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Análisis de la traducción del relativo “QUE” en “la Barraca” al árabe
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The field of translation studies is full of different types of social, economic, political, and literary translations as well as other types related to the life of the human being which are several, but the translation of the grammatical aspects is considered one of the important tasks that both of the translator and interpreter have to take in consideration, so as to get an translation so perfect and so correct as much as possible. One of the grammatical aspects that we have to know how to be translated correctly is the relative pronouns. And it’s about the relative pronouns translation from Spanish to Arabic turns my research work.

      In this research, I will consider how to be translated the relative pronouns - especially the pronoun "que" - from Spanish to Arabic, where relative sentences in Spanish can provide additional information about a noun or pronoun without having to start a new independent sentence. On the other hand, relative clauses are formed using relative pronouns and relative adverbs, are placed in the sentence of relative, the noun or the pronoun to refer. While in the Arabic language, the relative is, according to the Arab grammarians, a confused pronoun that invariably requires so that its meaning is so obvious to two aspects that go after it that are, whether a sentence or equivalent. Both referred to as nexus of the relative (صلة الموصول).

      My research work is divided into two parts; the first will be theoretical framework. In this part I will give an grammatical explication for the relative pronoun "que" in Spanish and Arabic. The second part, is the practical framework that encompasses the analysis of the translation of the novel (La Barraca) which was translated by Dr. Basam Yasin Rashid translated. La Barraca is a novel for the Spanish author Vicente Blasco Ibáñez published in 1898 embodied in the literary movement known as naturalism. The work develops in the Valencia farm from the end of 19th century, accurately describing the harsh conditions of life of the population peasant and farmer.

      The translation of Dr. Basam Yasin Rashid was successful, especially in the grammatical form of the relative pronouns that are widely used in the novel.                                                                       

     The objective of this study is to know the difference between the Spanish and Arabic language in the translation of relative pronouns especially the pronoun "que".                                                               

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluating the level of readiness to teach science in the light of the information, media, and technology skills among undergraduate students at the Faculty of Education, King Khalid University
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This research aimed to evaluate the level of readiness to teach science in the light of the information, media, and technology skills among undergraduate students at the Faculty of Edu-cation, King Khalid University. To achieve this goal, a descriptive and analytical approach was used. A list of readiness to teach science was prepared in the light of Information, media, and technology skills, and in the light of this list, a cognitive test, observation sheet, and attitude scale were prepared to assess readiness to teach science in its three aspects, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional. The sample of the research consisted of (42) students enrolled in field training courses at the sixth, seventh and eighth levels. Research tools were app

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A comparison between Bayesian Method and Full Maximum Likelihood to estimate Poisson regression model hierarchy and its application to the maternal deaths in Baghdad
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 This research aims to compare Bayesian Method and Full Maximum Likelihood to estimate hierarchical Poisson regression model.

The comparison was done by  simulation  using different sample sizes (n = 30, 60, 120) and different Frequencies (r = 1000, 5000) for the experiments as was the adoption of the  Mean Square Error to compare the preference estimation methods and then choose the best way to appreciate model and concluded that hierarchical Poisson regression model that has been appreciated Full Maximum Likelihood Full Maximum Likelihood  with sample size  (n = 30) is the best to represent the maternal mortality data after it has been reliance value param

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Education and the Challenges of Globalization during the Corona Pandemic: A Field Study from Baghdad University Professors’ Point of View: ميسم ياسين عبيد
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study aims to examine education and the challenges of globalization in light of Corona pandemic. The examination involves surveying a randomly selected sample from the University of Baghdad’s professors, particularly from the colleges of Education for Women, Arts, and Sciences. The purpose of this examination is to learn about the dimensions of globalization, its effects on the educational process, and the importance of distance education during the spread of Corona virus quarantine. To achieve this, the researcher followed a descriptive and analytical approach by applying a questionnaire to a sample of 70 teachers who were randomly selected electronically. Results have shown that 78.6% emphasized the contribution of globalization duri

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The features of the linguistic and cultural component in teaching Russian language to Arab students: Особенности лингвокультурологической составляющей в преподавании русского языка арабским учащимся
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The author addresses the issue of the linguoculturological component in the process of teaching Russian to Arabic students, focuses on the peculiarities of the national character of students. The author also refers to the long-standing ties of Russian and Arab cultures, thus emphasizing the relevance of this aspect for the current state and situation of the Russian language in Arab countries.

