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The Leader: His Qualifications and Attributes in the Quranic Perspective in Light of Surat Al-Naml - An Objective Study
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Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and after :
For the Holy Qur’an is the constitution of this nation, and it has included everything that the nation needs, and it has appropriate solutions for all the problems it faces, and for a long time the nation has its vision for the future, waiting for a leader who carries the concerns of this nation and proceeds towards progress and progress, so that it rises to the glory and glory. He brings it out from what it is today, from its deterioration in all levels.
The world has witnessed in recent decades the development of programs and curricula, and books have been prepared showing how to prepare leaders and their industry, and what programs they should adopt in order to succeed, whether in the leadership of institutions or the leadership of countries, hence the importance of the topic, where the urgent need for a leader with specifications Especially, through a reflective pause in the Noble Qur’an, I found that Surat al-Naml and the story of Solomon in particular carried all the answers that the questioner needed about the qualities of the leader that the nation wants, and through my careful reading of this story, I found that it showed beyond doubt the qualities that qualify a person for leadership, and the attributes That he must show With it, this was a direct and important reason for my choosing this topic, as I found satisfactory answers to the above questions.
The research was divided into four sections with an introduction and a conclusion:
As for the first topic: it dealt with the definition of leadership with language and terminology, and the conditions of the Imam set by Muslim scholars.
As for the second topic: It was on the qualities that qualify for leadership, and it contains four demands, the first in knowledge and recognition by the grace of God, and the second in inheritance and thanks to God for his grace, and the third was on the firm belief that he advocated thanksgiving and righteousness, and the last demand was about keenness on the parish, fear and mercy on them.
The third topic was on the leadership qualities of our master Solomon, peace be upon him
And it has five demands in following up the parish and asking about them, and the severity of the punishment with justice, charity, validation and identification from the news, courage and strength in decision-making, and the strength of personality and self-confidence.
As for the fourth topic, it was about the leadership qualities of the Queen of Sheba, and it contains four demands on the Shura about the matter, building the vision on the basis of interests and evils, and following the truth and surrender to it.
My methodology in the study was an objective one, as I mentioned the verse and its interpretation from the books of interpretation, then I tried to link this to what I found from recent writings, so I combined the old and the modern as much as I have from the sources.
Then I concluded the research with the most important results of the research, and I have reviewed everything that provides books on interpretation, biography, hadith and Sunnah, and some recent references in leadership and their conditions.

Finally, I say that it is the effort of the eyeballs, because if you do well from God, and if you offend myself, then our last prayer is that praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Jinan perish in the Koran: Objective study
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The paradise, the collection of a paradise through which it shows us the wonders of the divine-made, and reflect us the pleasure of looking and luster of beauty, and the splendor of creation, and all this is in the interest of this human being; To be a safety valve to collapse. But if this man deviates and forgot the blessed man, drowned in the vanity and vanity, and deviated from the divine method, this same heaven will disown him and reveal to him another face of destruction and devastation.
What we will see in the folds of the search, God willing

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
(Love and Love) in the light of the significance of Quranic
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Thanks allah and peace be upon our prophet muhammed and upon his family and his
Love means in holy quran what comes to people s mind nowadays and what it inspired its
signi ficence is related with sensual desire and it means adore and passion .by the waythe
word (ishiq) adore wasn’t mentioned in holy quran which means that both of their bases are
farfrom each oiter in m eaning.
The significance of love means virtue while adore means the excess and desire so adore is
dis praised . as al askari said (died 395h )between love and adore.adore is the strain of desire
to get the purpose from lovers if it was ahuman who intended to make love affairs.
Today both of love and adore changed in their meani

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Logic of Freezers and Animals in the Holy Quran: (Objective study
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The Logic of Freezers and Animals in the Holy Quran

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Almzna given in the consolation of the Prophet)) for women- an objective stu
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 My research deals with the positions that the Prophet (PBUH) distressed. And condolences to those who lost her father and other problems and calamities that impede the life of women, has been given to the Lord of men, and good qualities, to strike the nation's finest proverbs in ensuring lost and lost of women and children, to be shown to us humanity in its finest form, and the best analyzed, and I hope God help And guidance and Rashad

