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Book of Musaka (by Imam Abu al-Qasim Abdul-Karim Muhammad ibn Abd al-Karim al-Rafii)
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Al-Aziz's book was chosen as a subject for research as it is one of the important books in the Islamic world in general and the Shafi'i school in particular and its author Imam Abdul Karim bin Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Rafi's, who in the doctrine of the jurisprudence has made prominent lines and left behind invaluable scientific treasures in the service of religion. Its importance is summarized as follows:
1. Being an explanation of the book (brief) of the argument of Islam Imam Ghazali (God's mercy), one of the five books adopted in Shafi'i jurisprudence.
2. His work is Imam Abu al-Qasim al-Rafii known for the brilliance of the investigation and the power of weighting in the doctrine.
3. It is considered an encyclopedia in Shafi'i jurisprudence, as Imam Rafi's collected most of the sayings and facets, and relied on many important sources of scholars of the doctrine that preceded him, as it included the views of the imams of other sects.
4. The abundance of transport evidence of verses, hadiths, and archeology, which is rarely found in the books of Shafi'i jurisprudence, and is thus characterized by a brief book (kindergarten students) of the nuclear imam stripped of this evidence, to facilitate access to scientists and muftis.
5. Good arrangement, quality of division, and ease of his words.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Neglected Narrators in " Weak and Abandoned narrators" Book of Al-Darqutni and Their Relationship to the Abandonment
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The research handles the prominent books of The Weak and Unknown Narrators , which is written by Imam Abu Al-Hasan Al-Daraqutni. It contains a brief introduction about the book and about Abu Bakr Al-Barqani, as well as Abi Mansour Ibn Hamkan.

The research handles the issue of unknown narrators and their relationship to the abandonment stipulated in the preamble to the book.

The research dealt with the identification and comparison between the sayings of Al-Daraqutni and his students - especially Al-Burqani, the publisher of his knowledge, as he is the one who narrated the sayings of Al-Daraqutni. The study concluded that the principle is to abandon the me

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The women at Al-Sakhaawi Book "A;-Dhau Al-Lami", Study in the social life
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In our previous research , we study the method of women by ( al – sakhaawi " died 902
ah/1496a.c"book witch called ( al- dhau, al-lami) .
So in this paper , we will discuss the social life of women in the mamluk period through the
same book ,especially when the sakhaawi devoted a full part for women in the same book
called it (mhagam ,al –nessa)wich it translations a large number of women like wives
,daughters ,sisters ,and maids of mamluk sultans ,so that make my able to know a lot about
the social life of woman which we study it like a social aspects of women, here wealth,
business, professions ,and in the last we study the habits of them marriage .

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Sufian Symbol and its significance in Abd Allah Hamadi's Poetry
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This research paper looks to put its hands on sufi symbols which are applied by the algerian poet د abdallah hammadi د in his poetical works . the symbols it relies on are : ( symbolisme of wine . symbolisme of light . symbolisme of night . sufisme and nature , femal symbols ) .
From these symbols we try to show its range of ability to apply it , with trying to determine its meaningful , dimensions .

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
مخطوط كوكب الاشراق فيما يجب للواحد الخلاق محمد بن عبد الرحيم بن محمد السلموني المالكي المتوفى بعد : (1173هـ).
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ملخص البحث باللغة العربية

   الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم. أما بعد: فهذا مخطوط منعوت بـ(كوكب الاشراق فيما يجب للواحد). لمحمد بن عبد الرحيم بن محمد السلموني المالكي : (1173هـ). وأصل المخطوط نسختان، وقد نسخت بخط واضح وعبارات دقيقة، ، وكان المحور الذي يدور عليه المخطوط هو مسألة التوحيد، وبيان ما يتعلق بالله تعالى وما يجوز ويستحيل في حقه تعالى، وتفصيل مسألة الص

