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Detailed interpretation of Sheikh Abdullah Knon A look at the curriculum and method of innovation Critical inductive study
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The problem lies in the main research Where the site of this interpretation of the books of interpretation and what is new and how?
The objectives of this research Vjat to give a quick overview of Sheikh Kenon and the qualifications that made him interpreter, as the goal of the research to reveal the method of Sheikh Kenon highlighting what he has and what is new and show.
The researcher used the inductive method to read the whole book and the comparative approach to compare it with others. He also used the critical method to distinguish between the positions of strength and weakness in the book. The most important results are as follows: :
1 - Sheikh Abdullah Kenon language writer familiar with many sciences, such as jurisprudence and its origins and talk and interpretation, and this is what qualified him to produce in the field of interpretation.
2 - better dealing with the times and issues in terms of his interest in calling to God and trying to link that many of the verses that he interpreted, as he did not overlook his reality in terms of linking some verses to the issues of the hour, such as the question of Palestine and his position on the other.
3 - It can be said: Sheikh Kenon renewed in his interpretation of two things, the first formalized by the name of this interpretation of this name and make it for the last seven of the Koran, and second: renewal content which is linked to the call to God verses and his exposure to important issues of the age and try to devise provisions that benefit the times today.
4 - Sheikh Kenon races pen is rarely devoid of any book and writer, has been said in the past a thousand has been targeted, for example, not to mention some of the frequent readings, and weighting some of the views contrary to the famous as happened in the first Surat Al-Teen and the middle of Al-Jinn.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Approaches to the formation of a contemporary explanatory mindset: Critical inductive study
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The issue of the development of Qur'anic studies for the tasks, and the first thought of minds and multiple understandings, and the most precious ideas, and the alternatives were floated, and varied visions, especially as we live in an era exploding knowledge, and complicate secretions, and scramble his ideas, and to devise intellectual approaches To achieve the witnesses of civilization in the words of the Almighty (to be martyrs on the people) Surat Al - Baqarah / 143 attendance and participation in the achievement and a positive interaction with the participants of humanity and civilization in the light of the meaning (to know) rooms / 13.
Therefore, we must emerge from the one-dimensional view of the Koran to the complex mindset t

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 09 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The door of speaking souls From the book explaining the features of the origins of religion For Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah Al-Khonji study and investigation
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Praise be to God who created the soul, perfected it, and inspired it with its immorality and piety. He says in His Noble Book: ﭤ Fajr: 27-30 Glory be to You, O God! O Lord, on whom I have chosen for You as a beloved from myself and the soul of the two worlds, may our master Muhammad be sacrificed for him, who enlightened the horizons with his introduction to enlightenment. It soon ends with the end of pleasure, which is the opposite of the pleasure of thought and meaning, as it is permanent and continuous, and from here we see that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, urges us in various places to seek knowledge and fortify the soul and thought in a way that raises one’s status and protects him from the st

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Controls for innovation in interpretation
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Renewal is generally considered an urgent requirement of life, and a section of its continuation, because renewal means that life exists and continues, and just as renewal is in life, renewal is in science, and in this research the issue of renewal in the science of interpretation, and showed through research that renewal in This science was an urgent demand throughout the Islamic ages, as the research showed the necessity of renewal in the material of interpretation, its method and methods, and the researcher presented the opinions of schools about renewal in the interpretation of the Noble Qur’an inferred by living models that refer to their owners.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Chapter of the provisions of information to explain the fundamentals of the religion of Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Abdullah al-Khunji: Study and achieve
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Every student and researcher is aware of the practical importance of manuscripts and intellectual need
In order to look at the legacy of the world of thought, this is the book of the fundamentals of religion for knowledge
Al-Razi (d. 606 AH), is included in the book
Very within the total books of doctrine and circulated speech. Q
The thickness of the khongi bush was accurate and reliable, and it was transportation
Accompanied by an extension in the presentation of issues and deepening the places of Khmel if any, and appeared
In support of Al-Razi's pride in most places and most of the issues
Other speech teams from Mu'tazilis and others and presented a general demonstration of knowledge
And the ability to learn ab

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
A critical methodological study in abrogative,abrogated, in a book of (Zad AlTafseer) in Surah Al-Baqara in the holy Quraan.
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This research is a critical methodological  study deals with some Quranic verses abrogative,abrogated.

by Ibn al-Jawzi (may Allah have mercy on him) in his book (Tafseer Zad al-Maseer) inin Surah Al-Baqara the  in the holy Quraan.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical inductive study on   Ground forces of the army during the first Abbasid era
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This study sought to give a general picture of the organizations and formations of the ground forces of the Abbasid army in its first era, in preparation and armament and continuous development of the mechanisms to help maintain the moral and spiritual morale in the fighting.
Therefore, the caliphs' interest in building the army, organizing it, arming it, choosing competent leaders, and providing them with various weapons in terms of production and storage, as well as taking care of fortifying the cities and gaps in determination and determination, and embarked on construction and restoration, where amazing speed and acted according to the circumstances. During the first Abbasid era, there were significant developments in the military

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The grammatical approach of Sheikh Isamah Allah Bukhari (died 1000 A H) in his footnotes on the benefits of light
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Through this study, I tried to identify the grammatical efforts of one of the most important authors of the footnotes that were built on the luminous benefits marked with (Explanation of Mulla Jami in Grammar), and he is Sheikh Isamah Allah Al-Bukhari, who died in the eleventh century AH, trying as much as possible to stay away from the path of tradition in repeating the efforts of Those who preceded me in explaining the grammatical efforts of many grammarians, and perhaps what helped me in this is the characteristics that characterize the notes owners that may distinguish them from other owners of grammatical authorship, as a result of what characterized the personality of the notes owners from the predominance of the in

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Message to Sheikh Jamal Bukhari conclusion of Sheikh Suleiman al - Jamal   (1204 AH) Study and investigation
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Scientists have mastered the codification of the hadeeth and authorship in it, and walked in a variety of courses, including what is known when the late books seal books, which is inclined by Sheikh Sheikh students in the last Council is reading a book of the books of the year or so, and mention a party from the translation of the book owner After that methodology of what he sees important, then speak to the last hadeeth in the book Sindh and Manta, and sometimes market attribution to the author of the book as did Suleiman al-Jamal (God's mercy) deceased in 1204 AH, in this seal on the true Imam Bukhari Which we will investigate and publish. (God willing).

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Revelation period And suspicions of Orientalists: Critical study
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With the narratives and sayings in the biography of the Prophet and the science of the Koran, Orientalists used this case as a pretext to distort the biography of the Prophet and his character and patience for his call. Researcher in the folds of his research.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Critical Pragmatic Study of Racism as Conceptualized in the Glorious Quran
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Racism changes its meaning, shape, purpose or function according to various factors such as time, place, motives, and backgrounds; among others. It seems, however, to have deep roots back in the history of mankind. Such a concept stems from a perceived difference with the other. It is fed by the feeling of being hierarchically superior in opposition to another party that is depicted as inferior. Since ancient times, racism is disguised in different forms and manifests itself on various levels. It is a truism that this ideology can be best presented via language.

Due to its negative implication, racism lends itself to a critical kind of research.  As such, this paper is a critical pragmatic investigation for this phenomenon a

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