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La voix de la mère dans À la Recherche du Temps perdu
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The twentieth century French novel had undergo a significant change that took the form of a radical move from the traditional son who follows his father to one who no way prevalent in the classical French novel. The new son in the 2Oth century novel finds himself emotionally attached which both became a new trend and approach in novel writing.

Marcel Proust's novel which can be considered a source of inspiration for most of 2Oth century novelists is a good example of the mother supremacy which is crystal clear from the first page through its parts and chapters till the last page. In fact, Proust had written a completely different novel from the Balzacian conventions. Unlike the latter's novels, Proust's are characterized by the omnipresent of mother and the absence of the father.Hence,Proust's novel can be considered a turning point in the novel writing. More over, the supremacy of the mother and the enhancement of its authority resulted in supremacy of the interior dialogue as a narrative technique.

The presence of the mother in the son's consciousness contributes to the deeping of his feeling of his self-attachment. As long as the sense of guilt is strong, the return to the innermost of one's being where he can invoke his childhood and mother will be strong.

The presence of the mother in the novel created an inner realm for the son who keeps resorting to his mother's memory even after her absence during his journey into the corridors of the self. When Marcel loves a girl called Albertin,he becomes prey to his deep feeling of guilt. He was afraid that his noble love so as to make the mother eternal in the hero's consciousness.

Marcel has discovered the value of the past from his close relationship to his mother and childhood which represent a new direction of life for him. He can create out of it beautiful works if he only knows how to invest time.Hence,the hero in Proust's novel is able to regain the sense of security from the retrospective past due to the presence of the eternal mother who memory become a shine made of paper to which thousands of readers make a pilgrimage.



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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
LA CONDICIONALIDAD EN ESPAÑOL Estudio analítico, formal y semántico-pragmático
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 Pretendemos hacer con este trabajo un breve recorrido sobre lo que han dicho algunos gramáticos de las construcciones condicionales, a la par señalaremos los criterios que los mismos establecen y siguen para diferenciar entre distintos tipos de estructuras condicionales o entre las construcciones que ellos entienden o consideran como tales y las que no, atendiendo fundamentalmente a dos criterios; formal y semántico-pragmático. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la clasificación y la descripción de las construcciones condicionales, demostrando que no todas las condicionales son hipotéticas ni todas las hipotéticas son condicionales.


We intend to make this work

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
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Actas Dermo-sifiliográficas
[Artículo traducido] Dermatitis de contacto debido al incremento de las prácticas sobre higiene de manos durante la pandemia de COVID-19 entre los estudiantes de Medicina: frecuencia, conocimiento y actitud
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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Dec 04 2023
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Aip Conf. Proc
Double LA-transform and their properties for solving partial differential equations
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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Tue May 09 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Técnicas de la traducción del antropónimo del árabe al español: Fundamentos y أساليب ترجمة أسماء الأعلام من العربية الى الاسبانية: الأسس والتطبيقات
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Gabriel Celaya Poesίa Comprometida del Amor y la Vida. Un Estudio Literario Crítico.
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El moviemiento literario español de posguerra ha visto un cambio muy transcendental al nivel de plantear los temas y la  técnica de formar el genero literario ,de forma que la poesίa ha ocupado un espacio muy significativo en ello ,dado que los poetas buscaban metedos creativos para atraer el público , siguiendo senedores que pudieran afectar de forma u otra en las mentes y sentimientos.

        En esta dirección ,Gabriel Celaya se resalta como voz que ha  traspasado el ánimo de dos promociones genericas que son la de 27 y la de 36, por lo cual podίa conllevar unas asencias muy basicas de la poesίa española que envuelven la precisión clásica y prodencia contemporanea, con

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Metaphor in Political Discourse Press Articles By Louis Bassets As A Model: La metáfora en el discurso político. Los artículos de Lluís Bassets como ejemplo
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       The present paper focuses on studying a rhetorical form often used in Spanish linguistic discourse .It also examines the study two sides (theoretical and practical), the concept of metaphor, the most important modern school that deals with this issue, the development of this technique and its relationship with other intellectual ideologies, and the role metaphor plays in interpreting the meaning of the linguistic discourse especially in conveying political message. The study allows the formulation and the creation of a conceptual picture for the purposes of metaphor in the linguistic discourse used in Spanish press. It investigates discursive models from the Spanish press,

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Labyrinths of the Contemporary French Novel Through the Texts of Patrick Modiano: Les Labyrinthes du Roman Français Contemporain à travers l’Œuvre de Patrick Modiano
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The current paper aims to study the different forms by which the theme of labyrinth imposes itself as a preferred narrative structure in the novels of the French writer Patrick Modiano. Theoretically speaking, the current research paper will limit itself to the theoretical framework of the textual poetics which relies on the study of literary texts without paying much attention, neither to the context, nor to the life of its author. The analysis of the strong and varied links that Modiano's novels establish with labyrinth represents a field which has not received adequate attention by the critical studies dedicated to this French writer. As it will be shown throughout the current paper, Modiano views labyrint

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
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مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
Polisemia en español y su traducción al árabe La المشترک اللفظي في الإسبانية وترجمته للعربية
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
LA CONDICIONALIDAD EN ÁRABE Estudio lingüístico y traductológico CONDITION IN ARABIC: Linguistic study and translation
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La condicionalidad en árabe, supongo como en otras lenguas, constituye una noción amplia que puede expresarse mediante diferentes construcciones sintácticas. La mayor parte de los especialistas coinciden en señalar que las estructuras condicionales son, probablemente, la clase más compleja de expresión compuesta en árabe. Se utilizan para expresar una condición de la que depende la realización de lo expuesto en la oración principal. Las estructuras condicionales son una de las principales vías lingüísticas de las que dispone el individuo para expresar su capacidad de imaginar situaciones diferentes a las reales; de crear mundos posibles; de soñar con situaciones pasadas que podrían haber sido diferentes; de ocultar lo fact

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
BARBARA : structure et signification Étude analytique du langage prévertien à travers son poème Barbara
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Cette recherche étudie les structures composant Barbara, un poème de Jacques Prévert pour mettre en valeur la particularité de ce langage. Nous avons d'abord, dissocié ces structures, en : structure thématique, actancielle, syntaxico-énonciative, sémantique, formelle et finalement spacio-temporelle en vue de les analyser minutieusement. Le poète a adopté pour les thèmes : souvenir, nostalgie et guerre, un langage simple et une syntaxe incomplexe. L'usage du lexique et des figures de style célèbrent ces thèmes. La forme, la versification et la sonorité approfondissent ces images et renforcent ce langage. Ce poème dépend des phrases simples et variées : affirmative, interrogative, exclamative qui s'orientent vers des acte

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