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La traducción de LJI ,Robinson Crusoe en la imaginación de los niños . Infants' literature (Robinson Crusoe) in children's imagination
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      La literatura infantil es uno de los géneros literarios que incluye varios estilos de la prosa, cuento,  poesía etc. Ha florecido en el siglo XX con la aparición de los autores que dedicaron la mayor parte de su tiempo para escribir sus composiciones para los niños, tomando de las leyendas y las historias populares y religiosas a fin de hacerla sencilla para ser correspondiente con sus edades. La traducción de la literatura infantil lleva a ampliar los horizontes y los conocimientos de los niños cuando conocen las costumbres y las tradiciones de los pueblos. Se sabe que hay muchas dificultades respecto al proceso de la traducirían en cuanto a la comprensión de los niños. Pues, hasta cuál alcance el traductor tiene que ser justo en sus traducción y al mismo tiempo ser fiel al texto original al ser traducido al lector pequeño?  Los niños se caracterizan por especiales cualidades que se diferencian del lector mayor.     

Hemos tomado en nuestro trabajo de investigación un análisis y comparación de traducción del cuento de Robinson Cruso para el escritor inglés Daniel, que es una de las mejores novelas internacionales traducidas como un cuento sintetizado a los niños. 


   Infants literature is a kind of cultural arts and contains many methods of prose, stories and poems. The Infants literature has flourished in 20th century with the appearance of authors who dedicated most of their time in writing texts for children adapted from ancient popular folklore and religious tales  in order to be convenient with their ages. Take the study that we proceed to the subject of her examination and analysis of intervening factors, which should take into account during the reproduction of texts for children in a language other social context different from the context of the original text.

Our approach to the issue and of our study here basic premise and under which the translation of children's literature is a complex process and requires a specialized translator to do a double-step analytical; the first and the essential character of the quality of sex case grasp meaning, and the second within the new literary context, the context of reception. It is very obvious that this step analytical dual control Translations for each of them, especially with regard to the writings Baghin-oriented, and with this, allow us to place the belief that proprioceptive thinking writings of children requires more attention to all the qualities represented by this genre.


These compositions enriched the mental and knowledge of children. Knowing that there are great difficulties in translating infants literature, in this case how much the translator should be sincere in his translation when he / she transform it to small readers, because those children have proper different characters than adult readers.

(Robinson Crusoe) is a tale for the English writer Daniel Defoe, one of famous international novels , translated as short story for children where many modifications had been performed to change a novel of 8 capitals in to a short story for those small ages.

Key word: translation studies, infants literature, adaptation, Robinson Crusoe. 

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Dificultades de traducción en los textos teatrales
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The theatrical text is a literary genre is written to be represented on a stage. Present difficulties in translation because include elements paralinguistic, historical, social, cultural, etc. The drama contains dialect, slang, and jargon elements. Here the translator must decide in favor of a re-creation of such elements with dialects, slang, and jargon in the receiving.

    The main objective of this study presents a descriptive about the translation for the theater and the main problems in translation theatrical texts. Try to reach some conclusions about the following questions: What requires theatrical translation? and What is the perfect formation of the translator of theater texts?.  The first part is an

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 30 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Dificultades de traducción en los textos teatrales
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The problems of Google Translate: Los servicios de la traducción automática de Google y sus problemas
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There are numbers of automatic translation services that internet users can choose to automatically translate a certain text, and Google translate is one of these automatic services that proposes over 51 Languages. The present paper sheds light on the nature of the translation process offered by Google, and analyze the most prominent problems faced when Google translate is used. Direct translation is common with Google Translate and often results in nonsensical literal translations, particularly with long compound sentences. This is due to the fact that Google translation system uses a method based on language pair frequency that does not take into account grammatical rules which, in turn, affects the quality of the translation. The