Автор статьи обращается к вопросу лингвокультурологической составляющей в процессе преподавания русского языка арабским студентам, останавливается на особенностях национального хара

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Achieve the internal and external dimensions of corporate social responsibility through the human resources management strategies / case study in the Municipality of Ramadi.
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The main focus of research is on how to achieve the internal and external dimensions of corporate social responsibility through human resources management strategies, which is a major of research aimed. The main problem of this research was confirmed, which confirms that there is an unclear role for social responsibility, lack of human resources management strategies, and ambiguity of roles in the municipality under study. The diagnose of the problem and determining the gap between the internal and external dimensions of social responsibility and human resources management was identified, which attacked the researcher's attention to navigate in this subject, look for the reasons for the gaps and try to reduce them. The case study

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The interrelationship between ignorance processors is ideologically defined and strategic achievement achieved
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Abstract : 

The aim of the study is to diagnose the level and nature of the relationship between cognitive interactions, cognitive ignorance and the achievement of strategic excellence). The aim of this is to explore theoretical philosophy and intellectual implications of these variables, and, then test the correlation and impact relationships and their feasibility in the application environment, which was formed from the seven directorates in the Ministry of Education. The sample of the study was determined by the directors, their assistants, and the department directors. The sample number is (130). The importance of the study is to come out with a philosophical basis for the nature of the variables, based on an app

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Coagulation-Flocculation process to treat Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater by Fenugreek Mucilage Coupled with Alum and Polyaluminum Chloride
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The wastewater arising from pulp and paper mills is highly polluted and has to be treated before discharged into rivers. Coagulation-flocculation process using natural polymers has grown rapidly in wastewater treatment. In this work, the performance of alum and Polyaluminum Chloride (PACl) when used alone and when coupled with Fenugreek mucilage on the treatment of pulp and paper mill wastewater were studied. The experiments were carried out in jar tests with alum, PACl and Fenugreek mucilage dosages range of 50-2000 mg/L, rapid mixing at 200 rpm for 2 min, followed by slow mixing at 40 rpm for 15 min and settling time of 30 min. The effectiveness of Fenugreek mucilage was measured by the reduction of turbidity and Chemical Oxygen Demand

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Tribal separation and its relation to the organization of the community from the point of view of tribal sheikhs Field study in the City of Baghdad Sadr City model))
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One of topics that occupied alarge area  in Iraqi  society  at the moment is the  issue( of tribal  separation and its  relation  to the organization of  the community ) so we see in the civilizations and heritage  of each community aset  of provisions and laws that take the form of status   customary or religious it is indicative of the great interest in Iraqi society in cotrolling the behavior of individuals to comply with values and social laws and become their behavior is consistent with the behavior of the total and adhere to the social values and be productive individuals within  the subject and this can only be  achieved  from the social co

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Protection and its Impact on the Cohesion of Vulnerable Groups: A Field Study of a Sample Social Protection Network Beneficiaries: دينا داود محمد المولى
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Social protection meets different aspects of the needs of vulnerable groups, such as the economic, health, education, and family relations and ties in the Iraqi society. This is because vulnerable groups have suffered from social and economic influences that have negative implications on the social reality as a whole. Poverty is a case in point, which paved the way to frequent setbacks that have led to social structure instability. Accordingly, the present study aims to examine the role and effect of the Net of Social Protection Program in equally distributing social protection to curb or mitigate any negative consequnces that might happen to the poor segments and vulnerable people, who are succeptible to shocks, such as: the orphans, un

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 12 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تحفة الأصحاب ونزهة ذوي الألباب (ما جاء في ذكر المعادن)، احمد بن إبراهيم الحنفي السروجي (ت710هـ/1310م)،"دراسة وتحقيق".
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Manuscript (Tuhfat Al-Ashaba and the Nuzha Al-Kulbab) by Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Hanafi Al-Suruji (d.710 AH / 1310 AD), one of the important manuscripts as an encyclopedia characterized by the diversity of its topics

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