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The mother of the believers, the mother of Salamah and her narrators of jurisprudence In attaining the goal of the rulings evidence Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (d. 852 AH)      (prayer book)
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The Muslim woman actively participated in narrating, preserving, controlling and maintaining the hadith, along with her brother, the man who later became an inexhaustible representative of the effort to preserve, control, and narrate the Sunnah. Undoubtedly, the mothers of the believers, may God be pleased with them, had a great advantage in communicating Islam and spreading the Sunnah of the Prophet Especially among women, all of them heard from him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and lived with him in the details of his life on the disparity between them in memorizing and narrating and publishing them. It narrated (378) recently, and it is considered the second narrator after the mother of the believers Aisha, may God be pl

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Applications of Interior Space Design According to Shape Generation Systems: عبد الكريم علي حسين
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Treatises concerning analyzing the interior spaces multiplied and their directions varied, that some of them analyzed the interior space on the basis of the intellectual and philosophical affiliation or the historical period and others in the light of the concept and mechanisms of the shape. The researcher has not been able to find a research that dealt with analyzing the space within the systems of shape generation, thus it is possible to determine the research problem with the following question: to what extent is it possible to analyze the interior space based on systems of shape generation? As far as the importance of the research is concerned, it sheds light on five of the systems of the shape generation which are: Syntax, shape gra

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Self Purification in Al-Saqlawiya Drain in Abu-Grebe
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Surface water flow samples were collected with distances downstream over Saqlawiya main drain whose stretch of about 24.5 km. The drain travels through different land use pattern, before, flowing into Tigris River. Eight sampling points were carefully
selected downstream the channel during dry season. The examined water parameters were pH, NH3, NO3, PO= 4, BOD5, COD, TDS, S.S, Cl-, SO= 4, Na+ , Ca+2, Mg+2, and Oil and Grease. Descriptive and inferential methods through finding the best curve fit correlation were employed in the study to test the strength of the association between water chemical characteristics and distance downstream the channel. A comparison of the values of chemical parameters at the Al-Saqlawiya Drain-Tigris Riv

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Abu Muhajin al-Thaqafi swinging Between intimacy and obedience
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Number (42) 13 Ramadan 1436 H 30 June 2015
Abu Muhsin al-Thaqafi oscillating between disobedience and obedience
Research Summary
This research deals with the impact of Islam on the poetry of the veterans who realized ignorance and Islam
Persistent and shifting perspective in their poetry, especially those that talk about
Topics deprived of Islam, such as hair, for example. It is known that the description of alcohol is common in
Pre-Islamic poetry, and the Arabs were proud to drink it as proud of their heroism and Frosithm,
And drinking alcohol was associated with religious roots, they thought that the drinker acquires the attributes of God,
He can do the things that gods do, and humans can not. A

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The omission of letters according to Zakaria al-Ansari in his book (Fath al-Rahman by revealing what is ambiguous in the Qur’an)
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The book (Fatah al-Rahman reveals what is ambiguous in the Qur’an), which is a book of verbal similarities that tries to touch the Qur’an expression, and the subtle differences between its expressions and expressions. It appeared when it appeared in many chapters, from which I chose to delete in monolithic letters such as Ba and Ta, and to heal and delete in non-monosymbols such as (that) and (may) and (no), so the search came to two chapters The first is for deleting the monolithic letters, and the second is for deleting non-monosyllabic letters, preceded by introductory discussions revolving around the linguistic and idiomatic definition of deletion, a brief translation of the

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
The plastic structure in the lyrical introduction to pre-Islamic poetry " The hanging Tarfa bin Al-Abd as a model": زينب خليل حسين
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The research deals with the lyrical introduction in the commentary of Tarfa bin al-Abd as a formative system characterized by flexibility and richness of imagination, which achieved a formative treatment and a unique construction within the structures of the structural and semantic language. I dealt with the poetic verses represented by the lyrical introduction as a formative hypothesis, basing its goal on a methodological framework distributed on the problem that was summarized by the following question: Is it possible to look at the poetic pattern within the pre-Islamic poem / hanging blinking as a model, in its plastic dimensions and to identify the stylistic treatment that achieves the formation space within the poetic text. The rese

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