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Explanation of the book Al-I'tikaaf  From the Al-Dura system            Luminous - of the Sarsi Hanbali brand
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad, and upon his whole family and companions, but after: God Almighty has instituted types of acts of worship and classes of obedience that, if performed by the servant, would link him with his Creator and connect with his Lord. And for the sake of these worship, and the greatest of them: the worship of i'tikaaf, for souls need rest and recuperation from the struggle of life and its concerns, concerns and anguish, and people differ in their attitudes and interests in the means of recreation, and many people consider the outing and travel the best way in which they breathe from their toil and toil, and reclaim their strength and the advised adult He finds that the best way for him to relax and live in peace with her calm and reassuring is the remembrance of God Almighty: لا Do not the remembrance of God rest assured of hearts  (). And his complete happiness is to take refuge in the homes of God and its neighborhoods through prayer, remembrance and retreat. In the vastness of God’s homes, the believer takes pleasure in unparalleled enjoyment, goes to an unparalleled comfort, and emerges from his distress unscathed with contentment and surrender, and discloses that infallible: A group weakens his prayer in his home, and in his market twenty-five degrees, because if he performs ablution
He did good ablution, then he went out to the prayer, and he does not take it out except the prayer. Prayer)( ) . In the confines of prayer, a person harms himself to a strong corner, wielding him from error, and helps him with the misfortunes of eternity, and guides him to the right path:  O those who believe, seek patience and pray, for God is with those who are patient ()). And if walking to prayer and waiting for prayer raises one to high positions and high levels, then staying in mosques and observing there days and nights rises to the servant to the point of peasantry, the Prophet says : (And whoever observes a day seeking the face of God, God makes between him and the fire three trenches, each trench Beyond the beater) (). I'tikaaf and the need for obedience to the mosques are one of the closest angels who do not deflect from the worship of God, and the one who remembers his remembrance of God is close to his master, and he is happy and happy. For the sake of all this, this humble research, marked with (Explanation of the Book of I'tikaaf from the Orphaned Dura System) came to the scholar Imam al-Sarasri al-Hanbali, may God Almighty have mercy on him, and the reason for choosing this system is due to two things:
1- The ease of preserving the system for the seeker of Islamic knowledge.
2- The great status of the author, may God have mercy on him, among Hanbalis and among Muslim scholars in general.
      This system has been printed recently, and through my extensive search for explanations for it, I did not stand for an explanation of it, so I liked that my explanation of the book on i'tikaaf should be the beginning of an explanation of this great, great destiny revealed .. And the last of our prayers is that praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تحليل فاعلية الشمول المالي لمعالجة الفقر في العراق مع إشارة الى التجربة النيجيرية
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The focus of this research lies in the definition of an important aspect of financial development, which is reflected on the alleviation of poverty in Iraq, namely financial inclusion and then taking the path of achieving a sustainable economy, certainly after reviewing one of the important international experiences in this regard and finally measuring the level of financial inclusion in Iraq and its impact on poverty reduction through the absolute poverty line indicator.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
commiseration for lovers Study in Indication Synthetic Lamentation "Kuthaira Ouza" for instance
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There is no doubt that the achievement of the manuscripts of   There  is no doubt  various of situations for performing  a duty , The diversity of stimuli in humans with sensory, unconscious and instinct sensitive systems. Which leads to a diversity of feelings, sensations, emotions and feelings, This therefore requires different types of function linguistic structures indication , Of that linguistic potential that God willing to be unique, In the function of discharging and venting those feelings and emotions that are raised by its various stimuli, which are only needs and psychological and biological purposes require verification and access and gain it. S

