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The expression is similar at Explain the gold nuggets
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The expression is a prominent feature of the Arabic language, but it is one of the characteristics that are inseparable from it. The expressive aspects of each other.
The issue of Arab differences and their impact on the divergence of meaning is one of the issues that have preoccupied the minds of the Arabic language owners and their views went to various doctrines. Introduction: (Whenever I finished a question concluded with a verse related to any download, and followed by the need for expressing, interpretation and interpretation) I found him in some of the Aarabip more than the face of some of the vocabulary raised and erected and a jar, when the verses of the Koran, resulting in a research lies between Grammar and the Koran under the title: (Similar to Godfather in explaining the roots of gold), the similarity of the expression in the posts a wider presence than others. This research indicates that the Arabic language consists of eloquence, where the expression forms a solid column without which it is not valid.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Studia Ubb Chemia,
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In this work, excess properties (eg excess molar volume (VE), excess viscosity (ȠE), excess Gibbs free energy of activation of viscos flow (ΔG* E) and molar refraction changes (ΔnD) of binary solvent mixtures of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA) with aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene and p-xylene) have been calculated. This was achieved by determining the physical properties including density ρ, viscosity Ƞ and refraction index nD of liquid mixtures at 298.15 K. Results of the excess parameters and deviation functions for the binary solvent mixtures at 298.15 K have been discussed by molecular interactions that occur in these mixtures. Generally, parameters showed negative values and have been found to fit well to Redlich-Kister

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study of the Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and Injection Timing on Emitted Emissions at Idle Period
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Heavy-duty diesel vehicle idling consumes fossil fuel and reduces atmospheric quality at idle period, but its restriction cannot simply be proscribed. A comprehensive tailpipe emissions database to describe idling impacts is not yet available. This paper presents a substantial data set that incorporates results from DI multi-cylinders Fiat diesel engine. Idle emissions of CO, hydrocarbon (HC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), smoke opacity, carbon dioxide (CO2) and noise have been reported, when three EGR ratios (10, 20 and 30%) were added to suction manifold.

CO2 concentrations increased with increasing idle time and engine idle speed, but it didn’t show clear effect for IT adva

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 11 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala University
Histological study for effct of Carbamazepine drug on the developing brain at day 13 of pregnancy of Mus musclus
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Epilepsy is considered as one of the common neurological disorders.About 50 million persons have affected by epilepsy .Carbamazepine is one of the common drugs used by pregnant women with epilepsy. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of carbamazepine on the process of brain development during day 13 of pregnancy.Fifty pregnant albino mice have been used. They were divided into two groups. The control group that had been orally drenched with normal saline. The other group was treated group that had been given 15 mgKg of Carbamazepine orally. The fetuses have been collected after killing of the mice. Boun’s solution was selected as fixative. 5-8 µm thick sections from the fetuses were cut to be stained with hematoxyli

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
Digital culture skills among chemistry students at the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Ibn al-Haytham in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2023
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Studying the Molecular Interactions for Potash Alum with Distilled Water and Aqueous Solution of Ethylene Glycol at Different Temperatures.
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Mar 02 2009
Journal Name
Albahith Alalami
Types, contents and scientific research methods used in public relations research at the College of Mass Communication 1989 - 2007.
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This study deals with knowing the types of research in public relations studies at the Faculty of Mass Communication for the period from 1989 to 2007 and knowing the methods that researchers used in their studies, as well as knowing the methods and tools of scientific research that were used, and whether one method or tool is used more than others, and knowing Samples used in the analysis. As well as the contents and types of this research The institutions that were subjected to the study, and the preparation of the respondents This research aims to answer the following questions:. A- What are the types of research and methods that were used in university theses that dealt with the topic? Public Relations at the Faculty of Media from 1989

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Types of the Fiber Glass-Mat on Fatigue Characteristic of Composite Materials at Constant Fiber Volume Fraction: Experimental Determination
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The aim of this work is to study the influence of the type of fiber glass –mat on fatigue behavior of composite material which is manufactured from polyester and E-glass (woven roving, chopped strand mat (CSM)) as a laminate with a constant fiber volume fraction (VF) of 33%. The results showed that the laminates reinforced with E-glass (woven roving) [0/90, ±45.0/90] and [0/90, CSM, 0/90] have lower fatigue strength than the laminates reinforced with E-glass [0/90]3,[CSM]3 and [CSM, 0/90, CSM]  although they had different tensile strength; the best laminate was [0/90]3 .

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurement of indoor radon levels and assessment of radiological hazards at Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site and the surrounding area
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In the present study the radon concentration was measured in indoor places by the RAD7 (radon detector) was in some locations at Al-Tuwaitha nuclear site and some surrounding areas for the duration from 13/10/2016 to 2/1/2017 and the measurement of the indoor radon concentration ranged from (4.96±4.4 to 102±25) Bq/m3. The high value of radon has been found at decommissioning directorate /emergency room, which is lower than the action value recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which is (148 Bq/m3) while the lowest value has been founded in central laboratories directorate \ models room. These values were used to calculate the annual effective dose and the health risks for cells bronchial which caused by the inhalatio

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mathematical-procedural Knowledge ant its relation to logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mathematical-procedural Knowledge ant its relation to logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department
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The study seeks the relationship between the mathematical-procedural Knowledge and the logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department. To this end, three questions were arisen: what is the level of mathematical-procedural Knowledge among the third stage students in mathematics department regarding their gender? Do male or female students have more logical-mathematical intelligence and are there significant differences base on their gender? What kind of correlation is between the level of mathematical-procedural Knowledge and the logical-mathematical intelligence of male and female students in the third stage in the mathematics department? A sample of (75) male and female students at the thir

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