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Explanation of the book Al-I'tikaaf  From the Al-Dura system            Luminous - of the Sarsi Hanbali brand
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, and upon his whole family and companions, but after: God Almighty has instituted types of acts of worship and classes of obedience that, if performed by the servant, would link him with his Creator and connect with his Lord. And for the sake of these worship, and the greatest of them: the worship of i'tikaaf, for souls need rest and recuperation from the struggle of life and its concerns, concerns and anguish, and people differ in their attitudes and interests in the means of recreation, and many people consider the outing and travel the best way in which they breathe from their toil and toil, and reclaim their strength and the advised adult He finds that the best way for him to relax and live in peace with her calm and reassuring is the remembrance of God Almighty: لا Do not the remembrance of God rest assured of hearts  (). And his complete happiness is to take refuge in the homes of God and its neighborhoods through prayer, remembrance and retreat. In the vastness of God’s homes, the believer takes pleasure in unparalleled enjoyment, goes to an unparalleled comfort, and emerges from his distress unscathed with contentment and surrender, and discloses that infallible: A group weakens his prayer in his home, and in his market twenty-five degrees, because if he performs ablution
He did good ablution, then he went out to the prayer, and he does not take it out except the prayer. Prayer)( ) . In the confines of prayer, a person harms himself to a strong corner, wielding him from error, and helps him with the misfortunes of eternity, and guides him to the right path:  O those who believe, seek patience and pray, for God is with those who are patient ()). And if walking to prayer and waiting for prayer raises one to high positions and high levels, then staying in mosques and observing there days and nights rises to the servant to the point of peasantry, the Prophet says : (And whoever observes a day seeking the face of God, God makes between him and the fire three trenches, each trench Beyond the beater) (). I'tikaaf and the need for obedience to the mosques are one of the closest angels who do not deflect from the worship of God, and the one who remembers his remembrance of God is close to his master, and he is happy and happy. For the sake of all this, this humble research, marked with (Explanation of the Book of I'tikaaf from the Orphaned Dura System) came to the scholar Imam al-Sarasri al-Hanbali, may God Almighty have mercy on him, and the reason for choosing this system is due to two things:
1- The ease of preserving the system for the seeker of Islamic knowledge.
2- The great status of the author, may God have mercy on him, among Hanbalis and among Muslim scholars in general.
      This system has been printed recently, and through my extensive search for explanations for it, I did not stand for an explanation of it, so I liked that my explanation of the book on i'tikaaf should be the beginning of an explanation of this great, great destiny revealed .. And the last of our prayers is that praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Survey In Fisheries Sciences
The Correlation of DAZ1 Gene Methylation with Azoospermia in Iraqi Infertile Men
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After about twelve months or maybe more, some people can’t achieve pregnancy. This might be a sign of infertility as a reproductive system disease. The following study was carried out to investigate the DAZ 1 gene methylation level and its association with azoospermia in Iraqi patients. One hundred and fifty human blood samples were collected from from different regions in Baghdad governorate, including (private medicals Labs and the high institute for infertility diagnosis assisted reproductive techniques and Kamal Al- Samara'ay IVF Hospital) from both fertile and infertile men. The control group consists of 50 samples ranging from 22 to 51 years old, while the patient (infertile group) consists of 100 samples ranging between 25 and 51 y

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Enhancing the mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using mono and hybrid fibers
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Abstract<p>This investigation aims to study some properties of lightweight aggregate concrete reinforced by mono or hybrid fibers of different sizes and types. In this research, the considered lightweight aggregate was Light Expanded Clay Aggregate while the adopted fibers included hooked, straight, polypropylene, and glass. Eleven lightweight concrete mixes were considered, These mixes comprised of; one plain concrete mix (without fibers), two reinforced concrete mixtures of mono fiber (hooked or straight fibers), six reinforced concrete mixtures of double hybrid fibers, and two reinforced concrete mixtures of triple hybrid fibers. Hardened concrete properties were investigated in this study. G</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Biodiversity And Environmental Science
The acute toxicity of herbicide roundup ultra in mosquito fish Gambusia affinis
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 15 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research (ijsr)
Production a Digital Map with the Aid of Total Station and (GIS)
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Geographic information system (GIS) is utilized in a variety of tasks such as, resource management, urban planning, emergency planning in case of accident, and rapid response etc. The aim of this study is to produce a digital map with the aid of GIS and a survey data. A survey data is conducted with Total Station technique on sanitary planning positions. The campus of Baghdad University is chosen to test the execution and accuracy of the results for sewer manholes locations. During the field survey, Total Station (Nikon Nivo) is used to identify the 3-D coordinates for each location. Finally, Geographical Information System (GIS) are utilized to present the digital map of the network sewer pipe line to the end users. Although Geographic Inf

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
كلية التربية-الجامعة المستنصرية
Study the diffusion of Hydrogen in metals using a Runge-Kutta method
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
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Remote sensing technique to monitoring the risk of soil degradation using NDVI
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In order to take measures in controlling soil erosion it is required to estimate soil loss over area of interest. Soil loss due to soil erosion can be estimated using predictive models such as Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). The accuracy of these models depends on parameters that are used in equations. One of the most important parameters in equations used in both of models is (C) factor that represents effects of vegetation and other land covers. Estimating land cover by interpretation of remote sensing imagery involves Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), an indicator that shows vegetation cover. The aim of this study is estimate (C) factor values for Part of Baghdad city using NDVI derived from satellite Image of Landsat-7

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Test Engineering & Management
The Effects of Annealing on SnSe Thin Films for Solar Cells Applications
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The structure, optical, and electrical properties of SnSe and its application as photovoltaic device has been reported widely. The reasons for interest in SnSe due to the magnificent optoelectronic properties with other encouraging properties. The most applications that in this area are PV devices and batteries. In this study tin selenide structure, optical properties and surface morphology were investigated and studies. Thin-film of SnSe were deposit on p-Si substrates to establish a junction as solar cells. Different annealing temperatures (as prepared, 125,200, 275) °C effects on SnSe thin films were investigated. The structure properties of SnSe was studied through X-ray diffraction, and the results appears the increasing of the peaks

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 09 2013
Journal Name
Chemistry And Materials Research
Hydrogen Bonds Effects on the Electrical Properties of Pectin/Pva Graphene Nanocomposites
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Electrical properties were studied for Pectin/PVA graphene composites films and the effect of aqueous interaction on their properties. The conductivity and the dielectric constant of this composite are important because Polysaccharide like pectin is increasingly being used in biomedical applications and as nanoparticles coating materials. The Dielectric and conductivity of composite films were compared in dry and wet condition the differences in the results were attributed to the water molecules and the hydrogen bond which connect the three composite compounds (Pectin, PVA and Graphene) together. These connections were allowed the hydrogen and hydroxyl group’s migrations in the composite super molecules. On the other hand, graphene was pr

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 16 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
The Social Interaction of Langauge in a Comic Series: A Sociolinguistic Study
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 06 2018
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Applied Research
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Original Research Paper Mathematics 1-Introduction : In the light of the progress and rapid development of the applications of research in applications fields, the need to rely on scientific tools and cleaner for data processing has become a prominent role in the resolution of decisions in industrial and service institutions according to the real need of these methods to make them scientific methods to solve the problem Making decisions for the purpose of making the departments succeed in performing their planning and executive tasks. Therefore, we found it necessary to know the transport model in general and to use statistical methods to reach the optimal solution with the lowest possible costs in particular. And you know The Transportatio

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