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The impact of the organization of markets, old and new in the holy city of Karbala
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Any city that has such a market and is organized, organized and established

And respect
Freedom of expression
Conflict resolution and conflict resolution

Which affected the growth of some markets
And religious th
The search for the return of economic and cultural activity and the emigration of some others
Cultural exchange and trade, which in turn
We took the problem that we are experiencing
Menia, the holy city of Karbala in the market organization, has suffered from fierce attacks
Economic and heritage
As well as tourism and tourism, as it depends on the abundance of visitors, tourists and residents in terms of needs and motivation

Economic development. Come
It is the primary focus of the market research community
Extend the method and the organization of the organization in Asquim, and believe that the author and the Arabs came out of the Bedouin to n
For you to market Yat season they claim

And the name and number of the two pillars, and relied on the activity of the movement
Tourist and presence
The visitors were in Via, and they swarmed in

And the apostles of the Holy Prophet

The most sacred person who said in the footsteps of human beings
M): "Hussein Y
To God Amio and Alo marking
Who am I from Hussein I love God from
Hossein "d

Fitzo the Incoming

The devotee who lives in Viya needs a spiritual soul from Nafat al-Husayn (Amiyo al-Salem), as well as the presence of Yen
It was not an organization
Mimp to meet the needs of the organization of affairs and actions and arrange the affairs of life, markets Km
Individuals attract visitors

And they shall call Haggaim, which shall baptize, and shall take the intercessions, from Minya to Eimeim, or take
Widgets and hearing aids
The deceased in Mdenim,
The visitor is very pleased if he goes to Karbala
Murad K.

And is considered by needs and hearing.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Arrows of Kurdish scholars in the service of the Sunnah of Imam Majd al-Din Ibn al-Atheer al-Jazari (544_606): A model
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This research is a modest effort to talk about the great world of ancient lineage, Imam Majd al-Din Abu Saadat, known as Ibn al-Atheer island, through the statement of his name, surname, nickname, family, elders and his pupils and his most important works.
It also deals with the modern research on his famous book in the field of modern science called (the end in the strange talk and impact), which is one of the most wonderful books of modern and especially the strange talk, through the scientific effort of the Imam and the importance of the book and methodology, and the most prominent aspects of the service and care of Ibn Al Atheer For the modern stranger, which boils down to two aspects:
First: the linguistic rooting of the stran

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management in achieving outstanding university performance (Applied study in the Faculty of Management and Economics / University of Kufa)
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The research aims to determine the role of knowledge management to measure performance on a sample of faculties of Administration and Economics the University of Kufa, and to achieve this goal through a researcher from the theoretical literature and research and studies related to the construction of the scheme shows the hypothetical relationship between the variables, which was adopted by the independent variable knowledge management, distributed four variables are: (knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge dissemination, the application of knowledge), as well as four variables representing the variables adopted for the performance of the university are:
(to reduce costs and increase profits, improve quality, scie

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The possibility of the application of international accounting standards to strengthen the role of oil companies in the region environment
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 The underlying objective of the international standard No. (6) to assist in accounting applications for the extractive industries, taking into consideration the goals and objectives contained in the sixteenth of the private International Accounting Standards criterion accounting for land, machinery and equipment, as well as Standard No. axes (38) relating to intangible assets, and in order to create a vision of a comprehensive development needs oil in order to exact evaluation of policies related to the particular needs and draw a comprehensive frameworks with respect to treatment of expenditures and revenues in the oil production industry, is also interested in Standard No. (6) within the primary objectiv

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
The aesthetic and artistic values of textiles in the Islamic era
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 10 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Positive School Psychology
The Need And Its Significance In The Novelist Discourse Of Naguib
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This study is at the heart of the pragmatic theory, as this research seeks to highlight the concept of necessity, and what the researchers have tended to do is that the development that has acquired integrated pragmatics is only for the development of the subject of necessity, as it is one of the contents of the saying, and this is what made Decroux define it as the semantic element that Concerning the saying, as for Grace; He paid great attention to the conversational imperative, and understood the requirement by clues or suggestions, as it is an element known for its absence and presence in the linguistic structures included in the text when reading or when understanding. This study has paved the way for clarifying the concept of necessi

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Possibility of applying international AACSB accreditation standards in the faculties of business and Economics- case study in the college of management and Economics-University of Baghdad
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Attention increased to the topic of academic accreditation by the university as a modern philosophy by which to improve its performance and provide high-quality education. Universities and colleges in general and Iraqi universities and colleges in particular have begun interest in accreditation and desire to get it. So starting from the pursuit of the Administration and Economics College / Baghdad University in obtaining accreditation of Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) The research is present which aims to determine the level of application (AACSB) International standards at the College of Administration and Economics / Baghdad University in preparation to get its accreditation in the future. Researc

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-qadisiya In Arts And Educational Sciences
The use of the digital book and the future of the paper book
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The current research aims to know the complementary use of the paper book and the digital book by defining the paper book and the digital book and knowing the methods and methods of obtaining each of them and indicating the extent of their use and for what purpose and knowing the difficulties that researchers face in using each of them and which is better using the paper book or the digital book in preparing research Studies and for no reason. The research relied on the descriptive approach and the questionnaire as a tool for data collection, and it was distributed to professors and students of Iraqi universities. The research sample reached (219) individuals and reached a set of results, the most important of which are: Preference for the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Rationalization the costs and improve seed quality under the application of biotechnology: An Applied Research in Ministry of Agriculture - the Directorate of Inspection &Certification of Seeds
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The importance of this research has been to rationalize the cost of producing maize seeds through the followers of modern techniques and methods in agricultural activities such as genetic engineering for the purpose of increasing production efficiency of maize seeds as well as the importance of calculating seed cost rationalization through the ABC system and thus rationalizing government spending. The research is based on a single hypothesis that the use of genetic engineering on corn seeds works to:increase production efficiency of seeds and savings in agricultural inputs, calculation of rationalization through the cost system on the basis of activity ABC The research reached a number of conclus

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Financial analysis indicators and their impact on investment decision-making: for the national insurance company (applied research)
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The financial analysis of the published financial statements is the means that enables businessmen, financial institutions, financial analysts and others to conduct their studies and conclusions to obtain information that helps them in the decision-making process, including decisions related to investment. National in making the decision on the investment activity, for the period from 2012 to 2018, through the information provided by the annual financial statements, by selecting a set of indicators provided by the financial statements, namely (liquidity ratio, activity percentage, profitability ratios) to measure the extent of this ability Indicators in determining their role in making an investment decision.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The reality of the colleges of education in quality assurance for professors teaching methods in educational and psychological science
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     That achieve a level of excellence for the quality of university education cannot be achieved only by uniting the efforts of all employees at the university and active participation by students and by alumni and the labor market and society, however we can say that the administrative and academic  university staff play an active role and the largest in achieving equivalent quality of higher education, It should unite the efforts of all employees in the educational institution in order to achieve quality education. It is the concept of quality of education, quality assurance and overall management of the quality of the basic pillars on which it is based university education. That highlight the need fo

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