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 16 2024
Journal Name
Sabir. International Bulletin Of Applied Linguistics
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El interés de nuestra investigación se centra en lenguaje diplomático, el cual juega un papel crucial en las relaciones internacionales. A través de él nuestros estados- nación comunican sus intereses, posturas y acuerdos. Este tipo de lenguaje puede caracterizarse por su formalidad, precisión y sutileza, lo que permite a los diplomáticos manejar situaciones complejas y delicadas. Por lo tanto, en un contexto en donde las palabras tienen un peso importante en la percepción y el entendimiento entre las naciones, la habilidad de una persona al manejar este lenguaje, determina el éxito o fracaso de las negociaciones y la construcción de consensos. Por otro lado, al centrarnos en el ejercicio de la traducción de textos y dis

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Estudio lexicográfico sobre la Terminología de la Planta “Maíz” en Andalucía
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Andalucía, dentro del mapa lingüístico español, es una región con muchas variaciones dialécticas. En muchos casos contiene una gran variedad de términos propios de la zona, ya que en esta misma zona se pueden observar muchas subdivisiones dialectales.

En este trabajo, hemos seguido dos tipos de fuentes:

- Directa: Se trata de conseguir la información por medio de cuestionarios distribuidos a informantes de edades y localidades diferentes.

 - Indirecta: Consultando libros para conseguir información y datos básicos del tema, e información sobre las voces y nombres dialectales en la geografía estudiada.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Criterion of Scientific Translation: Criterios de la traducción
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This research focuses on shedding light on the most important criteria by which the translator can achieve total success with regard to the translation of scientific texts whose written language in Spanish is greatly influenced by expressions and words adopted from the English language and other world languages, in addition to exposing the most outstanding difficulties that translators face when translating from Spanish to Arabic, giving the most appropriate solutions in this regard.


El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en echar luz sobre los criterios más importantes por los cuales el traductor puede conseguir el total éxito en la traducción de los textos científicos cuyo lenguaje

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Ishraqat Tanmawya
Estudio critico de la Traducción literaria: Problemas y soluciones
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En este trabajo de investigación titulado, tratamos las bases científicas necesarias que debe seguir un crítico competente a la hora de elaborar un proceso critico extenso y preciso de las traducciones literarias de forma satisfactoria, teniendo en consideración mostrar los aspectos tanto lingüísticos como los extralingüísticos del texto original en comparación con el de meta. Actualmente el proceso crítico de las traducciones literarias se pone más importante a fin de aclarar posiciones débiles y de fuerza a las obras literarias y a sus traducciones. Palabras claves: Crítica, Traducción literaria, Problemas, Soluciones

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
L’imaginaire de l’épidémie dans La Peste d’Albert Camus et Le Choléra de Nazik al-Malaika The Imagination of Epidemic in Alber Kamo's Novel " Plague" and Nazik Al-Malaekah's poem "Cholera"
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The present study deals with the story of Epidemic in two literary works issued in the same year (1947). One of them is a novel titled "Plague" written by the French writer Alber Kamo, the second is a poem of the Iraqi poetess Nazik Al-Malaekah. The research reflects a contrastive study of the war vision in the two works as both writers used science to serve literature by using Epidemic as a metaphor to refer to the dangers that the societies faced.

The problem of the present research lies in answering the question about the reason that makes the two writers use metaphor while narrating the issues of the society instead of mentioning them directly and illuminate what implications do the narrative style of Epidemic story have and

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La France de la « Belle Époque » de 1890- 1914
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The rhetorical significance of history and the presentation of events through ages allow us to understand the mental changes and to investigate the evolution of the ideology of literary philosophy.                                                                                       


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Linguistic and extralinguistic problems of the translation of polysemic terms in the legal language from Spanish to Arabic: Problemas lingüísticos y extralingüísticos de la traducción de los términos polisémicos en el lenguaje jurídico del español al árabe
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       Legislative language is characterized by its complexity, specifically in the process of translating statutory terms from two quite different languages, and from totally two different legal systems as from Spanish into Arabic. The present study stresses the process of translating legislative terms used in Spanish wills into Arabic through high lightening the polysemy of such mentioned terms and explaining their use in other legislative grounds.  Additionally, the present study elucidates, analyzes, underlines the difficulty and looks for the most appropriate procedures and techniques of translating some of the prominent inheritance expressions taking in account the legislative dif

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