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Отражение женского пола в качестве женщины в русских фразеологических единицах на фоне арабского языка Reflection of Feminine Gender as represented by Women in Russian Idioms in Comparison with Arabic
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Взгляд на пол как на комплексное социальное отношение означает,что роль женщины в истории следует рассматривать не просто как новый для исторической науки предмет исследования, а как обойденный вниманием ученых вопрос об отношениях между людьми или группами людей.

Женщина играет особую и важную  роль в обществе , даже скажут ,что она половина нашего общества ,поэтому она является второй половиной в месте с мужчиной потому,что она как жена , мать, сестра, дочка, подруга, любовница.каждое из этих названий имеет собственные характеры.В арабском языке  как и в русском , есть такие фразеологизмы которые обясняют и важную  роль и поведения женщины  и даже её место в обществе.  Когда мы говорим о мужчине то мужчина всегда  герой,самавлюблён ,любопытен , но когда речь идет о женщине в сравнении с мужчиной то можем сказать: мужской ум. об умной женщине . мужик в юбке  ,   женщина ,выполняющая мужскую работу.Русская фразеология представляет несвободный образ женщины, в зависимости от отношения к муж¬чинам: девушка, невеста  , жена    ,мать     , домохозяйка, старуха, вдова  .


Shedding light on the feminine gender as represented by women, as complete social entity, along with the use of idioms referring to women though history  should never be seen as a topic of a historical study. It has to be taken into consideration by linguists so as to study it within people in the society. Women play a special role in the community; that they are the other half is never away from the truth. She is a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a girl-friend, and a beloved. All these designations have their own characteristics in Arabic as is the case with Russian. There are idiomatic expressions about women as to their role and status not inferior to men. We try to delimit as many as possible of the idioms used by people in literary writings so as to bring out the importance of this human being. When man is talked about, he is described as brave or as a lover; but when a woman is talked about, she is described differently.   She might be described as having a man-mentality, or a man-like role when she is very smart or when she has an important role to play. So, idiomatic expressions may take an ample time and space in linguistic study, especially when she is as a wife or fiancé or mother or house-keeper or a widow.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 24 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Arabic Language Teachers’ Training Needs for Implementing Cognitive Trips Strategy when Teaching Arabic Language Courses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: أمل ناصر الحربي, و وفاء العويضي
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The present work focuses on examining the strategy of cognitive trips and the Arabic language teachers’ training needs of such a strategy when teaching Arabic language courses in the Saudi Arabia Kingdom. To achieve the objective of the study, and check whether this strategy is used in lesson planning, lesson teaching, or lesson assessment, a descriptive approach and a questionnaire have been adopted. The researchers used a number of statistical tools, and chose a purposive sample, which consists of (58) Arabic language teachers from Saudi Arabia Kingdom. Results have shown that the training needs of Arabic language teachers for implemining the strategy of cognitive journeys while teaching Arabic language courses came in the following

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Reality of Teachers’ Use of Modern Technologies in Teaching Arabic as a Second Language in Terms of Objectives and Selection Foundations at the Institute of Arabic Language in Umm Al-qura University Mamoun Eltigani Hassan Eldali
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This study aims to know the degree of importance and the availability of the enhancing specifications of the educational process, and the way its objectives are achieved. Such a step involves using educational techniques, laying the selection foundations, knowing the methods of their employment and tracking the obstacles that limit this employment in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. To achieve these objectives, the study followed a descriptive approach, and collected the necessary data through an integrated questionnaire prepared for the purpose of describing the phenomenon or topic. This approach was adopted, as it is characterized by being comprehensive, focuses on collecting data related and necessary to the topic under study.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Rooting language in Arabic dialect Alkhozstanah
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This study Arabic dialect prevailing in the province of Khuzestan [southwest Islamic Republic of Iran] as one of the Arabic dialects abundant qualities and characteristics of linguistic entrenched in the foot, which includes among Tithe thousands composed of vocabulary and structures and phrases classical that live up to the pre-Islamic era, if what Tasha researcher and reflect accurately the find of a large number of phrases and vocabulary and acoustic properties by nature accent, and formal, and nature of the synthetic, and characteristics semantic and contextual in this dialect studied without being something of them heavy on the tongue and without displays her tune or Tasha or distortion and so on all of which constitute a catalyst i

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Символичность деревни (( Джикора )) в лирике иракского поэта Бадра Шакера ас-Саййаба Symbolism of Jekor Village in the Poetry of the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab
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       В данном исследовании рассматривается символичность (( Джикора )) в лирике иракского поэта ас-Саййаба и перевода лирики o деревне и городе с арабского на русский. Русский читатель пока не имеет возможности познакомиться с стихотворениями Бадра Шакера.


