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Methods of Quran inference On the existence of the Creator of sleep
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The issue, the existence of God Almighty, and the creativity of the universes including the whale, and assets and how diversified, and faith in him and his lordship and divinity, is a delicate issue, and very important and dangerous, and it occupied human thought old and new, and still occupy it until God takes the land and on it. Many complex issues of thought, behavior, and ethics have resulted in the belief of many communities in the existence of the Almighty, having ruled their minds, depicting their beliefs and distancing their thoughts about slippage and abuse. When they looked at the wonders of creatures and the minutes of the assets, they thought about the planetary and astronomical motion systems. His existence was denied by atheists, the shadowy strayers who denied mental perceptions, believed in sensory issues, and believed that the mind was unreliable, and that the sense could not reach it.These atheists were always very few, small groups, so this research consisted of the following questions:
First: awaken the human view and move it to prove the reality of existence.
Second: directing minds to think about the creator of assets.
Third: the use of the arts of rhetoric and statement in inference.
Fourth: Guide to care and invention.
Fifth: Proof of mental evidence to prove its existence.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Imagination and Emotional Impact by Constructional Methods:Al-Almohdeen’s (Believers’) Poetry in AhlAl-Bayt, (peace be upon them) as a Model
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The language that consists of only twenty-eight letters, but it is so broad that we are unable to understand it from all sides and this expansion is mainly caused by imagination, so Arab imagination, whose language goes in all directions And as it always responds to our ears, ancient critics divide imagination into holistic and partial But the language is not limited to these parts only. Do we wonder, where is the structural method of wishing, hope, questions and other methods of all this? In this paper, we try to show the importance of the method of writing in moving imagination in an interactive way, and what is related to human feelings in most, if not all, of its methods By studying the poetry of the believers in the Ahl al-Bayt, pea

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2005
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
التوجهات الفكرية الجديدة لانظمة دول العالم الثالث في ظل النظام العالمي الجديد : العراق نموذجاً
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التوجهات الفكرية الجديدة لانظمة دول العالم الثالث في ظل النظام العالمي الجديد : العراق نموذجاً

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Virtual Reality Technology and its Uses in Industrial Product Design: فلاح حسن هادي -صلاح نوري محمود
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The research (Virtual Reality Technology and its Uses in Industrial Product Design) is interested in the virtual reality technology used in the industrial product design and consequently knowing the functions achieved in the industrial product according to the data of that technology which participates in activating the mental and imaginary image of the user which show the parameters of the technical transformation of that product. The terms used in the research have been defined to guide the reader. The second chapter, the theoretical framework consisted of three sections the first is concerned with technology in the industrial design. The second is concerned with the virtual environment and the virtual reality. The thirds chapter consi

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Traducción de los dos verbos auxiliares ser y estar del español al árabe en la frase nominal
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       La traducción de los dos verbos ser y estar no es una tarea tan simple como piensan muchas personas, sino es una de las complicadas y difíciles tareas, ya que el traductor tiene que saber y perfeccionar los correctos casos gramaticales relacionados con esos dos verbos auxiliares  tanto el verbo ser como el verbo estar, especialmente en la frase nominal para que pueda dar una clara y correcta traducción. Usados con el mismo adjetivo, "ser" comunicará una cualidad que es parte de la identidad o naturaleza del sujeto, mientras que "estar" comunicará un estado o circunstancia del mismo. Este e

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Vocabulary Learning Strategies Employed by English as Foreign Language Students at NBU University
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Learning vocabulary is a challenging task for female English as a foreign language (EFL) students. Thus, improving students’ knowledge of vocabulary is critical if they are to make progress in learning a new language. The current study aimed at exploring the vocabulary learning strategies used by EFL students at Northern Border University (NBU). It also aimed to identify the mechanisms applied by EFL students at NBU University to learn vocabulary. It also aimed at evaluating the approaches adopted by EFL female students at Northern Border University (NBU) to learn a language. The study adopted the descriptive-analytical method. Two research instruments were developed to collect data namely, a survey qu

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر التدريس بطريقة التنقيب الحواري في حفظ النصوص الأدبية لدى طلبة قسم اللغة الكردية
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يهدف البحث الحالي إلى معرفة اثر التدريس بطريقة التنقيب الحواري في حفظ النصوص الأدبية لدى طلبة قسم اللغة الكردية، اختارت الباحثة طلبة المرحلة الثانية في قسم اللغة الكردية بكلية التربية ابن رشد، للعام الدراسي
(2008-2009) ميدان لتطبيق تجربتها.
تألفت عينة الدراسة من (48) طالبا وطالبة، تم توزيعها عشوائيا إلى مجموعتين، مجموعة ضابطة (درست بالطريقة الاعتيادية) تألفت من (23) طالبا وطالبة ومجموعة تجريبية (درست بطريقة الت

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Visual Variables in Exterior Advertisements Design Structure: أكرم جرجيس نعمة -عبد الله جاسم غريب
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  What makes the commercial advertisement distinct is the design structure which is built according to artistic and creative concepts and terms based on the visual and formal interdependence relationships to express the motives of the advertising idea, which is based in its action mechanism on the effective variables, some of which are related to the marketing aspect, and others related to the advertisement aspect. The major aspect is the functional and aesthetic variables, which are represented by the vocabulary of the advertisement area for the open spaces such as the street ads. Its promotional dimension is the active forces in the circulation of commodities and products. Therefore, there would be significant problems the designe

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Main Difficulties Faced by EFL Students in Language Learning
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Many undergraduate learners at English departments who study English as a foreign language are unable to speak and use language correctly in their post -graduate careers.  This problem can be attributed to certain difficulties, which they faced throughout their education years that hinder their endeavors to learn. Therefore, this study aims to discover the main difficulties faced by EFL students in language learning and test the difficulty variable according to gender and college variables then find suitable solutions for enhancing learning.  A questionnaire with 15 items and 5 scales were used to help in discovering the difficulties. The questionnaire was distributed to the selected sample of study wh

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring Service Delivery Orientation For Doctor and patients Perspective Experimental Study in Numan General Hospital
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This research aims to Measurement provide the service from Two perspectives The first perspective Service Provider (doctors) and the second recipient of the service (patients) in Numan General Hospital, and represented the research problem in perceptions of medical staff in the hospital assigned to them responsibility by providing superior services satisfy customers, and how they maintained ready to assist customers and provide services that exceed their perceptions of these services through the use of the developer scale by (Frimpong and Wilson, 2012), includes orientation to provide the service scale four dimensions (Internal cooperative behaviors, service Competence, Service Responsiveness and Enhanced service) and includes do

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 09 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Creating Through Points in Linear Function with Parabolic Blends Path by Optimization Method
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The linear segment with parabolic blend (LSPB) trajectory deviates from the specified waypoints. It is restricted to that the acceleration must be sufficiently high. In this work, it is proposed to engage modified LSPB trajectory with particle swarm optimization (PSO) so as to create through points on the trajectory. The assumption of normal LSPB method that parabolic part is centered in time around waypoints is replaced by proposed coefficients for calculating the time duration of the linear part. These coefficients are functions of velocities between through points. The velocities are obtained by PSO so as to force the LSPB trajectory passing exactly through the specified path points. Also, relations for velocity correction and exact v

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