Preferred Language
BARBARA : structure et signification Étude analytique du langage prévertien à travers son poème Barbara
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Cette recherche étudie les structures composant Barbara, un poème de Jacques Prévert pour mettre en valeur la particularité de ce langage. Nous avons d'abord, dissocié ces structures, en : structure thématique, actancielle, syntaxico-énonciative, sémantique, formelle et finalement spacio-temporelle en vue de les analyser minutieusement. Le poète a adopté pour les thèmes : souvenir, nostalgie et guerre, un langage simple et une syntaxe incomplexe. L'usage du lexique et des figures de style célèbrent ces thèmes. La forme, la versification et la sonorité approfondissent ces images et renforcent ce langage. Ce poème dépend des phrases simples et variées : affirmative, interrogative, exclamative qui s'orientent vers des actes de langage non marqués effectivement. L'espace choisi pour le poème, est la ville de Brest. Le temps renvoie à un mélange de passé heureux, temps de souvenir : imparfait, passé composé, tandis que le présent incarne la situation énonciative actuelle du poète, celle de la seconde guerre mondiale.

La recherche vise à mettre en lumière le langage prévertien et ses significations impressionnantes et à démontrer qu'au biais de ce langage simple et spontané ce poème trouve sa propagation.



This paper studies the language of Jack Pervert's "Barbara" through the analysis of its theme, characters, grammar, vocabulary and meaning. The study also discusses the form of the poem and its style in addition to its setting. The structure of grammatical sentences has an important role in suggesting the theme of the poem: nostalgia and Second World War. The grammar is characterized by its simplicity and the use of pronouns "I", "you", which creates an atmosphere of love.

The poem is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the good old time. While the second describes the ugliness of war and the destruction created in the City. The poem depends on free verse; it is set in the French city of Brest in the past, before the war. Then time changes to the present, war-time.

The paper sheds light on Jack Barbara's language which is close to the spoken, bridging by this the gap between the written and spoken language. Therefore, this language has contributed so much to the world-wide fame of the poem.


Keywords: - enunciation, speech acts, language functions, lexical field, lyrical enunciation, free verse.


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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detecting DNA of multispecies dinoflagellate cysts in the sediment from three estuaries of Makassar strait and fishing port using CO1 primer: Is it CO1 primer suitable for detecting DNA dinoflagellate?
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Most dinoflagellate had a resting cyst in their life cycle.  This cyst was developed in unfavorable environmental condition. The conventional method for identifying dinoflagellate cyst in natural sediment requires morphological observation, isolating, germinating and cultivating the cysts.  PCR is a highly sensitive method for detecting dinoflagellate cyst in the sediment.  The aim of this study is to examine whether CO1 primer could detect DNA of multispecies dinoflagellate cysts in the sediment from our sampling sites. Dinoflagellate cyst DNA was extracted from 16 sediment samples. PCR method using COI primer was running. The sequencing of dinoflagellate cyst DNA was using BLAST. Results showed that there were two clades of dinoflag

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
Association among family history and some microbial infectious ( Helicobacter pylori IgG and Hepatitis B and C Virus) as Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis in Iraqi Patients
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Certain bacterial and viral infectious agents may play a role in the activation of inflammation in atherosclerosis lesions. Epidemiological studies indicate that infectious agents may predispose patients to atherosclerosis as Infections have been associated with an increased risk of this disease. Moreover, a positive antibody status has been detected against some infectious organisms associated with atherosclerotic rupture. Infectious agents found in human atheroma, which may directly cause or accelerate atherosclerosis , include many pathogens but the present study focused on Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B virus surface antigen and C. In order to evaluate the possible association between H. pylori, HBV, and HCV infections and the risk of

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Definition of the verb in the form of the imperative mood (imperative) - general information about the verb in Russian: Определение глагола в форме повелительного наклонения (императива) - общая сведения о глаголе на русском языке)
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      The article examines the definition of the verb in the form of the imperative mood (imperative) _ general information about the verb in Russian .

       A verb in Russian is one of the parts of speech that unify all parts of speech, expressing the meaning of action, movement, process in grammatical forms of time, type, mood, face and voice. The imperative mood is a grammatical feature of the verb expressed through several forms of the verb that urges someone to do things. In other words, imperative mood or (imperative) : -  one of the single meaning of the form . The form of the imperative expresses a supplicatio

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
PDF Design Optical BPF Using Double Clad Fiber MZI for Free Space Optical Communication: Mohanad G. Khamees , Tahreer S. Mansour*
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Abstract: A novel design of Mach Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) in terms of using special type of optical fiber that has double clad with graded distribution of the refractive index that can be easily implemented practically was suggested and simulated in this work. The suggested design is compact, rapid, and is simple to be modified and tested. The simulated design contains a MZI of 1546.74 nm of central wavelength that is constructed using special type of double clad optical fiber that has two different numerical apertures. The first aperture will supply single mode propagation via its core, while the second numerical aperture supports a zigzag wave propagation (multimode) in the first clad region. The interferometer’s

