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Poetic necessity, when Maari
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the master of the messengers, his family and all his companions. And after:
      This research talks about a topic that has taken a great deal of attention and controversy among many Arabic language scholars, which is the subject of poetic necessity, but it does not talk about the necessity in general, but one of the scholars and writers who had stances and references to this issue was chosen in many places from their books. Abu Al-Ala 'Al-Maari was among the scholars who dealt with this issue on numerous occasions and occasions, and this was evident in his books.

    We chose this topic to see how Abu Al-Ala perceived necessity and what differs from others, and how he compared between necessities in language and other necessities.
     This research consists of an introduction and two studies, the first: shows his critical view of the poetic necessity, and the other: speaks about the Ma’ari viewpoint of linguistic and grammatical imperatives. The research conclusion includes a summary of the results reached.

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
الاستقرار النفسي وعلاقتھ بمستوى الطموح عند طلبة الجامعة
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Education, who is dignified the community and transmit a stagnation to the movement and chaos into
the system of the advancement and nettlesome to the production, so it is the human resource development focus
of the overall development, as that man in general and university student in particular is a tool and purpose of
development together, there is no development without human From this perspective the researcher felt there
was a need to conduct a study to know the psychological stability among the students of the university and the
detection level of ambition, the following specific question? What is the relationship between the psychological
stability level with the ambition among the students of the university?

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Non-traded Tales in Imami and Hanafi Doctrines (A Comparative Study of Religion Fundamentals)
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The present study is about tales attributed to certain people and are not traded. Such a study has a great importance for religion scholars and conveyors of hadiths since it is considered as one of the important sources of Islamic legislation that represent the Holy Sunna, and the majority of the recent study is concerned with non-traded tales of religion scholars. The research starts with the definition of such type of tales and then its types, conditions, legality, exceptions, and the benefit from studying such matter. It is mainly concerned with the opinions of the Imami and Hanafi region scholars respectively, and with comparing between the two doctrines i.e. Imami and Hanafi at the end of each

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
LA TRANSGRESSION CHEZ RIMBAUD Lecture de I' aspect de Transgression dans Marine
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LA TRANSGRESSION CHEZ RIMBAUD Lecture de I' aspect de Transgression dans Marine

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
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This study seeks to clarify the phenomena of polyphony, as Oswald Ducrot indicated that polyphony is an extension of linguistics, and worked to link it to vocalisation which contains vocable ends, which led Ducrot to a similar example between (speaker and vocable). He indicated that the speaker was responsible for the pronunciation In the speech, and its phenomena: dialectical denial, irony, and referral references, which came to highlight the pragmatics texts and then explain the phenomena of semantic blocks and examples in Naguib Mahfouz's novels and stories.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Childhood Lymphoblastic Lymphoma: Hospital Based Study.
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Background: Lymphoblastic lymphomas (LBL) are neoplasms of precursor T cells and B cells, or lymphoblasts. The term lymphoblastic lymphoma has been used to describe predominantly lymph node– based disease; however, clinical distinction between LBL and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has been arbitrary and has varied among different studies and institutions
Objectives: To determine the frequency of LBL among all Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) patients in children and to study the clinical and pathological features of LBL and assess the treatment outcome.
Methods: A retrospective study included 28 children with newly diagnosed LBL (based on morphology) below the age of 14 years over 8 years period from J

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Eyes Drugs and Treatment at Ibn al –Haytham: A Historical Study
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            Ibn al-Haytham is the pioneer of optics, which is a science that had described optics circumstances. Optics or landscape science as it was known by the Arab and Muslim scientists at the time when  is a science known as the conditions of sighters in their quantity and quality as the proximity and distance from the beholder , the different forms , conditions and what mediate between the beholder and the microscopes , to explain useful knowledge of what obscures the sight of the conditions of sighters and is used to measure the space Distant criminality and  mirrors.

Ibn al-Haitham wrote his famous book The Book of Mirrors and studied mistakes adopted the m

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Hemostatic changes in patients with chronic renal failure
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Background: Renal disease results in significant disorder of hemostasis (bleeding diathesis or
hypercoagulable state).
Objectives: This study is to determine the changes in some hemostasis parameters in patients with
chronic renal failure and identify the effect of dialysis on these changes.
Patients and Methods: seventy five patients with end stage chronic renal failure were collected from
Baghdad hospital, a full detailed history and clinical examination were performed, 50 patients were on
maintenance weekly hemodialysis, and 25 patients were without dialysis.
Result: Bleeding time was significantly higher in patients with chronic renal failure who didn’t need
any type of dialysis, positive D-Dimer test. In so

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس
التلكؤ الأكاديمي وعلاقته بجودة الحياة المدركة عند طلبة الجامعة
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Cognitive motivation and its relationship to the concept of self on middle school students (female)
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The preparatory phase since it corresponds to adolescence are the most important stages of life , where the individual 's personality to take shape at this stage and start asking questions about the same , trying to discover the positive and negative traits hehas in order to form distinctive character and also is being he have Love Poll For everything that goes on around him.
And attention to cognitive motivation is important for students because the student who owns a motive cognitively looking for self - knowledge with conviction, and learning then be meaningful and lasts long. The motive of knowledge are common in which cognitive components does not mean exclusive knowledge on academic books and research in the narrow borders but a

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 27 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دراسة في ضرائب الارض عند ابي يوسف و الماوردي
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تتراوح ضريبة الارض ما بين 10%من المحصول (الشعير ) و 40 -50 من الخراج 

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