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LA LITTÉRATURE RÉDUCTIBLE Analyse critique de l’exploitation du texte littéraire dans Le « Mauger Bleu »
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            LeMauger Bleu est une méthode emblématique de l’enseignement traditionnel, qui présente une littérature française riche et patrimoniale, et dont l’objectif est de faciliter l’accès au texte par le vocabulaire et la grammaire et d’étendre la culture générale et littéraire de l’apprenant. La démarche (traditionnelle) est toujours la même : le texte, le vocabulaire et la grammaire, la traduction, les exercices et le thème. L’apprentissage se voit essentiellement déroulé à l’écrit, la place de l’oral restant minime, ce qui peut bloquer le mécanisme d’assimilation des éléments linguistiques. Même si le choix des textes a certainement été très soigné par les auteurs du manuel, leur juxtaposition dans sa méthode ne prend pas en compte le plaisir esthétique que peut faire ressentir la littérature chez l’apprenant. Ce plaisir, c’est à l’enseignant qui détient le savoir et la place d’expert de le transmettre aux apprenants, et ainsi créer l’émulation nécessaire pour faire vivre le texte.


The Mauger Blue is - emblematic in terms - one of the traditional methods of teaching the French language. It considers one of the oldest methods and the most spread in the world. This tutorial book presents the French literature which is rich with literary texts. This method aims to facilitate teaching the literature throughout vocabulary and grammar. The book aims to expand the range of general and literature culture for the French language students. The teachers normally follow traditional methods which present the literature text, vocabulary and grammar, translation, practices and the explanation of the text subject. The learning process focuses on writing rather than speaking which complicate the comprehension and the mechanism of assimilation of linguistic elements.

Even if the text is chosen with careful attention by the authors, and certainly very well maintained, sorting these texts doesn't take in consideration the epistemology of the text that can be felt by the learner of the language. The teacher becomes responsible to explain this epistemology, due to this; the teacher is professional in explaining the text to the learners, and creating the necessary excitement which makes the learners coexist with the text.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Vibration Analysis of Cross-Ply Plates Under Initial Stress Using Refined Theory
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Natural frequency under initial stresses for simply supported cross-ply composite laminated plates (E glass- fiber) are obtained using Refind theory (RPT). This theory accounts for parabolic distribution of the transverse shear strain through the plate thickness and satisfies the zero traction boundary conditions on the surfaces of the plate without using shear correction factors. The governing equations for Eigen value problem under initial stress are derived using Hamilton’s principle and solved using Navier solution for simply supported cross-ply symmetric and antisymmetric laminated plates. The effect of many design factors such as modulus ratio, thickness ratio and number of laminates on the Natural frequency and buckling stresses

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
DISPONIBILIDAD LÉXICA Y El análisis del manual (español en directo A1, A2)
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En el contexto de la disponibilidad léxica, Esta investigación surge de la necesidad de enseñar, a los estudiantes extranjeros de comunicación que cursan sus estudios en nuestra universidad, el español especializado que realmente necesitan. La metodología disponibilidad léxica ofrece una oportunidad en cuanto a la elaboración de los manuales.


This article presents the lexical availability as a practical tool, this research can be exploited didactically in the teaching of vocabulary as a foreign languages LE.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Applying A* Path Planning Algorithm Based on Modified C-Space Analysis
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In this paper, a modified derivation has been introduced to analyze the construction of C-space. The profit from using C-space is to make the process of path planning more safety and easer. After getting the C-space construction and map for two-link planar robot arm, which include all the possible situations of collision between robot parts and obstacle(s), the A* algorithm, which is usually used to find a heuristic path on Cartesian W-space, has been used to find a heuristic path on C-space map. Several modifications are needed to apply the methodology for a manipulator with degrees of freedom more than two. The results of C-space map, which are derived by the modified analysis, prove the accuracy of the overall C-space mapping and cons

