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Fairness in the ancestral quarrel at the meeting of subordinate and representative metaphors

Having signed my eyes on the manuscript labeled (equity in the ancestral quarrel at the meeting of subordinate and representative metaphors) I was impressed by the process of achieving it; That manuscript came to light; to be seen by specialists in Arabic rhetoric and students of science, and supplement the library of rhetoric one of the sources ..

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study and Diagnosis of the Poverty Phenomenon in Rural Areas of Iraq Using the Traditional Method (Crisp)

Poverty is defined as a low standard of living in the sense that a poor person can not afford a minimum standard of living. The phenomenon of poverty is one of the most serious problems that must be dealt with seriously. This phenomenon has persisted in Iraq for decades because of the harsh economic conditions and unstable security conditions due to the crises it has faced since 2013. This study requires much study and analysis. And rural areas as a special case. In this study, the researcher examined the poverty line as a criterion in estimating the poverty indicators, which include (poverty percentage H, poverty gap PG, poverty intensity PS), based on the continuous social and economic survey data for households in 2014. The ma

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Artistic and intellectual embodiment of the stream of consciousness approach in the film novelist: نهاد حامد ماجد

In the midst of the public narrative film , we discussed the issue of dealing with the current narrative more specialized which its future dimension form shift and twist on the level of construction narrative film in some of its diverse and renewable trends in its two ways theoretical and practical and non-give important implications for the modes of operation of the renewable narrative structures and the fact that the cinema is an arts which always open to ideas in neighboring fields and this come naturally as a result of the continuing intellectual and knowledge sharing between cinema and other science . our current research has already begun to address the issue in a stream of consciousness narrative structure film based on all that t

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Characteristics of the Artistic Construction of Light and Color Focus in the Theater Performance: محمد عزيز حسن

The theater has a living environment that resembles or realistically simulates the real life environment on the stage where we see the place, light and living being  as elements representing a picture of the life scene and for a period of time the theater merely conveyed that image, but with the development of the world industrially and technologically, the perception of this picture has evolved with the emergence of intellectual progress where  each part has advantages and  Philosophical goals that  are consistent with the evolution of form. The theatrical lighting, colors and landscapes have become parts in the composition of a new life component in form and content and based on the above this research is titled&nbs

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Military Arrangements for the Battle of Kadesh in 1274 BC During the Era of the New Kingdom

The Battle of Kadesh is replete with many military arrangements that reflect the tremendous development of war preparations in the thirteenth century BC; where the expressive pictures the Egyptians left on some of the walls of their temples show the tremendous ability to organize and divide the forces and the great development that affected the war machine. Furthermore, the text accompanied these pictures reveal some news about that battle, which is considered one of the most important wars in the ancient world. Thus, the importance of the study lies in the fact that it examines one of the most important battles of the ancient Near East, the results of which had great repercussions on the region. This is because it is the most abundant B

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
The Application of Experimentation in the Iraqi theatre shows "Othello in the Kitchen" As a model: عادل كريم سالم

The researcher tackles the most outstanding conditions of experimentation, the importance of the study lies in being helpful to the workers in the field of theatre in general and directors in particular which the conditions of experimentation that should be taken.The study aims at knowing the experimental basis which the director (Sami Abdulhamid) followed in the realization of this.The researcher tackles in the First inquiry the concept of experimentation and the second tackles the conditions of experimentation.In the methodology of study the researcher analyzed the show of the "Othello in the Kitchen" and comes up to the following: 1. the dhows has cone with the nature of the previous shows experienced the methods that were not familia

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact the Organizational downsizing in organizational health: Analytical research in the Directorate of Education in Nineveh

This research aims to determine the extent of the contribution of organizational downsizing strategies to enhance the health of the researched organization represented by the Directorate of Education in Nineveh, and to achieve this goal, the study provided a simplified intellectual framework for the most important topics covered by writers and researchers for search variables, reinforced by an applied analytical framework for the opinions of (79) individuals responsible for the researched organization. The research adopted organizational downsizing as an independent variable that includes three dimensions represented by (reduction of human resources, job redesign, systemic strategy), while the organizational health represented th

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Using the Strategy of Roundhouse in the Achievement of Fourth Grade Students of Computer and Their Attitudes towards It

The research aims to identify the effect of using the strategy of Roundhouse on the achievement of fourth-grade students of computer and their Attitudes towards it. The research sample consisted of (61) fourth-grade secondary school students distributed into the experimental group consisted of (31) students study computer according to the Roundhouse strategy, and the control group consisted of (30) students follow the traditional method. The researcher designed an achievement test consisting of (30) items of multiple choice. To measure the attitudes of students towards the computer, a questionnaire of (32) paragraphs with three alternatives was designed by the researcher. The results showed that there is a statistically significant diffe

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Rationalization the costs and improve seed quality under the application of biotechnology: An Applied Research in Ministry of Agriculture - the Directorate of Inspection &Certification of Seeds

The importance of this research has been to rationalize the cost of producing maize seeds through the followers of modern techniques and methods in agricultural activities such as genetic engineering for the purpose of increasing production efficiency of maize seeds as well as the importance of calculating seed cost rationalization through the ABC system and thus rationalizing government spending. The research is based on a single hypothesis that the use of genetic engineering on corn seeds works to:increase production efficiency of seeds and savings in agricultural inputs, calculation of rationalization through the cost system on the basis of activity ABC The research reached a number of conclus

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The impact of discrete realization strategy in the development of reflective thinking among students of Qur'an and Islamic education departments for the course of Islamic jurisprudence

The paper aims to identify the impact of discrete realization strategy in the development of reflective thinking among students: (males/females) of Qur'an and Islamic education departments for the course of Islamic jurisprudence according to the variability of sex. The researcher used the experimental approach and adopted an experimental determination with a set part of the two groups (experimental and controlled). He selected the sample deliberately which consists of (147) students spread over four classes (experimental males/ experimental females/ controlled males/ controlled females), and it took last for an academic year of (2010-2011). He, then, prepared a post test to measure the reflective thinking with his five skills (skill of o

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences

The subject of the listen to the voice of the customer of topics relatively new in management thought, as it won the attention of many organizations of different types, because it is important to achieve success and to continue and superiority to them, so there is a need to study this term in the Iraqi organizations and try to diagnose the implementation of the study sample to listen voice of the Customer and its

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