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A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis of Lamentation in Selected Elegies of Gray and AL-Khansaa'
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This research is an attempt to explore a social and pragmatic phenomenon of lamentation in elegies of Gray and AL-Khansaa' who represent two different cultures. It illustrates the intended meaning of lamentation in English and Arabic and finds how the two languages express this purpose of poetry by analysing it socio-pragmatically adopting Searle's models (1969),and its modifications. Lamentation is considered as a mournful poem lamenting the death of  whole humanity as Gray's elegy and of an individual as AL-Khansaa's elegy. So, Gray portrays a universal picture concerning his lamentation, while AL-Khansaa' portrays an individual and subjective picture regarding her lamentation. As  branches of linguistics, sociolinguistics deals with the relationship between language and society, and pragmatics deals with the language in use and shows the intended meaning of the words. On these bases, the main aim of sociolinguistics and pragmatics is to observe the intended expressive lamenting meaning in English and Arabic societies(cultures).

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Imagination as a Path to Reality
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Imagination as a Path to Reality

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Bitcoin Prediction with a hybrid model
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In recent years, Bitcoin has become the most widely used blockchain platform in business and finance. The goal of this work is to find a viable prediction model that incorporates and perhaps improves on a combination of available models. Among the techniques utilized in this paper are exponential smoothing, ARIMA, artificial neural networks (ANNs) models, and prediction combination models. The study's most obvious discovery is that artificial intelligence models improve the results of compound prediction models. The second key discovery was that a strong combination forecasting model that responds to the multiple fluctuations that occur in the bitcoin time series and Error improvement should be used. Based on the results, the prediction acc

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Scopus (10)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
SBOA: A Novel Heuristic Optimization Algorithm
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A new human-based heuristic optimization method, named the Snooker-Based Optimization Algorithm (SBOA), is introduced in this study. The inspiration for this method is drawn from the traits of sales elites—those qualities every salesperson aspires to possess. Typically, salespersons strive to enhance their skills through autonomous learning or by seeking guidance from others. Furthermore, they engage in regular communication with customers to gain approval for their products or services. Building upon this concept, SBOA aims to find the optimal solution within a given search space, traversing all positions to obtain all possible values. To assesses the feasibility and effectiveness of SBOA in comparison to other algorithms, we conducte

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Scopus (4)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 18 2014
Journal Name
Geological Quarterly
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and elemental composition and origin of organic matter from the Euphrates, Injana and Dibdibba formations in Iraq: discrimination between marine and terrestrial environments
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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy in reducing inflation in Iraq through monetary sterilization mechanism. post-2003
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The main objective of the central bank is to achieve price stability and target in fractionates. Therefore, the bank sought to use modern tools and policies in order to reduce the negative effects of the accumulation of foreign reserves represented by monetary sterilization, similar to developed and developing countries alike, but with different available tools that are possible and imposed by the local financial and monetary environments, such as the window for buying and selling foreign currency, open market operations and deposit facilities. And lending existing. Because any in crease in the monetary base resulting from the accumulation of foreign reserves will affect price stability directly due to the consumer nature of the

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 25 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The good and bad words in Surah Ibrahim, peace be upon him
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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise be to God who revived Balu. And the good word brought hard hearts after removing from them what had almost killed them of ignorance, injustice, hatred, hostility, estrangement, and irritation... So God replaced for them what was best with what was best in terms of knowledge and fairness, and what was corrupt, love, and altruism. So the example of a believer and a good word is like a tree with good roots and branches. Then I pray and greet the one who watered it from the pure and inexhaustible spring of Islam, our Master Muhammad, so that the valleys flowed in their capacity, and the crops grew, then they became thicker and became even, and their good fruits in behavi

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Sustainable design in the Iraqi craft industries and ways to develop them
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Research on sustainable design in Iraqi craft industries and ways to develop them is essential to preserving the cultural heritage and authenticity of these industries while promoting environmentally sustainable practices. Lack of access to modern technologies, knowledge and resources may hinder the growth of these industries and their ability to compete in the global market. The research problem revolves around finding ways to develop sustainable design in the Iraqi craft industries. The expected outcomes of this research include a clear definition of sustainable design, understanding the history of sustainable design in the craft industry, identifying different types of craft industries in Iraq, exploring the basic concepts of sustaina

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Social intelligence and its role in demonstration the Potential abilities for individuals
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          The following research is marked by "social intelligence and its role in demonstration the potential abilities for individuals." The discussion dealt with the concepts of contemporary is very important because of their significant role in influencing the work of the Organization, as adopted link between the concepts of social intelligence and the potential role of the first to show the second .The research hypotheses tested in three health institutions in the city of Mosul, the research community is represented (Al-Salam Hospital and General Hospital and the son of ether), while the sample were the leaders of these institutio

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Personality Types According to Holland's Theory and its Relationship with the Management Changing for some Administrators in the Province of Kurdistan-Iraq
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The figure of personality modes determines its privileged style in the use of modern and advanced technological tools in the process of changing and developing in order to keep up with that. The proses of selection and choosing administrators in the appropriate places are the most important functions of senior management because it is easy to adopt factory buildings or establishments But this is a human world as that of machines world. So it is required to have people in the process of changing those who have a time, Knowledge, skill, ability and strong administrative personal skills, those people (leaders) should to put a clear vision for the selection and application of the change efforts and to create the necessary climate and

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Diagnosis of factors affecting the strategic implementation of sewage projects ( Case study in General Directorate of sewage projects )
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  This  Research aim to identify the factors affecting the strategic implementation of sewage projects and to seek to activate the real follow-up of projects to identify the factors that accompany their implementation, The study included a sample of the projects of the investment plan implemented for the Directorate General of sewage in the governorates of Iraq, which was completed during the six years period (2010-2016). The sample of the research was four projects: The project of implementation and processing of the treatment plant and the lifting station and the conveyor line for the project of IMARA/The third stage/Al-Sanaf marshland , The project of the processing and implementation of the treatment plant with the

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