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Tourism Companies Assessment via Social Media Using Sentiment Analysis
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In recent years, social media has been increasing widely and obviously as a media for users expressing their emotions and feelings through thousands of posts and comments related to tourism companies. As a consequence, it became difficult for tourists to read all the comments to determine whether these opinions are positive or negative to assess the success of a tourism company. In this paper, a modest model is proposed to assess e-tourism companies using Iraqi dialect reviews collected from Facebook. The reviews are analyzed using text mining techniques for sentiment classification. The generated sentiment words are classified into positive, negative and neutral comments by utilizing Rough Set Theory, Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Asymptotic Analysis of the Gradient Remediability Problem for Disturbed Distributed Linear Systems
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The goal of this work is demonstrating, through the gradient observation of a   of type linear ( -systems), the possibility for reducing the effect of any disturbances (pollution, radiation, infection, etc.) asymptotically, by a suitable choice of related actuators of these systems. Thus, a class of  ( -system) was developed based on finite time  ( -system). Furthermore, definitions and some properties of this concept -system and asymptotically gradient controllable system ( -controllable) were stated and studied. More precisely, asymptotically gradient efficient actuators ensuring the weak asymptotically gradient compensation system ( -system) of known or unknown disturbances are examined. Consequently, under convenient hypo

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analysis of computer textbooks content for intermediate stage according to the theory of multiple intelligence
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The purpose of current study is to analyze the computer textbooks content for intermediate stage in Iraq according to the theory of multiple intelligence. By answering the following question “what is the percentage of availability of multiple intelligence in the content of the computer textbooks on intermediate stage (grade I, II) for the academic year (2017-2018)? The researcher followed the descriptive analytical research approach (content analysis), and adopted an explicit idea for registration. The research tool was prepared according the Gardner’s classification of multiple intelligence. It has proven validity and reliability. The study found the percentage of multiple intelligence in the content of computer textbooks for the in

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Integration between value chain analysis and balanced scorecard to for performance evaluation
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The performance evaluation process requires a set of criteria and for the purpose of measuring the level of performance achieved by the Unit and the actual level of development of its activities, and in view of the changes and of rapid and continuous variables surrounding the Performance is a reflection of the unit's ability to achieve its objectives, as these units are designed to achieve the objectives of exploiting a range of economic resources available to it, and the performance evaluation process is a form of censorship, focusing on the analysis of the results obtained from the achievement All its activities with a view to determining the extent to which the Unit has achieved its objectives using the resources available to it and h

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between Iraq's foreign trade and economic growth analysis For the period (2013-1980)
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This study highlights the importance of Iraq in the analysis of foreign trade and economic growth for the period (1980 - 2013) is an attempt to determine the equilibrium relationship long term and short term between these two variables were used ARDL model to explain the economic relationship between the two variables.

To achieve the objectives of the research has been the standard model estimate after testing the stability of exports X data series, and imports M, and GDP current prices, and exchange rate EXR, and verify the existence of a joint integration relationship between these variables.

In order to achieve the objectives of the research it

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
analyzethe Surface Structure of Persian Language: تجزيه ى روساختى جمله فارسى
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  The sentence is one building unit in a music that has a full  meaning which in the end takes a long silence .The sentence bases made the sentences with  intransitive verb ( non connection ) and the sentences are   made with general verb (connection ) .The sentence parts :Verbal sentence –supportive sentence , sentence without a verb .

The method of divide the sentence into these syntax  units ( face division ) or (analysis and to each of the syntax units resulted from dividing the sentence to sections made to the end the characterizes the  smaller syntax units ,the words .The method of analyze the surface structure of Persian language sentence  is exchange method.   &nbsp

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Buckling and Pre Stressed Dynamics Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate with Different Boundary Conditions
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Critical buckling and natural frequencies behavior of laminated composite thin plates subjected to in-plane uniform load is obtained using classical laminated plate theory (CLPT). Analytical investigation is presented using Ritz- method for eigenvalue problems of buckling load solutions for laminated symmetric and anti-symmetric, angle and cross ply composite plate with different elastic supports along its edges. Equation of motion of the plate was derived using principle of virtual work and solved using modified Fourier displacement function that satisfies general edge conditions. Various numerical investigation were studied to exhibit a convergence and accuracy of the present solution for considering some design parameters such as edge

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