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
cosmic phenomena In Surat Al-Raad
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Examining the pictures of the scientific miracles in Surat Al-Ra’d revealed to us - as all other verses of miracles revealed - the truth of the prophecy of our noble Messenger (may God bless him and his family and grant him peace) in receiving the verses of the Qur’an from God Almighty through revelation. It is not possible to talk about cosmic phenomena and their secrets in this way. Fourteen centuries ago, when scientific techniques, observational devices, space surveys, and means of science were non-existent, except for what is related to eye observation, transmitted experiences, and even observation is unable to explain many phenomena near as well as distant ones. The interpretations that are tainted by myth in the books

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Thematic consistency in Surat Al-Gashiyah
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research aims: 1- Demonstrating an aspect of the rhetorical miracle of the Qur’an represented in the accuracy of its verses and the consistency of its topics. 2- Clarifying the intent of Surat Al-Ghashiya, and clarifying the link between the topics of the surah and its purpose. 3- Studying the topics included in Surat Al-Gashiya, and highlighting their consistency among them. 4- Referring to the gifts contained in the noble verses.Research Methodology: In preparing this study, I followed the inductive-analytical approach, according to the procedures outlined in the introduction.From the search results: 1- The purpose of Surat Al-Gashiya: Reminding the Hereafter and its scenes of reward

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Timings of people and their significance in the Koran: (Objective study)
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We try through this research to show the relationship between the crescent and the month in the Koran, and then their importance and their relationship to timing, and the timing of this relationship with people, and the significance of these timings, so we gathered verses that spoke about the family and the month, and we tried to study them in a detailed objective study, so this came The research of five subjects was the first topic introductory research and the time and month, while the remaining four detectives on the verses that talked about the timing of the month, and we have explained the relationship of this timing with people and the significance of these times.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The fate of Pharaoh's magicians in the Quran : objective study
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Out of the search for the truth, the reader of the Holy Qur’an should know the fate of the sorcerers whom Pharaoh threatened when they announced it as pure monotheism in front of seeing the stick as it turned into a clear serpent, when they said: We believe in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron, and the clear promise came to cut and crucify the trunks of palm trees, and they said what they said if Being supplicants to God (May God cause us to die as Muslims), did Pharaoh actually carry out what he promised them?? So we studied that subject from this angle. Because what looms on the horizon of the Holy Qur’an is that there is no one who seeks refuge with God Almighty in times of adversity except that God Almighty has

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sfaxi's guidance to alqira'at in "Ghaith al-Nafe fi alqira'at alsabe" From Surat Al-An'am to the end of Surat Hud
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The research deals with the collection of Allamah Ali al-Nuri’s guidance on readings, which he included in his book (Ghaith al-Naf’ fi al-Qira’at al-Sabe) and singled out it in a separate study, commenting on what needs to be commented and a statement of his guidance, and it consists of an introduction, and three chapters, the first: for the translation of Allamah Sfaxi, and the second: To define the science of guidance, its origins and authorship, and the third: to mention the readings that Al-Safaqi drew from Surat Al-An’am to the end of Surat Hud, followed by the conclusion of the research, then the index of sources and references, and I followed the inductive-analytical method in the research.

Among his most important

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Scientific miracle in the verse walking and eating In Surat Al - Mulk
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The research includes the study of the scientific miracle in the verse: (It is the one who made you the earth humiliation and walked in their positions and eat from the living and to the publication of the human body and in the Qur'an) And mental and spiritual. The research also pointed to the tight link between the miracle of the precedent in the Holy Quran and the miracle of the divine power in the book of the Infinite Universe to give each miracle testimony of delivery and ratification of the other. The research included after the introduction, the first topic included four demands, which included basic concepts: - Definition of scientific miracle and its importance in the Koran, and the significance of the universal verses in the Kor

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