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A comparison between Objective and subjective tests
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This paper aims at presenting a comparison between objective and subjective tests . This paper attemptsto shed light on these two aspects of tests and make do a compression by using suitable techniques for objective and subjective tests .

     The paper compares between the two techniques used by the objective and subjective tests respectively, the time and efforts required by each type, the extent to which each type can be reliable, and the skills each type is suitable to measure.

     The paper shows that objective tests, on the contrary of the subjective ones, encourages guess> Objective tests are used to test specific areas of language; subjective tests give an overall evaluation of the student's mastery of language.

     The research investigates, in brief, the multiple- choice item being one of the widely used type of items in the objective tests: "answer these questions" being one of the widely used type of items in the subjective tests.

The paper ends with the most important conclusions as a result of the research.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Analytical Approaches between New Media and Traditional Media
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The research deals with an analytical approach between new media and traditional one in the light of the changes imposed by technology, which has been able to change a number of common concepts in the field of communication and media. The researcher tries to find an analytical explanation of the relationship between technology by being an influential factor in building the information society, which is the basis of new media, and the technical output that influenced the forms of social relations and linguistic construction as a human communication tool. The research deals with an analytical approach between new media and traditional one in the light of the changes imposed by technology, which has been able to change a number of comm

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
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Medea Euripides between text and contemporary theatrical presentation
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It is not available for us to go back in time and see plays old and it plays giants tragedy ancient Greek (Aeschylus, Sofokls, and yourbedes) through the eyes of a generation ago, and if we were able to go back to Ntegathm play it is certain that we will not taste or Nstassig for much of what we see from these offers will not afford the traditional religious rituals, which was accompanied also dance and music in the style of ancient Greek play was representing a large part of the theater see manifestations Can our eyes and ears we twentieth century audience to accept those appearances, and it was then?
Inevitably it will look like a museum bycollection not only. So we find ourselves in the light of the foregoing forced When you do rem

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Islamic Banks   Between ideal theory and practical application
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This research was from an introduction, three topics and a conclusion, as follows:
The first topic: the concept of Islamic banks and their emergence and development, which includes three demands are:
The first requirement: the concept of Islamic banks and types, and there are two requirements:
* Definition of Islamic banks language and idiom.
* Types of Islamic banks.
The second requirement: the emergence and development of Islamic banks.
Third requirement: the importance of Islamic banks and their objectives.
We learned about the concept of banks and their origins and how they developed and what are the most important types of Islamic banks
The second topic: Formulas and sources of financing in Islamic banks and

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 21 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Entomology And Zoology Studies
Comparison study between a crude bacterial suspension and purified pseudomonal alkaline protease enzyme effect on the rabbit interleukin-2 bacterial keratitis
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ready-made clothes for students of the University of Baghdad between reality and ambition ( A field study )
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     تعد الملابس وسيلة هامة لكل مايقوم به الانسان في حياته العامة ، فهي الانطباع والكلمة الخارجية عن ذاته الداخلية فهي تعكس فكرة الفرد عن ذاته وعن شخصيته , كما تعد وسيلة تعبير جمالية وفنية , فهي تساعد على اخفاء عيوب الجسد وابراز محاسنه . ويتوقف اختيار الفرد لملابسه على مجموعة  عوامل منها احتياجه , قدراته المالية , سنه , مركزه الاجتماعي , طبيعة عمله ,الظروف الجوية التي يعيش فيها وعلى مايُؤمن به من قيم و

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 16 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm based Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection
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Nowad ays, with the development of internet communication that provides many facilities to the user leads in turn to growing unauthorized access. As a result, intrusion detection system (IDS) becomes necessary to provide a high level of security for huge amount of information transferred in the network to protect them from threats. One of the main challenges for IDS is the high dimensionality of the feature space and how the relevant features to distinguish the normal network traffic from attack network are selected. In this paper, multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with decomposition (MOEA/D) and MOEA/D with the injection of a proposed local search operator are adopted to solve the Multi-objective optimization (MOO) followed by Naï

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Applied Soft Computing
A new evolutionary multi-objective community mining algorithm for signed networks
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 16 2018
Journal Name
Springer Science And Business Media Llc
MOGSABAT: a metaheuristic hybrid algorithm for solving multi-objective optimisation problems
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison of Serum Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity Between Hemo and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
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In  this  study,  20  patients  were  selected    having  renal  failure  .10 patients  were  hemo&  10  peritoneal  dialysis  procedure. Patients  had been  given  r HuEPO    subcutaneous with supplement of Iron  dextran after  di alysis  . Hemoglobin  Hb  concentration Hematocrit(Hct),serum I ron ,total  Iron  binding  capacity,     transferrin  saturation percent  Ts%

&    Serum    ferritin    were   measured.    Non    significant    chan

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
A Comparison between Topical application of Calcipotriene, Clobetasol and a combination regime of the two drugs in the treatment of Iraqi Patients with Psoriasis Vulgaris
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Back ground: Psoriasis is a chronic relapsing disorder with no life long cure, many systemic and topical modalities are available, one of these topical modalities is the vitamin D analogue
(calcipotriene) which is widely used recently to treat psoriasis and many other skin problems.
Aim of the study: Is to compare the safety, the efficacy and the tolerability of tolerability of topical calcipotriene, topical clobetasol and both of them in combination in treating Iraqi patients with psoriasis vulgaris. (The first study in Iraq that uses calcipotriene ointment in treating psoriasis and comparing it with other known topical treatments that were commonly used to treat this problem).
Patients and methods A to

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