The principle of rights and duties is part of the reform project of the Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib, to build a state of institutions whose foundations have been built on Quranic rules, a prophetic biography, and his diligence in doing so in accordance with the requirements of interests and evil, and his certainty in determining the most important and important, and research analytical study of speeches Imam Ali and his career, in this study (the principle of rights and duties) of the ruler and the parish because of their role in the reform process, which depends on the demolition and construction together, as it is the responsibility of the ruler to demolish all constructed corrupt and contrary to the principles of Islam and its adoptions and requirements, to build It was replaced by a new edifice In line with the spirit and purposes of the Sharia.
There are titles adopted in this brief research such as respect and guarantee of the rights of dual brotherhood in religion and creation to reflect on the humanity of Islam centuries before the United Nations. Based on this duality, the basis of the relationship governed by and governed by the rights and duties that the imam must fulfill and maintain for his flock, such as the necessity of equality from the ruler to his flock in the financial tender, and that it must be equal to his flock before the law, the judiciary, and the borders. With this concise vocabulary, the three authorities (legislative, executive, and judicial) of the state administration are integrated in order to achieve social justice and social security, which are the two main pillars of the state administration. The importance of the role of the imam and its centralization as the supreme authority, which is the legislator and the codified. He must supervise the rest of the state facilities, directly or by proxy, to evaluate its institutions, monitor and hold its workers and employees accountable, punish those who are corrupt and corrupt, and conduct borders and retribution against them, so that people feel the prestige of the state and respect its laws; Law, State Law.
The religious forgiving in Islam takes its highest moral value from the law of Muslims (Holy Quran) that practically embodied through the biography of passenger Mohammad (pubh) and the caliphs who behave also according to prophet did to treat with non muslim who were a part of society those are Jewish ,
הסיפורת העברית באמריקה, הייתה קשורה בסביבה מסויימה. גם כן היא קשורה בנושאים מסויימים, ורובם היו מדברים על חיי היהודים באמריקה.
דמותו של שמעון הלקין קבועה בנפשם של המבקרים כזו של משורר בעי
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The research aims to determine the nature of the effect of long . term finance with Net profit which get by the organization from a grubs of finance sources which the organization can choose among them to funding its operations it is one of the basic necessities Net income . Despite this importance , however there is a distinct lack of many Iraqi organizations in the study of the relationship effect of between these two variables and this the reaserch problem .
The data of research were obtained the annual guide of Iraqi market for securities where a data of sample of Iraqi Banks was selected which were five banks from 2004 to 2007 , most of the analysis re
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