The title of the research (the occasion in Surat Maryam) highlights the importance of the subject because he is studying Surah from the wall of the Koran, and that the best times of preoccupation with this light shown, study and thoughtful, and the reason for choosing the topic that the occasion of science helps in understanding the Almighty God in his book, and not Falling in confusion or error, or exaggerated interpretations, and be the key to knowing the rule of the Koran and repeating it, but the results of the conclusion that the occasion has many benefits: including making parts of speech taking each other's necks, strengthens that link and the authorship becomes his case in the case of tight construction , And that the occasion of her occasion with before him Surah Al-cave that the cave included several miracles: the owners of the cave story and others. And that its occasion with the aftermath of Surat Taha that Surat Maryam to pay attention to the importance of Aaron in the support of Moses, peace be upon them, Sura Taha has mentioned the prayer of Moses peace be upon him request of Aaron minister and many mentioned therein As for the occasion of the Sura with its name; it has simplified the content of the story of Mary, her son and her family before deciding on others, as well as the occasion between the beginning of the Sura and its conclusion that the beginning of the Sura began by mentioning the mercy that God had mercy to his servant Zakaria and at the conclusion of the memory of his mercy at all.
E-commerce is the most important result of information technology in this day and age, has resulted in the use of commercial transactions to changes in economic, social, and psychological, and produced a new type of shopping, jobs, and create new job opportunities, and changed the traditional work environment. The challenge currently facing economic units is how to transfer this technology and its integration within the community, especially after the massive developments that have occurred in the areas of commercial and congested markets units, the economic and the products and services the many and varied and intensified competition among these units to achieve a profit, leading to the emergence of e-commerce as on
... Show MoreIt takes a long time and a lot of money to choose and provide clothes. It is soothing
necessary to care of them in order to use it another time. There is no Disposable clothes
until now, like other things in the house which we used for once then we dropped, then we
can use new one without any time or effort can be mentioned like needles, nappy, tissues
and etc.
The clothes are different; people should take care of and clean them again in order to
use them again. The right care of clothes would make them last for a long time. So, there is
no need to buy a new one instead of them in a short time. This thing provides time and
effort for the people and the family, to affect positively on the family’s budget.
We s
The educational function of television is one of the basic functions in light of the technical development that included the specialized satellite channels in all its fields, including the educational field, as its role became parallel to the role of educational institutions. These studies are among the descriptive studies in terms of the type of study methodology that describes the phenomenon, interprets its and extract the results and relationships between the variables. The study sample was multistage (random and intentional) included the students of the sixth academic and literary preparatory stage in the city of Baghdad.
The study problem was summarized by the following main question:
( What are the motives for the exposure of
يكتسب موضوع تدريب وتطوير العاملين أهمية بالغة في الظروف الاقتصادية الحالية التي تسودها مفاهيم وتوجهات جديدة كعولمة الاقتصاد ورأس المال المعرفي والفكري، وحيث صارت المعارف والمهارات والقابليات التي يمتلكها العاملون محركاً أساسياً باتجاه النجاح، وعنصراً مهماً في زيادة فاعلية منشأة الأعمال، وإدامة وجودها واستمرارها.
إن العاملين المدربين بشكل جيد على عمليات المنشأة وطبيعة المواد التي تستخدمها وإنتاجه
... Show Moreوقائع واوراق ندوة (السياسة الخارجية الامريكية في عهد اوباما) التي عقدها فرع الدراسات الدولية في 25 تشرين الثاني 2009
ملخص البحث بالعربي
عنوان البحث : أجـــــوبة الحافظ محمد البرزالي على سؤالات العز ابن الحاجب في الجرح والتعديل
يهدف البحث : إلى جمع أجوبة الحافظ أبي عبدالله محمد البرزالي في الجرح والتعديل، ودراستها.
يتكون البحث من : مقدمة، وتمهيد، نص السؤالات، وخاتمة، وفهارس.
المقدمة : تسمية الموضوع، وسبب اختياره، وأهميته .
والتميهد : ترجمة مختصرة للحافظ أبي عبدالله البرزالي، والتعريف بأجوبة الحافظ الب
... Show MoreIs astronomy in the Abbasid era one of the sciences that Muslims developed at that time? The restriction of students at the hands of a large number of students, which increased the development and increase the value of monitoring mechanisms and their outstanding efforts in support and development of the Arab civilization of Islam
أن الوعي الذاتي والمعرفة قد برزت أهميتها في الفكر السياسي الليبرالي الحديث وجاءت من أجل المناداة بأهمية الوعي في جوهر الفرد فقد بين أغلب المفرين وأبرزهم جون لوك وايمانويل كانط، أكد لوك بأن حالة الوعي الذاتي تكتسب بالتجربة من خلال الإحساس والتأمل او التفكير، فالعقل صفحة بيضاء خاوية ولا توجد فيها أفكار فطرية ولكن في نفس الوقت يؤكد على وجود قوة فطرية في العقل وليست أفكار يمكن ان تحول الأفكار البسيطة الى مركبة م
... Show Moreتعد الصهيونية المسيحية الداعم الابرز للسيادة الصهيونية اليهودية على القدس، ويستند هذا الموقف الذي تتخذه الصهيونية المسيحية الى مجموعة من المعتقدات التي يشكل الاعتقاد بالعودة الثانية للمسيح وتأسيسه لمملكة سعيدة تدوم لالف عام محورها، ليصبح الاهتمام بمستقبل الشعب اليهودي احد الاركان الاساسية لمعتقدات الاصوليون المسيحيون لاسيما الصهيونية المسحية، فالتفسير الحرفي للكتاب المقدس قادهم الى اعتقاد مفاده: ان عو
... Show MoreAbstract
The relationship between population and development is one of the most interrelated relations in contemporary societies. Therefore it is important focus on the demographic aspects of the population and its integration with developmental aspects, because the population is the makers of development and responsible for its success. The population composition and their qualitative composition are important factors in development. This change in age rate is because of demographic operations which lasted for long time. The change we are talking about is happing currently in Arab cou
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