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Weakly Nearly Prime Submodules
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        In this article, unless otherwise established, all rings are commutative with identity and all modules are unitary left R-module. We offer this concept of WN-prime as new generalization of weakly prime submodules. Some basic properties of weakly nearly prime submodules are given. Many characterizations, examples of this concept are stablished.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Weakly Approximaitly Quasi-Prime Submodules And Related Concepts
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           Let R be  commutative Ring , and let T be  unitary left .In this paper ,WAPP-quasi prime submodules are introduced as  new generalization of Weakly quasi prime submodules , where  proper submodule C of an R-module T is called WAPP –quasi prime submodule of T, if whenever 0≠rstϵC, for r, s ϵR , t ϵT, implies that either  r tϵ C +soc   or  s tϵC +soc  .Many examples of characterizations and basic properties are given . Furthermore several characterizations of WAPP-quasi prime submodules in the class of multiplication modules are established.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Comment moderation strategies in Canadian news media and their principles
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This paper offers a critical examination of Canadian news guidelines and policies
on user-generated content (UGC) posted on news-related comment sections and
social media.
The outline of how news-related UGC is moderated within Canadian news is achieved
by looking at the online comment policies of major Canadian news organizations like .
the CBC, CityNews (Halifax), CTV News, Glacier Media, Global News, The Globe
and Mail, Narcity Media, Postmedia, QUB (Québecor), and Torstar.The policies highlight how Canadian news organizations have practical strategies
to manage news-related UGC but also call upon positive and negative social
principles, to flag ill practices, foster democracy, and fight against online hate sp

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Facial Emotion Images Recognition Based On Binarized Genetic Algorithm-Random Forest
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Most recognition system of human facial emotions are assessed solely on accuracy, even if other performance criteria are also thought to be important in the evaluation process such as sensitivity, precision, F-measure, and G-mean. Moreover, the most common problem that must be resolved in face emotion recognition systems is the feature extraction methods, which is comparable to traditional manual feature extraction methods. This traditional method is not able to extract features efficiently. In other words, there are redundant amount of features which are considered not significant, which affect the classification performance. In this work, a new system to recognize human facial emotions from images is proposed. The HOG (Histograms of Or

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Scopus (7)
Crossref (6)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقترح اسلوب IRWs الحصين لتقدير أنموذج الانحدار المقسم لحركة حمولة قاع نهر دجلة ونقطة التغيير لكمية تصريف المياه عند مدينة بغداد
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              يتكون الانحدار المقسم من عدة أقسام تفصل بينها نقاط انتماء مختلفة، فتظهر حالة عدم التجانس الناشئة من عملية فصل الأقسام ضمن عينة البحث. ويهتم هذا البحث في تقدير موقع نقطة التغيير بين الأقسام وتقدير معلمات الأنموذج، واقتراح طريقة تقدير حصينة ومقارنتها مع بعض الطرائق المستعملة في الانحدار الخطي المقسم. وقد تم استعمال أحد الطرائق التقليدية (طريقة Muggeo) لإيجاد مقدرات الإمكان الأعظم بالأسلوب الت

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2023
Journal Name
Иноязычные заимствования в современном русском языке
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Архив всех научных статей сборников конференций и журналов по направлению Филология.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Difficulties and Problems in Teaching and Learning Spanish in Particular and Foreign Languages: Las Dificultades en la Enseñanzayel Aprendizaje de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE)en Particular ylas Lenguas Extranjeras en General: El Docente no Nativo
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       This paper aims at providing the teaching staff members with the necessary skills so as to become capable of tackling various situations, and treating daily problems that face students learning Spanish as a Second Language.  This is made as an attempt to make teachers of foreign languages in general acquainted with modern trends of teaching with less complicated methods, specifically in teaching e earlier stages of foreign languages.


      En el presente trabajo pretendemos dotar al docente no nativo de Lenguas extranjeras, con algunos de los métodos necesari

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Reading Difficulties in English as a Second Language in Grade Five at a Saint Patrick’s High School for Boys, Hyderabad- India
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Reading is one of the essential components of the English language. Countries that use English as a second language (ESL) sometimes have difficulties in reading and comprehension. According to many researches, mother tongue has proved some interferences with learning a second language. This study investigated the results of reading difficulties of young second language learners in terms of accuracy, comprehension, and rate using the Neale Analysis of Reading Ability test. The study was carried out in one of the High Schools for Boys in Hyderabad, India and included Grade five, aged 10-12 years. In order to understand the reading difficulties of English as a second language, a qualitative approach was employed. Interview, reading tes

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