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of a Structural Theory- based Training Program in Enhancing Arabic Language Teachers’ Teaching Practices and their Tendencies towards Structural Teaching: مريم بنت حسن البلوشي، ريا بنت سالم المنذري، علي مهدي كاظم
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The study aims to identify the effectiveness of a structural theory-based training program in enhancing the teaching practices of Arabic language teachers teaching grade ten in South Al Batinah in Sultanate of Oman. The study used the quasi-experimental design, and the sample consisted of 40 male and female teachers. To achieve the objectives of the study, a training program, an observation form and a measurement tool of teachers’ tendencies towards a structural teaching were made. The program was implemented with an experimental group of 20 female and male teachers in the first semester of the academic year 2018/2019. The study has found that there is a statistically significant difference between the average grades before and after i

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Towards Perceptions building a descriptive and procedural for the knowledge assets at the center of learning and growth for the techniques of Balanced Score card in the light of the strategic map concepts to achieve the strategic and operational: requirements of the contemporary business
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   Witness the current business environment changes rapidly reflected on the performance of the facility wishing to stay , which is no longer style reaction enough to handle installations with their environment , and quickly began to lose its luster with the emergence of a message and the vision of contemporary business environment from a set of parts interacting with each other and the concept of behavioral includes all dimensions of performance, it is imperative to adopt a system installations influence variables and positive interaction through the development of strategic plans and the use of implementation and follow-up strategies to ensure the effectiveness of the method for meas

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Detection of Physical and Chemical Parameters Using Water Indices (NDWI, MNDWI, NDMI, WRI, and AWEI) for Al-Abbasia River in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Governorate Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) Techniques
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The purpose of this study was to find out the connection between the water parameters that were examined in the laboratory and the water index acquired from the examination of the satellite image of the study area. This was accomplished by analysing the Landsat-8 satellite picture results as well as the geographic information system (GIS). The primary goal of this study is to develop a model for the chemical and physical characteristics of the Al-Abbasia River in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Governorate. The water parameters employed in this investigation are as follows: (PH, EC, TDS, TSS, Na, Mg, K, SO4, Cl, and NO3). To collect the samples, ten sampling locations were identified, and the satellite image was obtained on the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Approach for Developing Spectrophotometric Determination of Phenylephrine Drug in Pure, Pharmaceutics and Serum Samples Using Sodium Periodate as Oxidizing Agent via a Green Method of CFIA/Merging Zone Technique
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     The research involved a rapid, automated and highly accurate developed CFIA/MZ technique for estimation of phenylephrine hydrochloride (PHE) in pure, dosage forms and biological sample. This method is based on oxidative coupling reaction of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) with PHE in existence of sodium periodate as oxidizing agent in alkaline medium to form a red colored product at ʎmax )520 nm (. A flow rate of 4.3 mL.min-1 using distilled water as a carrier, the method of FIA proved to be as a sensitive and economic analytical tool for estimation of PHE.

Within the concentration range of 5-300 μg.mL-1, a calibration curve was rectilinear, where the detection limit was 3.252 μg.mL

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Absorption and Fluorescence Properties of 3,6-bis(5-bromothiophen-2-yl)-2,5-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-2,5-dihydropyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione. A Covalent Fluorescence in Solution and in the Solid State
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In the cuurent article, the photophysical properties of 3,6-bis(5-bromothiophen-2-yl)-2,5-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-2,5-dihydropyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione were investigated. The visible absorption bands at 527, 558 and 362 nm in propylene carbonate and the compound was found to be fluorescent in solution and in the plastic film with emission wavelengths between 550- 750 nm. The Stokes Shift of P.C., acetonitrile, diethyl ether, Tetrahydrofuran THF, cyclohexane, dibutyl ether, and dichloromethane DCM  are 734, 836, 668, 601, 601, 719, and 804 cm-1 in respectively. The Stokes Shift Δ was less in THF and cyclohexane, than the solvents, which indicates that the energy loss is less between the excitation and fluorescence states. The

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The vision of Hebrew writers and critics of the future of the Jews in their writings at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the twentieth c: דעותיהם של הסופרים והמבקרים העבריים על עתידם של היהודים לפי כתבותיהם בשלהי המאה ה-19 ובתחילת המאה ה-20
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It is very known  how great is the  role of the Jewish writers in the system of the Zionist movement. The movement relied on writers and writers to carry out their programs, especially those pertaining to the creation of a "national homeland" for Jews. Most Jewish writers sang of  Palestine even though they were not born there.

    On such a  basis, we have followed closely the writings of writers, critics and others by the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. We found that these writings are based on one common question: What is the fate of the Jewish people?

    Most of these writings were accompanied by Theodor Herzl's proj

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