     The paper aims at making the Russian reader acquainted with the Iraqi Poet Badr Shakir as-Sayyab, and showing the effect of the village an

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Trends of Arabic Language Teachers in the Secondary Stage towards Homework
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The problem of the research is indicated by answering the following questions: 1) what are the attitudes of the Arabic language teachers towards homework?

2) Do the Arabic language teachers differ in their attitudes towards homework according to their specialization? 3) Do the Arabic language teachers differ in their attitudes towards homework according to their gender (male and female)? According to the three questions asked above, we may state the following hypotheses. There is no statistically significant difference between the average of the marks of Arabic language teachers in the real practice of the scale of the attitudes towards their homework and their average in the hypothetical practice of the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analytical study of the images and roles of women and men in the books of the Arabic language at the elementary level
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Importance of the research:
The importance of any educational or scientific research through its intellectual arena of facts supply the individual and society, Supports Knowledge and Science Group, which raised will be locked in these topics in the future.
This research seeks to shed light on the image and the role of women and men in the books of the Arabic language in primary education (primary), To illustrate the negative effects of the phenomenon of sexism in textbooks, And its negative impact on emerging, And stay away as much as possible about the distinction between the sexes in the roles and qualities in textbooks traditional stereotypes and remove that put both sexes templates hinder the development of the individual and t

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Linguistic contast between bilateral and trilateral roots in Semitics languages (Arabic and Syriac as a model)
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The present study investigates the relation between the biliteral and triliteral roots which is the introduction to comprehend the nature of the Semitic roots during its early stage of development being unconfirmed to a single pattern. The present research is not meant to decide on the question of the biliteral roots in the Semitic languages, rather it is meant to confirm the predominance of the triliteral roots on these languages which refers, partially, to analogy adopted by the majority of linguists. This tendency is frequently seen in the languages which incline to over generalize the triliteral phenomenon, i. e., to transfer the biliteral roots to the triliteral room, that is, to subject it to the predominant pattern regarding the r

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Гамлет Пастернака и Евангелическая философии (Стихотворение «гамлет» в романе "Доктор Живаго"
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        «Гамлет» Шекспира — один из шедевров переводческого искусства Пастернака. Одно из важнейших изречений принца датского в пастернаковском переводе звучит так: «Порвалась дней связующая нить. / Как мне отрывки их соединить!» Гамлету Юрий Живаго вкладывает в уста слова Иисуса Христа из молитвы в Гефсиманском саду, в которой он просит своего Отца об избавлении его от чаши страданий.&nbsp

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A reflection of increased financing Equity on returns commons stocks
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The research aims to study the effect of an increase in funding the Equity by issuing new common shares on revenues ordinary shares, despite the issuance and marketing costs and the introduction of new shareholders that companies incur when issuing new common shares but it is the most important methods used to finance the Equity is funding the common shares it provides money sufficient to finance the large investments of the company and enhance the confidence of dealers with the company, so I designed this research in order to identify the impact of increased funding Equity issue new common shares to common shares revenues.

This research has included some of the theoretical concepts to each of the Equity

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Slice inverse regression with the principal components in reducing high-dimensions data by using simulation
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This research aims to study the methods of reduction of dimensions that overcome the problem curse of dimensionality when traditional methods fail to provide a good estimation of the parameters So this problem must be dealt with directly . Two methods were used to solve the problem of high dimensional data, The first method is the non-classical method Slice inverse regression ( SIR ) method and the proposed weight standard Sir (WSIR) method and principal components (PCA) which is the general method used in reducing dimensions,    (SIR ) and (PCA) is based on the work of linear combinations of a subset of the original explanatory variables, which may suffer from the problem of heterogeneity and the problem of linear

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