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Ruling on questioning children by the security authorities: (Comparative Study between Sharia and Law)

Some of the issues that have become common in our society recently after the Americans entered our country and were rubbed by some security agencies: obtaining some information from children, and the serious consequences that may lead to the lives of innocent people, became common interrogation of some security agencies and rely on their words.
There are significant cases where their testimony needs to be heard, such as their presence in some places where incidents are not witnessed by others, such as schools or being witnesses to certain crimes.
I saw the study of this case in the light of Sharia and law

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Statistical study for Indian quasi-stable population

During more than (50) years past, India has achieved considerable social and economic progress. It is also generally assumed that the future progress will be even more rapid and that India will be an important player in the global market. India has only (2.5) percent of global land whereas it has to provide home for one-sixth of world's population .On examining the past trends of India's population ,it may be observed that during the latter half of the twentieth century ,about (650) million populations were added to the country ,thus living in a country with a high population density and high growth rate , India in need a transition from high fertility high mortality to a low fertility low mortality and towards stable population situatio

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of alumina prepared from Iraqi kaolin

The current research was conducted to report the synthesis of alumina powder from Iraqi kaolin. The kaolin was transformed to metakaolin by calcinations at temperature 800 °C for three hours. Then the calcined kaolin was treated with (1.5 M) from H2SO4 for 6 hours to form Al2(SO4)3.12H2O solution. The precipitate was dried at 80oC for 10 hours and calcinations at different temperatures for two hours. The samples which result was characterized by X–Ray diffraction (XRD) and X–Ray fluorescence (XRF). The results indicate to the crystalline hydrate aluminum sulfate for the sample that be as – synthesis and when calcinations at 600 oC transformed into aluminum sulfate phase. The phases of alumina which we obtain consisted of a gamma a

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Density Distribution in Entrained Plasma

A theoretical investigation is carried out to study the effect of a pencil electron beam propagating inside the plasma region determining the hydrodynamic densities distribution with the aid of numerical analysis finite deference method (FDM).The plasma is generated and trapped by annular electron beams of fixed electron density 1x1014 m-3. The result of the study shows that the hydrodynamic density behaves as the increase in pencil electron beam. The hydrodynamic density ratio goes to more than double as the increase in pencil electron beam density to 1x1018 m-3.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Survey Study of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Baghdad

The research included an epidemiological study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Baghdad for two years (2019 and 2020). Data were collected from the Iraqi Ministry of Health in Baghdad public health departments for Al-Karkh and Al-Rusafa districts. The results of the positive examinations for cutaneous leishmaniasis for the two years mentioned came with 54 infections in Al-Rusafa district and 80 infections in Al-Karkh district for the year 2019, while in 2020, the infections in Al-Rusafa district were 201 infections and 152 infections in Al-Karkh district. The data were divided in terms of gender into males and females, so the percentage for the year (2019) was 15% for males and 12% for females, and in (2020) 44% for males and 29% for female

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Numeral Recognition Using Statistical Methods Comparison Study

The area of character recognition has received a considerable attention by researchers all over the world during the last three decades. However, this research explores best sets of feature extraction techniques and studies the accuracy of well-known classifiers for Arabic numeral using the Statistical styles in two methods and making comparison study between them. First method Linear Discriminant function that is yield results with accuracy as high as 90% of original grouped cases correctly classified. In the second method, we proposed algorithm, The results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithms, where it is found to achieve recognition accuracy of 92.9% and 91.4%. This is providing efficiency more than the first method.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Education Development in Local Community Analysis Study

Human resources are considered as strategic fortune for being the main driver of the development wheel in the society, and the field of education and learning is one of the main pillars of this fortune for its great effect in the process of economic and social progress of individuals. I was the subject of education to the concerns of many countries, as adopted national policies . And regional support and the reduction of constraints, so came our study (education hub for human development) to identify the role of education in human development and to identify the obstacles facing the education process and the extent of its impacts negatively on the process of human development also contribute to the knowledge of school enrollment and the

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 03 2024
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Chemistry And Environment
Molecular study of two medicinal leech species

he genus Hirudo is an invertebrate animal that got major concerns to human. However, genetics of Hirudo has been unwell considered in Iraq. In order to gain a deeper understanding in the outline of the genetic of Hirudo that were used in alternative medicine clinics, nineteen specimens of Hirudo were obtained. Fourteen of them (H.verbana, n=10; H. orientalis, n=4) were obtained from some different clinics and scientific centres in Baghdad, Iraq between January and March 2022, these specimens were considered as non-local leeches. The other (native isolates) leeches (H. orientalis, n=5) were collected in 2014 from two localities in Erbil, northern Iraq. ITS-2, COI and 12S-rRNA of Hirudo spp were amplified using conventional polymerase chain r

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 Sheikh Imam Al-Alai women

The research aims to introduce the elders of Imam Al-Ala who died in the year 761 AH. The study showed the prominent role of women in the eighth century AH in the sciences in general and in the hadith in particular. The woman did not depart from the call of divine education in the Almighty saying: Read in the name of your Lord who created * created mankind * created mankind * And your Lord, the Most Generous, who taught with the pen * taught man unless he knows the captive of verses 1-5.
        Families in that era had a prominent role in this concern, especially parents. They were attending boys and girls since their childhood, the lessons of scholars, and the benefit of science, and they were

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Animation from a legitimate perspective

This study aims at investigating the partial Islamic rules of preparing and distributing cartoons in order to issue an overall Islamic rul. To reach an end, descriptive and analytical approaches are adopted to clarify the nature of cartoons and other related concepts. The researcher, as well, with reference to verses of the Holy Quran, tradition (Hadith) and Islamic jurists, adopts a deductive approach to issue Islamic rules related to the industry of cartoons and it's distribution
The study consists of three sections. The first Section addresses the following issues: Definition animation; and related wordy. The second Section: Origin of Cartoon's history and it's negative and positive effects. The third Section: Islamic rules related

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Colocación del Adjetivo

Dada la importancia de la gramática en las lenguas hemos tratado en esta investigación manifestar la importancia de la posición del adjetivo en la lengua castellana y hacer una simple comparación con la lengua inglesa y la lengua árabe.
Los comportamientos de los adjetivos en lo referente a su posición respecto del sustantivo no siguen una fórmula fija. En esta cuestión “no se trata de leyes, sino de tendencias”, como dice Gili Gaya1, la inmensa mayoría de los adjetivos del español son susceptibles de ser colocados antes o después del sustantivo al que sirvan de adjunto. Las formulaciones sobre el orden Sust.+Adj. o el orden Adj.+Sust., por muy genéricas que sean, sufren excepciones,según las preferencias contextualiz

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