La literatura española tiene muchísimos de los grandes personajes y las figuras literarias que casi todos desempeñaron de una forma u otra un eficaz e importante papel en el desarrollo de la literatura española en particular y la literatura universal en general, entre otros podemos mencionar el gran escritor de origen argentino Jorge Luis Borges sobre el mismo gira este trabajo de investigación.
Sinceramente, podemos decir que el objetivo principal de ese trabajo de investigación es hacer conocer de una forma tan sencilla, tan simple y tan clara al lector público quién es Jorge Luis Borges quien procedía de una familia de próceres de la milicia que contribuyeron a la independencia de su país, Argentina, quien nació en una típica casa porteña de fines del siglo XIX, y quien es uno de los mejores escritores de su época que dejó una profunda y clara huella en la literatura argentina en especial y la literatura internacional en general. Y también darle a conocer al lector cuáles son sus obras más destacadas de Jorge, y cuáles son sus temas esenciales sobre los que siempre le gustaba escribir. Y sabiendo al mismo tiempo, de qué se tratan las paradojas de Jorge Luis Borges.
The literature of Latin American literature full of personalities literary giant, clearly left its mark in world literature in general and Spanish literature in particular, among the most important of these great literary figures, we can mention the Argentine writer Giant (Jorge Luis Borges).
The main objective of this research is to show the citizen strange contradiction in the story of "alpha" and "two kings and tow labyrinths", we find, for example, in his story "Alpha" ", which means diversity of others infinity of the universe, is a fictional story starts events after his lover's death (Baatrit) which Left (Borges) lives with her memories. This is a short story different global reality afflicting the world where the glory achieved by some and abuse experienced by others. We find in the story of "two kings and tow labyrinths" which revolves around the events of a tow kings hit the ground running, one more than the other, both of them boast, and starts mocking generated between them, which makes the spirit of revenge between them awake.
Try this story, which is a religious subject, show the fact that, according to the composition of the world and the universe, there is not a victory for evil, but is justice will prevail and that a long time. In this story the writer is trying to warn of excessive use of force from the presence of men, and the need to control their intentions in transit. Ear is a moral spiritual story teaches us that good will triumph is of first and foremost. Where we find an apparent contradiction in two different worlds, one normal and the other is the world of artificial world.
This study contains the following themes: a brief summary of the life and work of writer and literary style, and analyze the story of "Alpha" morally integrated analysis, and analysis of the story of "two kings and tow labyrinths" in a clear and soft.