It is no secret to every researcher that the choice of a topic for research is not without positive reasons and selected goals, and in this context it seems to me that writing in the subject (testimony of God) is important in many ways; In many places to signify the oneness and sincerity of the Prophet and the prosecution of slaves for their actions in the Hereafter and the control of God Almighty them in the world, which indicates that the subject has to do with the faith and care and orientation towards his study leads to identify the meaning of this testimony and purposes in the context of its receipt and guide to the semantic faces that go to her.
Objective: this search aims to test the correlation between job complexity and psychological detachment then stats how the burnout can affect in this relationship and dose the burnout can contribute in development of this relationship. Theoretical framework: the research adopted some questions like how can psychological detachment can make the employee keeping away from work and isolates himself from work environment and how can the job complexity enhance this behavior for employee ,and how can the burnout increase the correlation between job complexity and psychological detachment ?, then trying to extraction some of recommendations may contributes in enhancing practicing and adopting these three variables (job complexity, psych
... Show MoreThe genus Bacillus bacterium isolated from soil and tests their ability to produce glutamic acid, the bacteria are diagnosed by traditional methods and VITEK-2 system. And we studied the optimal conditions for production and try to improve the productivity of the isolation by manipulating the components of the production medium and of the circumstances environmental of production medium. There is 43 isolates of the 70 bacterial isolates belonging to the genus Bacillus depending on phenotypic characteristics of the colonies and microscopic characteristics and found that 13 isolated revert to species B.subtilis depending on physiological and biochemical characteristics. As well as on microscopic and biochemical tests, 13 isolates were subj
... Show MoreThis study has applied the theoretical framework of conceptual metaphor theory to the analysis of the source and target domains of metaphors that are used in two English nineteenth century sonnets, both written by contemporaneous female poets. The quantitative and qualitative results of the textual analysis have clearly revealed that Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s sonnet 23 centres around the conceptual mapping of the journey of love and life with that of possession. In contrast, Christina Rossetti’s sonnet Remember tackles the central conceptual mapping of death as a journey in relation to its further experiential connections. In addition, the application of conceptual metaphor theory in identifying the frequencies and densities of metap
... Show MoreThis paper deals with the thirteenth order differential equations linear and nonlinear in boundary value problems by using the Modified Adomian Decomposition Method (MADM), the analytical results of the equations have been obtained in terms of convergent series with easily computable components. Two numerical examples results show that this method is a promising and powerful tool for solving this problems.
Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) emerged as a solution to address the reliability challenges with thermal hotspots and unbalanced temperatures. DTM efficiency is highly affected by the accuracy of the temperature information presented to the DTM manager. This work aims to investigate the effect of inaccuracy caused by the deep sub-micron (DSM) noise during the transmission of temperature information to the manager on DTM efficiency. A simulation framework has been developed and results show up to 38% DTM performance degradation and 18% unattended cycles in emergency temperature under DSM noise. The finding highlights the importance of further research in providing reliable on-chip data transmission in DTM application.
The transportation model is a well-recognized and applied algorithm in the distribution of products of logistics operations in enterprises. Multiple forms of solution are algorithmic and technological, which are applied to determine the optimal allocation of one type of product. In this research, the general formulation of the transport model by means of linear programming, where the optimal solution is integrated for different types of related products, and through a digital, dynamic, easy illustration Develops understanding of the Computer in Excel QM program. When choosing, the implementation of the form in the organization is provided.
Dens itiad ns vcovadoay fnre Dec2isco0D,ia asrn2trcds4 fenve ns 6ocfo ts ida%n2notd, rasr sedno6t(a asrn2trcd fnre sc2a 2cynwnvtrnco co nrs wcd2 /nt sedno6t(a fan(er wtvrcd ﯿ)ﺔ mh Dens r,ia cw asrn2trcds et/a laao vcosnyaday wcd asrn2trno( rea itdt2arads ﻘ cw sn2i%a %noatd da(dassnco 2cya%4 feao t idncd asrn2tra cw rea itdt2arad /t%ua )ﻘm ns t/tn%tl%a4 st, ﻘxh Dens ﻘx ets laao dawadday no srtrnsrnvt% %nradtrudas ts (uass icnor tlcur rea itdt2arad ﻘh Dea aMidassncos wcd Snts4 Oato -9utday 8ddcd )O-8m toy .a%trn/a 8wwnvnaov, cw rea idcicsay asrn2trcds tda clrtnoayh 1u2adnvt% dasu%rs tda idc/nyay feao rea
... Show MoreThe present study examines critically the discursive representation of Arab immigrants in selected American news channels. To achieve the aim of this study, twenty news subtitles have been exacted from ABC and NBC channels. The selected news subtitles have been analyzed within van Dijk’s (2000) critical discourse analysis framework. Ten discourse categories have been examined to uncover the image of Arab immigrants in the American news channels. The image of Arab immigrants has been examined in terms of five ideological assumptions including "us vs. them", "ingroup vs. outgroup", "victims vs. agents", "positive self-presentation vs. negative other-presentation", and "threat vs. non-threat". Analysis of data reveals that Arab immig
... Show MoreThe large number of failure in electrical power plant leads to the sudden stopping of work. In some cases, the necessary reserve materials are not available for maintenance which leads to interrupt of power generation in the electrical power plant unit. The present study, deals with the determination of availability aspects of generator in unit 5 of Al-Dourra electric power plant. In order to evaluate this generator's availability performance, a wide range of studies have been conducted to gather accurate information at the level of detail considered suitable to achieve the availability analysis aim. The Weibull Distribution is used to perform the reliability analysis via Minitab 17, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) by approaching o
... Show More