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نماذج من التمازج في قصص الأنبياء بين التشريعات السماوية الثلاث : الإسلامية واليهودية والنصرانية: التشريعات السماوية الثلاث: الاسلامية واليهودية والنصرانية
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   يهدف هذا البحث إلى تأصيل الإستدلال بالقاعدة العقائدية، وبيان ضوابطه، وإبراز نماذج من أهم تطبيقاته المعاصرة، وقد أعتمد مناهج من أهمها المنهج الإستقرائي والمنهج المقارن ، وتناول البحث التعريف لقصص النبوة فى الأديان السماوية ، وعرض بعض الدراسات السابقة التى تناولت نفس الموضوع ، ثم تطرق البحث لذكر نماذج من قصص الأنبياء من الديانات السماوية الثلاث ، وتوصل البحث الى أن الأديان السماوية رغم بعض الإختلاف الذى يعتريها الإ انها لديها تمازج عقائدي واضح من خلال قصص الرسل والأنبياء ، أيضا توصل البحث الى أهمية مدخل القصص فى التدليل على الحقائق وذلك إسوة بالقصص القرآني.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاحوال العامة للمدن الاسلامية في رحلة ابن بطوطة
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        This research shows Ibn Battuta's approach in his book Ibn Battuta's Journey that is called "Tuhfet Al-Anzar fi Ghera'ib Al-Amsar wa Eaja'ib-Al-Asfar", which explore the urban aspects of shops, markets, palaces, houses, mosques, monasteries and other antiquities within its pages, whether in terms of the site or in terms of studying it and the plans that explained the basis for the art and architecture of these cities, the intellectual dimensions in their civilizational history are clarified

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Evaluate Experience of Islamic Education in kindergartens
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Evaluate Experience of Islamic Education in kindergartens

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رحلة الحاج الموريسكي بوي مونثون من إسبانيا إلى مكة المكرمة بعد تسليم مملكة غرناطة 897هـ - 1492م، دراسة في مضامين الرحلة "نماذج مختارة" دراسة في مضامين الرّحلة "نماذج مختارة"
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Day after day, Morsek literature 879-1018/1492-1609proves the completion of all literary branches starting from poetry with its different purposes to include prose with its various subjects. In 2016, a complete text of ‘the literature of Morsek journey

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 23 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رحلة الحاج الموريسكي بوي مونثون من إسبانيا إلى مكة المكرمة بعد تسليم مملكة غرناطة 897هـ - 1492م، دراسة في مضامين الرحلة "نماذج مختارة" دراسة في مضامين الرّحلة "نماذج مختارة"
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Day after day, Morsek literature 879-1018/1492-1609proves the completion of all literary branches starting from poetry with its different purposes to include prose with its various subjects. In 2016, a complete text of ‘the literature of Morsek journeys

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Examples of a Simile in the Poetry of Khwaju Kermani: نمونه هانى از تشبيه در اشعار خواجو كرمانى
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A simile is a figure of speech that draws resemblance with the help of the words such as (like) or any other closer in meaning word. The present paper deals with the theme of a simile in the poetry of Khwaju Kermani, a truly great Persian poet. 

Besides being a great poet, Khwaju Kermani was also a fine professor of sciences. He was, also, known by his ghazals in which he imitated and was influenced by two of the most immense poets (Saadi) and (Hakim Sanai).

The search for knowledge, the pursue of studies and interpretation are among the main themes of Khwaju Kermani’s poetry. He uses ghazals to express love and longing in a mystical manner.

The present paper discusses the poet’s life, ethics and works.&n

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 07 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Major sins (adultery, sodomy) and their impact on societal groups and their treatment from the point of view of Islamic law
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This research sheds light on the major sins (fornication and sodomy) as two crimes that are prohibited by the divine laws, including its conclusion by the Islamic Sharia. Major sins so that life and the universe are organized, and the individual lives a life of chastity and purity free of filth and filth. The Islamic message included a set of preventive measures and remedial methods that, if the ummah were to apply them, they would live a decent life full of noble goals.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Stories of Proverbs in the Holy Qur’an, Prophet’s Hadith, and Arabs’ Sayings: A Literary Study: مسلم عبيد فندي الرشيدي
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The Arab realized that proverbs and their stories had a great literary and linguistic significance, accordingly, they collected them from their sources and wrote them down. Thus, researchers went in studying them in different directions. The aim of the present research is thus to study the stories of proverbs in the Holy Qur’an, Prophet’s hadiths, and in the sayings of Arabs. Such a study helps to show the extent of the relevance of their stories to the proverbs, their literary values, the points of convergence between them and what they highlight, and the extent of their proximity to reality. It further helps to determine the factors that contributed to the transformation of Quranic verses, Prophet’s hadiths, and some phrases of s

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Qur'anic intentions in the Prophet’s Investigation (Selected models)
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This research deals with the role of Qur’anic intents in facilitating and facilitating the understanding of the reader and the seeker of knowledge of the verses of the Holy Qur’an, particularly in the doctrinal investigations (prophecies), and the feature that distinguishes reference to the books of the intentions or the intentional interpretations is that it sings from referring to the books of speakers and delving into their differences in contractual issues and facilitating access To the meanings, purposes and wisdom that the wise street wanted directly from the rulings and orders contained in the verses of the wise Qur’an.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Forecasting the financial failure of Islamic banks using the Altman model, ---- springate model and ---- Sherrod model / an analytical study in Islamic banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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Profit is a goal sought by all banks because it brings them income and guarantees them survival and continuity, and on the other hand, facing commitments without financial crisis. Hence the idea of research in his quest to build scientific tools and means that can help bank management in particular, investors, lenders and others to predict financial failure and to detect early financial failures. The research has produced a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that all Islamic banks sample a safe case of financial failure under the Altman model, while according to the Springate model all Islamic banks sample a search for a financial failure except the Islamic Bank of Noor Iraq for Investment and Finance )BINI(. A

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اهمية المنهج القرآني في تخطيط المعالم العلمية للشخصية الاسلامية
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Human wealth is the most valuable wealth on the face of the earth, and building the intellectual, cultural and scientific human being is the greatest process carried out by all religions and philosophies at all times, and the divine law aimed at reforming the earth, including in order to preserve this great wealth, and to preserve its existential and qualitative entity

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