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            Irak’ın osmanlıcada yazılan sayısız elyazmalar çeşitli illerinde bulunur. Bunlardan Irak’ın başkenti olan Bağdat’tır. Irak Ulusal Müzesi Bağdad’ın uygarlık yerlerindendir. Elyazması Evi müzenin en önemli bölümleri sayılır. Orada osmanlıcada yazılan çok değerli elyazmalar bulunur. Bu elyazmalarından  birisini ( fotokopi ) elde edip üzerinde çalışılmaktadır. Eser Antoloji  şeklinde yazılmış. Bu eserden Sadullah Pâşâ’nın On Dokuzuncu Asır Manzumesini seçip ele alınmaktadır.

             İki sayıfa  ve 25 satırlı olan On Dokuzuncu Asır Manzumesi Sadullah Pâşâ’nın Avrupai fikirlerini ortaya koymaktadır. Sadullah Pâşâ bu manzumede on dokuzuncu asır medeniyetinin en mühim iki unsuru olan ilim ve tekniği yüceltmektedir.

            Çalışmamız giriş ve üç ana başlıktan oluşur. Girişte Sadullah Pâşâ hakkında kısa bilgi verilmekte ve bazı eserlerine değinip manzumayı dil ve fikir bakımından tartışılmaktadır. İncelemede metnin bazı dil özellikleri ve imla hususıyetlerini belirtmektedir. Tıpkıbasım  bölümünde  ise  metnin  karşılaştırılmasını  sağlamak  amacıyla, çalışmaya konu olan bölümün tıpkıbasımı verilmiştir. Sayfa ve satır numaraları belirtilerek metni yeni türkçeye aktarılıp günümüz noktalama işaretlerine göre düzenlenmektedir. Yanlış ve eksik yazılan kelimeler düzeltilerek dipnotlarda belirtilmiştir.  Böylece  manzumadan faydalanılması daha kolay hale getirmek istenilmiştir.     Metindeki  Arapça kelimelerin çok bulunması için onlara bir sözlük yapmamıza uygun bululunmaktadır.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
الأعراب في العصر الاموي
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The islamic caliphate was against the Aarab who became Muslims and
stayed in their desert and their companies didn’t share with the Muslims to
spread Islam by Al-Jihad. The Quran attacked them in many verses except
the Aarab who accepted when the prophet called them for Al-Jihad.
The Aarab in the ummayad period were in three categories :
1. The aarab who lived in the desert ,the islamic society was very revenge
towards them. The caliphate did not gave them Al-Ataa so they were in
bad situation
2. Those who lived in the country side . they were very trouble to the
3. The third lived in the cities and worked in the trade, Dawawin and in the
The Aarab of cities some of them associ

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Study of Feminist Stylistic Analysis of Language Issues of Gender Representation in Selected Literary text
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Stylistics is the analysis of the language of literary texts integrated within  various approaches to create a framework of different devices that describe and distinct a particular work. Therefore, feminist stylistics relied on theories of feminist criticism tries to present a counter- image of a woman both in language use and society, to draw attention , raise awareness and change ways that gender represents. Feminist stylistic analysis is related not only to describe sexism in a text, but also to analyze the way that point of view, agency, metaphor, and transitivity choices are  unanticipatedly and carefully connected to issues of gender(Mills,1995:1)            &nb

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
I-Semiprime Submodules
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 Let  be a commutative ring with identity and a fixed ideal of  and  be an unitary -module.We say that a proper submodule  of  is -semi prime submodule if with . In this paper, we investigate some properties of this class of submodules. Also, some characterizations of -semiprime submodules will be given, and we show that under some assumptions -semiprime submodules and semiprime submodules are coincided.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Analytical Approaches between New Media and Traditional Media
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The research deals with an analytical approach between new media and traditional one in the light of the changes imposed by technology, which has been able to change a number of common concepts in the field of communication and media. The researcher tries to find an analytical explanation of the relationship between technology by being an influential factor in building the information society, which is the basis of new media, and the technical output that influenced the forms of social relations and linguistic construction as a human communication tool. The research deals with an analytical approach between new media and traditional one in the light of the changes imposed by technology, which has been able to change a number of comm

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
New Media and Political Awareness among Young People
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This study seeks to answer urgent questions about the role of new media that have emerged recently, such as the Internet and social networking sites and information services through mobile and others to increase awareness among young people, especially university students. during a field study that took place on a sample of students in the Department of Media at the University of Petra Kingdom of Jordan during the second semester in 2013 in the study the researcher finds increased attention and follow-up by young people for many of the world events and regional and local communities through exposure to a number of new media; in the forefront of the Internet and increase the level of awareness and interests young people do many of the eve

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Novel Water Quality Index for Iraqi Surface Water
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The study aims to build a water quality index that fits the Iraqi aquatic systems and reflects the environmental reality of Iraqi water. The developed Iraqi Water Quality Index (IQWQI) includes physical and chemical components. To build the IQWQI, Delphi method was used to communicate with local and global experts in water quality indices for their opinion regarding the best and most important parameter we can use in building the index and the established weight of each parameter. From the data obtained in this study, 70% were used for building the model and 30% for evaluating the model. Multiple scenarios were applied to the model inputs to study the effects of increasing parameters. The model was built 4 by 4 until it reached 17 parame

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Conflict and Integration between New and Traditional Media
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The new media scene reveals that the unprecedented overlap of a number of technical, economic, and political factors has made the new media a very complicated issue; and the focus of specialized and public debates about its impact on traditional means of communication and forms of social media and social relations. Then, the same scene discloses the reality of the relationship between the new and the traditional. These are the axes that will be will be discussed in this study.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On New Weibull Inverse Lomax Distribution with Applications
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In this paper, simulation studies and applications of the New Weibull-Inverse Lomax (NWIL) distribution were presented. In the simulation studies, different sample sizes ranging from 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, to 500 were considered. Also, 1,000 replications were considered for the experiment. NWIL is a fat tail distribution. Higher moments are not easily derived except with some approximations. However, the estimates have higher precisions with low variances. Finally, the usefulness of the NWIL distribution was illustrated by fitting two data  sets

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development
Citric Acid Production Using Wheat Bran by <i>Aspergillus niger</i>
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This study aimed to obtain a local isolation of Aspergillus niger and then studied its ability to produce citric acid from raw materials available locally using solid state fermentation. Six local isolates were collected from different sources including some samples of the damaged fruits such as grapefruit, oranges and sindi. Wheat bran was used as a raw material or as culture medium for the production of citric acid from the collected isolates. The conditions for citric acid production were determined by humidity percentage of 1: 1 (water: culture medium), temperature of 28 C, pH 4 and inoculum dose with 5× 106 spore/ml and for 3 days of incubation. The orange was the best model for citric acid production with a concentration of 12.8 mg/m

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research &amp; Development
Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Biofilms of <i>Streptococcus</i> Spps
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Today technology using nanoparticle when treatment pathogentic microorganism and we focused on this here. It was found that the species of streptococcus used in present study were sensitive to erythromycin. In present study focusing biofilm formation by Streptococcus spp was evaluated. Species S. mutans was found that highest amount of biofilm compare with the other species. The aim of report effect (SNPs) on ability of biofilm form different species of streptococcus. The anti-biofilm effect of SNPs was in concentration dependent manner. The highest effect of SNP against biofilm formation was found the concentration 160 μg/ml, while the lowest effect was found the lowest used concentration (80 μg/ml) of SNPs. In vivo study revealed that s

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