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The benefits of striking proverbs in the Holy Quran
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The researcher dealt with the importance of striking proverbs in the Holy Qur’an and their uses and benefits in Islamic education and ethics and between the types of proverbs, so it emerged through the study the following things that the proverbs are of three types: authorized, latent, and transmitted, and it has been shown through the current study that the proverb has conditions that the proverb is not valid except There are five: (realism, clarity, environmental, meaning injury, and good pronunciation). If the example violates these conditions, it is not an example. This study showed that proverbs have a prominent role in persuasion, argument, statement, education, clarity, approximation, education, refinement, correct belief, etc. ... as well, The researcher found a Is not permissible to hit the parables of God Almighty said: (Allah is not Tdharbwa parables that God knows and you do not know) (). It turns out that we must be polite with the Holy Qur’an and not use its proverbs to communicate with each other, which is the most correct of the sayings. The Prophet found many examples in it that the Prophet () struck to teach people and understand them, since the Sunnah is an explanation of the Qur’an and an explanation of it. The researcher concluded his study indicating the benefits of striking proverbs in the Holy Qur’an and recommended that you study the proverbs of the Prophet’s Sunnah and extract its benefits such as this pearl Study Allah grant us success, and Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Federated states of monks in the holy Quran (Study and analysis)
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Thank God also taught us that thanks . thank meets the blessings and rewards mazidk glory we have no knowledge except what you have taught you Alim hakim , not counted praise you as yourself praised and pray and to recognize the envoy mercy to the worlds , prophet Mohammed and his family and companions and guided to the day of judgment .
But after :
Aware of the interpretation of the most important science needed by Muslims because God Almighty sent down the Quraan to be a way of the life for Muslims is subject to a healing for what is in the breasts and it slaham and flaham and has spared the nation from crisisThe stats of the monks , like other verses talking about Christians and Jews and what they have invented in the religion o

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Logic of Freezers and Animals in the Holy Quran: (Objective study
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The Logic of Freezers and Animals in the Holy Quran

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Feminization and Masculinization of the Word Sun in the Holy Quran: A Semantic Study
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It is no secret for those concerned with language concerns that the issue of figurative feminization is one of the issues that does not follow a grammatical rule governed by the fact that the subject of knowledge of this is due to hearing as indicated by linguistic references and lexicons.This research opts to find out the origin of the feminization of the word sun in the Arabic language and in light of what some language specialists have argued that the origin of figurative feminization was due to non-linguistic motives related to religious and metaphysical beliefs, and that it was memory preserved in light of the linguistic heritage.The research concluded that the feminization of the sun goes back to what settled in their minds, which

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2009
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The similar arbitrator in the Holy Quran
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the outcome is for the righteous, and prayers and peace be upon the author of the clear communication, to whom was revealed the saying of the Lord of the worlds (And We have sent down to you the message that you may make clear to the people what has been sent down to them, and that they may reflect.)

His family, companions and followers, as for what follows:

Among the Qur’anic studies related to Islamic matters, ancient and modern, (the clear and similar in the Holy Qur’an), and due to the importance of the topic, we found the attention of scholars to it.

With many studies and research on it, and their efforts in overcoming its major obstacles, you will not find a scho

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Semantic differences between the explicit source The Mimi source in the Holy Quran
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The main purpose of the research is to study the significance of the event in the explicit source and its significance in the Mimi source and to explain the difference between them in the Holy Quran, especially since most linguists were not interested in what the Mime source indicates in the text, but focused on its form and form, as they defined it as the name Linguists and grammarians did not mention a difference in meaning between the explicit source and the Mimi source, and they interpret the second in the first sense, which led me to choose this topic, to know the significance of each source through Appeal to the maqam and occasion in a challenge D The exact meaning.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Rooting non-violence in the Holy Quran And models of the Prophet application
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The term “non-violence” is a means of political, social, and advocacy that excludes force in reaching its objectives, and lacks infringement of the rights of non-violence. The policy of non-violence is a beautiful logic of the whole of Islamic creation, in that it is an integral part of the whole structure of Islam and it is a policy of brilliant and brilliant saying in the Almighty: `` Neither level nor good or bad, pay what is better, If that between you and him enmity as if he were intimate guardian (Suratvsalat, verse: 34. Has According to the prophet of Islam, it means that God gives to kindness (kindness) what does not give to violence (Sunan Abu Dawood, 4/255). These terms accurately communicate what is meant by violence and n

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The other day in the Holy Quran and the four Gospels: A comparative study
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The other day in the Holy Quran and the four Gospels

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Formula ((فُعول ــــ فَعول)) Morphological semantic study In the Holy Quran
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Linguistic studies present a distinguished place among modern human studies, as we find this clear in the scientific research institutions of the developed nations, it is the main pillar in the strengthening of links and consolidation pillars between individuals and groups. It is a language and between people's thoughts, feelings and actions, and has been able to show that language is not only a tool of expression but is closely linked to the intellectual, emotional and social life of these people individuals and groups.
    The derivation is a major step in Arabic in classifying formulas into weights with special morphological values; these are of great importance in sentences and structures that are the domain of the searc

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Qarun In the Holy Quran "": An analytical study
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For in the Holy Qur’an there are vivid examples and speaking models that tell stories of the tyrants who filled the world with tyranny and overwhelmed it with tyranny, and the Holy Qur’an presents these proverbs to people, not so that they may be amused by them, but rather so that they consider and bite with them. For every tyrannical tyrant, he lives within a framework of self-loss, according to him from life he lives and suffices, even without attachment to a principle or an ideal, and in the world of the unconscious with his whims, without any regard for death that is closer to him than his jugular vein, or for an account that does not leave small or great Therefore, the title of my research came to this (Qarun in the Holy Qur’a

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Methodology of the Holy Quran Immunizing the minds of intellectuals against intellectual invasion
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The Holy Quran is the greatest motivator for the mind to keep pace with life. The doctrine of faith is a requirement of logic and wisdom, and it cannot be reached by the hand of superstition. The Qur’an destroyed the principle of superstition in the verses of the creation of the universe. The principle of inactivity of the Qur’an is a false accusation that collision with the texts of the Qur’an. The secret of scientific development is to harness the laws of nature, benefit from them, and walk according to its requirements, on which the manifestations of civilization and the Qur’an are based

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