 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مناهج مناهج تحقيق المخطوطات دراسة مقارنة
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         لقد نشا علم التحقيق على ايدي المحدثين المسلمين الذين  وضعوا قواعد هذا  العلم  وظهرت مؤلفات  عدة في هذا المجال ، لكن ما قام به الاقدمون لم يشكل قواعد علم مستقل  بذاته ومنذ ظهور الطباعة بدأت حركة تحقيق المخطوطات ، وتعددت  مناهج التحقيق فكان للمستشرقين منهجهم الخاص وظهر منهج التحقيق والاخراج الفني والعلمي للمخطوط .

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Randomand and social security
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The problem of informal settlements in Iraqi is one of the most serious problems due
to its economic, social and security impacts which jeopardize the society safety and stability.
This study investigates the present situation of informal settlements in the Baghdad
governorates as well as approaches followed in making decisions to either upgrade or remove
those areas. Requirements of each decision are also discussed.
Study methods relied on both office and field studies to collect data and information
needed. The study revealed important findings that would help take appropriate measures that
deal with the informal settlements in Iraqi. The study also proposes effective mechanisms to
preclude both an increase in c

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Expropriation of foreign investments - a comparative study
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The right to property is one of the most prominent and most important of the fundamental rights that the individual enjoys, whether national or foreign, both of them have their own private property that may not be affected except for the requirements of the country's economic development or what is known as the public benefit, and the Iraqi legislator did not specify what is meant by the removal of foreign investment. Of the bilateral international agreements (BITS), as it determined its terms and methods, the properties of foreign investors may be expropriated in a direct and indirect way.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Middle East and its Strategic Dimensions: a theoretical study
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Characterized the Middle East has geographic, economic, and geostrategic peculiarities, but it suffers from many problems, such as disagreement over what it means as a concept, or what it represents of a geographic extension. The question is related to the ambiguity surrounding the concept of the Middle East? The purpose of its launch? As it relates to its geostrategic, economic, and geo-cultural importance? And manifestations of this importance? And to what extent he retained his value in the strategies of the major powers? Research hypotheses:

-The multiplicity of concepts for the Middle East region, with international political and Geostrategic interests.- The geostrategic value of the Middle East has made it a focal point for

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Transitional justice: a study of the concept and mechanisms
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The concept of transitional justice is newly emerging, as it was mainly associated with addressing issues of serious breaches and abuses of human rights during conflicts and situations resulting from violence and the use of force in societies that are in the process of democratization, as transitional justice aims primarily to restore civil peace and rebuild institutions The state needs multidimensional justice: a judicial system that achieves the rule of law, corrective restoration of the wounds of the past, and a distributive characteristic of the redistribution of wealth.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 22 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
خلق العالم وما قبله ) دراسة عقائدية
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تدور فكرة هذا البحث عن كيفية خلق الله تعالى للعالم؟ 

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