Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the best of prayers, and the completion of the blessing of our master Muhammad Al-Hadi Al-Amin, his family and companions, the righteous and those who followed his path and guided him to the day of judgment.
And after:
It is God's human honor that he has legalized marriage and made optimal goals and intentions for her:
1 establish a safe and reassuring life between the husband and his wife based on the tranquility and love and compassion is achieved through satisfying the instincts of the road project from the verse: and that He created for you mates from among yourselves to find repose in them and put between you affection and mercy in this are Signs for those who reflect ()
2- In the light of the marriage that God Almighty has legalized, a good, cohesive family formed by the rules of Islamic law will be formed, through which children may grow up other than broken families.
3. The multiplication of the members of the Islamic nation through which power is gained for the nation, and for this we find that Islam has delegated the marriage of a born woman (). In the noble Hadith, “You marry and multiply, for I am proud of all nations on the Day of Resurrection” ()
Summary of the research: customary marriage and the position of Islamic law on it ...
مشكلة البحث واهميته :-
تنبع مشكلة البحث الحالي من الآثار الاجتماعية سواء أكان على مستوى الفرد أم المجتمع . أذ العزوف عن الزواج مشكلة اجتماعية بل انها مشكلة حقيقية , فهناك عزوف من الشباب عن الزواج وقد اصبح العدد كبيرا في السنوات الأخيرة وقد بينت إحصائية متخصصة بأن عدد العازفين عن الزواج يقدر بأكثر من مليون شاب وشابة (2-2ص3) . وهذا يعود لأسباب عديدة فقد يكون العامل الاقتصاد
... Show MoreIn The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
In this research, I will deal with the significance of the imperative and the disagreement of the fundamentalists in the general requirement by dividing it into an introduction and two sections. , and the appropriate indication.
The open budget means everyone in the society can get information about the government budget in order to watch the governmental works. The aim of the research is to study the concepts of open budget, its advantage, limitations, role of supporting the transparency and questioning the administrative and financial corruption. Thus reflects positively on the national economy by providing governmental information to all users whether they are individuals or belong to the political class, or any other governmental or nongovernmental organizations which are interested in these information.
In order to achieve the objectives of the research aims, we make questionnaire to see aca
... Show MoreMany people, especially among the youth or scholars, wonder about the position of Islam or the scholars of faith on the terminology used by scholars of theology in a certain period of time, and then circulated by people throughout the times and to the present day, such as the terms (the old, the maker, the updated, the cause and the cause) and so on, and this What I felt myself while teaching this subject from some of the students, some of whom consider it blasphemy, and some of them consider it an innovation of speech, and so there were many questions about this subject, which led me to write and research it, after relying on God Almighty, although the research is not long due to the nature of This topic on the one hand, and because I d
... Show MoreThe study targets exploring the similarities and differences between Iraqi and Malaysian learners of English in refusing marriage proposals. Also, it examines the favored politeness strategies that learners use to protect their interlocutors’ face, heeding both their social distance and status. Data were gathered by a Discourse Completion Task (DCT) which contained six marriage situations. Responses were analyzed based on Beebe et al.’s (1990) refusal taxonomy and Scollon et al.’s (2012) politeness system. The findings indicated that both the Iraqi and Malaysian learners preferred the indirect refusal strategies in marriage proposals, as well as the hierarchical politeness in the form of independence strategies regardless of t
... Show MoreThe Gift is considered as a legal voluntary non-contractual transaction or disposition to transfer the granted property from the donor to donee gratuitously or without consideration. It is also worth-bearing in mind that the want of the requirement of consideration is the reason that the gift is not classified within the scope of the contract. And it is normally classified into two types: The inter vivos gift and gift causa mortis. It should also be noted that the donatio (or gift) inter vivos is applied to both the personal property or chattels and real property equally. As opposed to the gift causa mortis, which is applied to the personal property or chattels rather than the real property. Whereas both the Iraqi Civil Law N
... Show MoreThe contracts in restraint of trade are considered as void contracts according to the English common law, that is to say, they are prima facie void. Because their voidness is presumed and based upon a rebuttable presumption that these contracts are contrary to the public policy in principle. Owing to the unreasonableness of the Restraint of Trade conditions or terms in which they are included. But if it is proved that they satisfy the requirements of reasonableness, in accordance with the contracting parties, and both the temporal and spatial extent of their coming into effect, as well as the public interest. The court will validate them. It is also worth-bearing in mind that this type of contracts fall under contracts void at comm
... Show Morecurrent research Cares about study patterns of optical and aesthetic values in the halls of occasions (weddings) because of their importance in providing an atmosphere of joy. The problem was through the study of light and its impact on the receiver and found a researcher that interior spaces allocated to the halls inappropriate in terms of functional and aesthetic so necessitated the need to study this phenomenon in order to be addressed through the study of light and its impact on the users of those spaces where research aims to current detection properties patterns optical in the internal spaces of the halls and identify some of the aesthetic values of the lighting for the interior spaces.The search consists of four chapters, the firs
... Show MoreThis research deals with the topic (the position of women) in the literature literature, and the researcher cites a bouquet of woolen yarn, examples of verses and poems from this fine literature that looks at the woman with respect and appreciation. In their poems.
The research is a comparative search for Arab and Kurdish literature, by selecting six famous poets in the literature, three of them are from Arabic literature, and the other three are from Kurdish literature, and thus the research is divided into two subjects and six demands.
Finally, the researcher tried to set a brick that would be an entry point to find an indicative explanation and a suitable explanation that would break those symbols and signs that caused the exp