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Book of Musaka (by Imam Abu al-Qasim Abdul-Karim Muhammad ibn Abd al-Karim al-Rafii)
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Al-Aziz's book was chosen as a subject for research as it is one of the important books in the Islamic world in general and the Shafi'i school in particular and its author Imam Abdul Karim bin Mohammed bin Abdul Karim Al-Rafi's, who in the doctrine of the jurisprudence has made prominent lines and left behind invaluable scientific treasures in the service of religion. Its importance is summarized as follows:
1. Being an explanation of the book (brief) of the argument of Islam Imam Ghazali (God's mercy), one of the five books adopted in Shafi'i jurisprudence.
2. His work is Imam Abu al-Qasim al-Rafii known for the brilliance of the investigation and the power of weighting in the doctrine.
3. It is considered an encyclopedia in Shafi'i jurisprudence, as Imam Rafi's collected most of the sayings and facets, and relied on many important sources of scholars of the doctrine that preceded him, as it included the views of the imams of other sects.
4. The abundance of transport evidence of verses, hadiths, and archeology, which is rarely found in the books of Shafi'i jurisprudence, and is thus characterized by a brief book (kindergarten students) of the nuclear imam stripped of this evidence, to facilitate access to scientists and muftis.
5. Good arrangement, quality of division, and ease of his words.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Directing Grammarians for Grammatical Dispute To Interpret and Explain the fourth part of the Holy Qur’an
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 The miraculous of al-Quran has been surrounded by the attention of scholars, as it is the one that has astonished the rhetoricians with its eloquence. So , they paid attention to every part of it  and hugely they studied it with accuracy in respect to its Surah  ad Ayahs.   It is considered the most important source from which Arab scholars and early grammarians drew, given their unanimity that it is the highest degree of eloquence and the best record of the common literary language.


Among these sciences is the science of Grammar, and without Qur’an, this science would not have emerged, which later had control over every science of Arabic

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
The Problem of Meaning in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture: عبد الله فوزي خورشيد
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The concept of meaning is one of the most important topics that have occupied the mind of the recipient and critic in all the arts, especially the plastic arts, where we find that the art of contemporary plastic art, in particular sculpture has multiple readings and many critics differed in terms of different reading and views of the same artistic achievement.

This research will identify the different works of contemporary Iraqi sculptors while presenting and studying their works, as well as (studying the problem of meaning) of the artistic achievements of the sculptors in particular. The various parties interested in Iraqi sculpture did not seize the problem of the objective and subjective meaning of contemporary Iraqi sculpture

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using SWAT Model to Estimate the Water Balance of Wadi Al-Mohammadi Basin, Western Iraq: Setup of SWAT Model, SWAT Model Run, Watershed Delineation, Climate Data, Quantification of Hydrological Components, and Water Balance of the Wadi Al-Mohammadi Basin.
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     Water balance as a technique is considered one of the means that is relied upon in solving significant hydrological problems. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model was used in this study to assess the water balance in the Wadi Al-Mohammadi basin located at the eastern edge of the Western Desert. Digital elevation model, soil data, Land use - Land cover, and climate data represent the most important requirements for the SWAT model's input as a database. The Wadi Al-Mohammadi basin delineation results show the overall drainage area was 2286.8 km2 with seven sub-basins. The trend line of climate data indicates a clear increase in the total rainfall, relative humidity, temperature, and solar radiation from 1990-

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Scopus (7)
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تحولات تَحولات الزَّمان في مُقدَمة القَصيدة الجَاهلية (دراسة تحليلية في شعر زهير بن أبي سلمى)
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Addresses research philosophy decade in significance vehicle metamorphic between the time the real is between two moments two different: the moment the last beautiful memories of parents and beloved, but the present moment harsh stand on

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
Music Jawq military in Iraq: زينب صبحي عبد البياتي
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Was and military music still in Iraq whatever tributary of Music, where contributed Brphi Iraqi music musicians, authors and composers of musicians skilled and qualified teachers, was, and still have a big role in the growth and prosperity and progress of contemporary Iraqi music through active and vital role and make a lot of musical tenders excellence in various military and civilian walks of life whether it be in the days of war or peace.As it is the military music schools and the main source of the most important in the education of these machines and training. Therefore occupies the military musicians in Iraq prestigious and important, particularly in the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra started the forefront of the musical instrum

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
Symmetry in designs clothing fabrics: تيجانية عدنان عبد الرحمن
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The art of designing clothing fabrics is a multidisciplinary design important and difficult because it is linked to man and his personality and his tastes and habits and behavior being is a form of creative expression here came the problem of the research , which are summarized by asking the following: Is the similar role in the designs of clothing fabrics The second chapter included two themes design fabrics the symmetry in the design of fabrics the third chapter included research procedures adopted descriptive analytical method to reach the goals of the research and consisted of the research community (9) models of the designs fabrics Iraqi either the research sample was selected (5) models of society current search and search tool Vtm

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
Wagner ideas and architectural scene Bayreuth ideal: علي عبد الله
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The (Richard Wagner) of cultural figures rare collected between philosophy and literature and the arts to reach the concept of the artwork destruction (Gesamtkunstwerk), who called for by the movement romantic, he is a thinker, and composer renewed, and playwright, designer and architect of a special kind.Able ( Wagner ) that translates his thoughts technical and design in the field of opera and disclose those ideas models actual dealt joints essential this art heritage, which was developed and laid his modern rules approach by achieving his dream creates theater ideal, which was held in the city ( Bayreuth) in ( Bavaria ), one of the German Federal States .The study reviews the ideas of Wagner and their sources, which have had an import

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Philosophy of John Dewey and his Role in Education: رفاء عبد اللطيف حسن
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  John Dewey is an American philosopher and psychologist. He is one of the primary figures of the philosophy of pragmatism. He is considered one of its founders and one of the leaders of the philosophy of pragmatism. He is one of the most famous figures of the modern education on the international level. His name is associated with the philosophy of education, because he delved in defining the purpose of education and went on talking about linking the theories with the reality without being subject to the existing system and the inherited traditions no matter how ancient they were. He is the godfather of progressive or gradual education, and he is one of the pioneers who established the experimental school in America in cooperation

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Employing the Psychological Dimension of Sound in the Cinematic Film: أنور عبد شاطي
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         This research deals with the audio part of the cinematic film, which is the sound and its elements inside the space of the cinema picture. It also deals with the psychological side of the sound and the effects made by the sound on the audience through the carefully studied use of the film maker in employing the sound and the picture. For the importance of this element, most of the directors were aware of the seriousness that sound causes to the cinematography, and consequently working as a whole such as the  indications, meanings, symbols, metaphors ,transitions…etc. The research included the methodological framework which consists of the research problem, in which the researcher ma

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
Design trends of the counterfeit product and the original competition: عبد الخالق سمين فتاح
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The problem of the research represented by knowing the approaches which presented by knowing the design guides and the design styles which the imitation products enter upon it to be able to competitor the other original products .The research aim was to comparison the design approaches of the functional performance and the utilizations for the imitation and the original products , however the research limits contained study products samples of the kitchen electric equipments which available in local markets of Baghdad city for the period (2000 – 2013) .After the view of research back for the subject fundamental basics and investigating research sample to be complete to a group of results and conclusions and the most marked of her were

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