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Ibn Habib al-Maliki and his views     Jurisprudence      In the book of marriage
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Allah the Almighty has honored many of his slaves in the high houses for their efforts in building the scientific edifice of this nation, by demonstrating what is needed from the legal provisions for all the relations between them, and the actions that they emanate from. The tasks of the abbreviations and Almstsot, and deposited in the mabahith after various investigations and precious precious matters and showed all the human needs in his life and what is expected to happen, even on the rarest possibilities, and their efforts that left the nation on the cases of Goliath. , And Ask They are in Dar dignity with the best creatures and make us a share of those good things, and Odamna to obey Him and His pleasure until death, and forgive us and the Muslims all sins and evil deeds, so I chose note of those flags to look out for his opinions in the mothers of books and folders, abbreviations and Alparwhat.
 The subject of my research, which I called: (Ibn Habib al-Maliki and his jurisprudential views in the book of marriage), and this research is derived from a master's thesis supervised by the Faculty of Islamic Sciences note that promotions Bastlal research supervised. I searched for his opinions and collected and searched for the approvers and dissenters with mention of their evidence and discussion and a statement of the significance of them, and weighting the most likely opinion of them.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
General Conditions of Women in Ibn al-Jawzi’s Book Safwat Al-Safwa: A Historical Study
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The research aims at the scholars’attention to the importance and role of Arab Muslim women through books and historical studies that historians and scholars have taken up like Ibn Al-Jawzi (597 AH) and his book Safwat Al-Safwa,  where he presented the conduct of worship and their words and deeds, and explained to women worshipers other aspects of their lives, such as the scientific aspect Crafts and works as well as their prominent role in preaching and religious guidance, and the impact of this on their morals and qualities. This study showed the strength of the personality of women and their high interest in worship. The importance of the study lies in knowledge.The research followed the role of Muslim women to carry t

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 27 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Some urban structures of the city of Baghdad in the book almntadham Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597 e)
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 We conclude that this study has dealt with an important aspect of the book that was not clearly defined in the book as it was derived through the book's translations, namely, the extraction of those urban structures of the city of Baghdad, which were of great importance in the religious, cultural, economic and social life at that time, The important link that reflected the development of the Islamic city in general and Baghdad in particular, as he addressed such urban facilities through the translations of the book that did not offer the outline or information about those facilities, but only the name only, and here lies the difficulty in addressing Such as T. As subjects because they need the most accurate analysis of facilities t

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(639هـ) The speech act in the grammatical discourse, a study in the book "Guiding Al-Luma'" by Ibn Al-Khabbaz (639 AH)
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The study of the " Speech act " in grammatical codes reveals great efforts in the study of the elements of linguistic communication contained in their efforts, and is part of the study of the linguistics of heritage, and the research has been designed to identify the verbal act in the blog of Ibn al-Khabaz (guiding the shine) by studying its sections comprehensively; To the spirit of grammatical discourse as well as the combination of the concept of the semantic act already verbal according to Searle, and its response in the form of indirect verbal acts more than direct acts, as well as the pure formulas of the opinions of the violators in the speech of Ibn al-Khabaz other than the proven verbal formulas Approval and approval, the class

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Al-Mubarakpuri's Jurisprudential Choices (d.1353 AH) in the Borders from his book "Tuhfat Al-Ahwadi" with the explanation of "Jami' Al-Tirmidhi / a comparative jurisprudential study
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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers and his family and companions.

The study of the jurisprudential opinions of scholars, their choices, or their weightings, sheds light on the approach they followed in their choices, and reveals the originality of the scholar or his influence on those who preceded him from among the scholars.

And the commentators of the noble hadith of the Prophet have their important contributions in this aspect, as they undertake the task of explaining the noble hadith, the second source of legislation

Contemporary commentators have their share in the service of the honorable hadith, and the statement of their choices and preferences, and am

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Book of Musaka (by Imam Abu al-Qasim Abdul-Karim Muhammad ibn Abd al-Karim al-Rafii)
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Al-Aziz's book was chosen as a subject for research as it is one of the important books in the Islamic world in general and the Shafi'i school in particular and its author Imam Abdul Karim bin Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Rafi's, who in the doctrine of the jurisprudence has made prominent lines and left behind invaluable scientific treasures in the service of religion. Its importance is summarized as follows:
1. Being an explanation of the book (brief) of the argument of Islam Imam Ghazali (God's mercy), one of the five books adopted in Shafi'i jurisprudence.
2. His work is Imam Abu al-Qasim al-Rafii known for the brilliance of the investigation and the power of weighting in the doctrine.
3. It is considered an encyclopedia in Sh

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Views syntactic grammar for Abi Sufyan (325 A.H) In his book Altvsh language
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Arab heritage have teem much of the literature value, written by evacuated, who had a legacy of linguistic great scientists, but the circumstances are unknown, did not write those books or authors emerge, chose to search for a book of those compositions, he did not write to him and his book emerge, fell hands a book (Altvsh in the language) to Abu Sufyan grammar, a fourth-century scientists, as it is Abu Sufyan grammar of scientists who rolled up the time their impact, and the cryptic revelations among the stars, preferring to stand on this book and its author, a statement of the most important grammatical aspects contained therein; to notch the curtain for this world, and his book (Altvsh in strewn language and Mnzawmha and express the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Criticism of poetry in the book of mortality Ibn Khalkan (681 AH)
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The researchers go to the classification of the book (mortality of objects) of Ibn Khalkan in the books of biographies, translations and history and consider it an important dictionary in translations and this is not disputed, but none of them did not reveal clearly about the literary phenomenon in which it is clearly related and the size of this phenomenon, it has come in the side This research sought to investigate this critical encyclopedia, which occupied a large area of ​​the historical framework of the book as we rarely found a figure in which did not turn - in extrapolation of translations - in the orbit of poetry as well as the great celebration of poetic speech during Translation has reached a number Perhaps the most promine

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Intellectual contents in realistic plastic artworks, paintings by Iranian artist Ayman Al-Maliki (An analytical study)
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The study tagged ( the intellectual implications of the realistic Fine works of art) is a scientific effort to detect modest intellectual and artistic dimensions of the artwork realistic plastic , through some selected artistic productions of the painted work of art of the Iranian artist Ayman al - Maliki , with the result that the researcher collects materials to serve the scientific research topic which comes in three chapters.
First chapter included the general framework of the research (the promise of the research problem and its significance, objectives and limits and some of the terms contained therein).
Second chapter of this research was specified to the theoretical framework which included some of the topics that are dire

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Body Language in the Poetry of Ibn Al-Jayab Al-Farnati
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Language is a means of communication among the human beings. Every language that distinguish them from others. However, there is language common that is common of all human beings without discrimination and expression of ideas. Perhaps it is more honest that the usual language.

            The research is divided into a preface which speaks about the meaning of body language. Then we speak about body gestures like the eyes, hand, the tongue the heart reaching up the conclusion in which we found that the body language is one of the terms included in the Holy Quran, which has original roots. But this term is recently common and spread in the present time. Most of those who tack

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Yazid                Bin Harun Abu Bakr Alkhalal             And his jurisprudence in transactions
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The message of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the most complete of the messages, and the conclusion of the messages and completed by the mercy of this nation. Al-Khalal al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) was a scholar who updated his writings. And The Nha Brhnha and became an independent and arranged doctrine Such a world of Galilee Hambali must show his character and his knowledge and its impact on the Islamic arena.

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