Numerical and linguistic methods were varied in interpretation unless they were in accordance with the grammar
Texts of speech, and this was one of the methods used by linguists and linguists as well
What they call them (the opposite is the opposite), and this is what the word "pregnancy"
Is a synonym for the term "interpretation." This term was often used for syntax
The physical and linguistic cause when an act exceeds the character in which it is known to be infringed, or when
The use of a tool with a little use of it, especially by scientists who knew about it
Pay attention to grammatical errors. The Arabs may have uttered the word and wanted to denounce it
He went even further when the eraser carried away his abrogation.
In these papers we will try to identify the definition of this term and who said it
Scientists, and is a way to dispense with this term without prejudice to the familiarity of his
Grammar of grammar? It was taken from the Koran to study this study
The approach to research in this subject has to be in three pre-foresight
Followed by a conclusion in which I found my findings.
The first topic was devoted to the discussion of "carrying the opposite of the opposite of verbs"
While the second topic was devoted to modernizing (eg, reducing nouns)
And the third is to talk about "load balancing" in tools.
It has made sure that the application side of the texts takes the greatest part of the research because it is the listening and the concerned
First and foremost, God is the guardian of conciliation.
(( The Basic word and Terms of sports, games and motions in the Holy Quran : semantic
study )).
The research consists of apreface followed by an Introduction , and three sections and
aconclusion, finally the research concluded with a list of the sources . and also alist of terms
and word in English language for a wider use .
As for reach sections, they are section one it covers a group of words sports games that
are forty two words .
Section two : it covers five fields :-
a- A group of words ( sports ruless) that an seventeen words.
b- A group of ( sports montions ) that are ten .
c- A group of ( sports tools ) that are seven words.
d- A group of ( sports sciences ) that are seven words only .
e- A gro
That corruption with all its forms, has prevailed over the whole world, but with different degrees relaying on the one who leads these countries of rulers, followers and officials who have been deemed the main reason for that corruption, but if these rulers were righteous, These countries would have blessed and elevated and were corrupt unjust tyrants who were the disaster that befell the chiefs of those countries with ruin, misery, and backwardness. This is what we sought to prove and clarify by considering the verses of the Holy Qur’an in respect with this topic. The research includes an introduction, two topics, and a conclusion.
... Show MoreIn this research, the researchers attempted to reveal the non-verbal language in the Holy Qur'an through the hurt of the eye, its communicative effect, and its psychological significance in order to demonstrate the importance of this language. Fold the search ..
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the outcome is for the righteous, and prayers and peace be upon the author of the clear communication, to whom was revealed the saying of the Lord of the worlds (And We have sent down to you the message that you may make clear to the people what has been sent down to them, and that they may reflect.)
His family, companions and followers, as for what follows:
Among the Qur’anic studies related to Islamic matters, ancient and modern, (the clear and similar in the Holy Qur’an), and due to the importance of the topic, we found the attention of scholars to it.
With many studies and research on it, and their efforts in overcoming its major obstacles, you will not find a scho
... Show Morethe research goal is preparing a list of standard criteria and quality controls for information technology applications to serve the Holy Quran.
To achieve this goal, the researcher has built a list of criteria according to the following steps:
First - identify the key areas covered by the whole list which are:
1 – Standards of system building and implementing with the operating screens.
2 – Standards of display forms including audio and video presentation.
3 – Standards which are related to the program philosophy.
4 - Standards which are related to the program objectives.
... Show MoreThe study of triples seeks to deal with the comprehensive nature of the Qur’an texts, and the choice fell on the trilogy of great torment, pain, and humiliation in the Noble Qur’an - an objective study, the title of this research, in which I tried to shed light on these terms, and the nuances between them, and in particular torment The eschatological terminology varied, which can be summed up in three terms, namely the great, the painful, and the offensive. The types of torment, the pain is the painful one that is described by the severity of pain and its horror, as for the humiliating punishment, it is that which humiliates the one who has fallen on it, and the diversity of torment is due to the diversity of sins.
This research is based on the study of a group of Quranic verses that share a certain part, and these verses are verses of righteousness, and the word righteousness has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an eight times, and the number of verses in this word was six verses, in four walls, all of which are from the civil fence which is the cow and was There are five words of righteousness contained in them, and the family of Imran is one word, and the table is one word, and the argument is one word. This study adopts the method of analytical interpretation of the Quranic text is a term that means statement and clarification in a way that the researcher produces to divide a Quranic text into its elements that are involved in its formation and
... Show MoreThis research is a new reading of some of the words in the Holy Quran, which is very old. It is a human reading in which religions are intertwined by recognizing the relationship between man and his fellow man in the unity of existence and the unity of the source of religions and the unity of language. The importance of this research in comparing some of the Arabic words has been contained among books believed by followers that it is from the one God Sunday.
When words are spoken in one way in the form of one creature, from the beginning of creation to the present day, this indicates the single origin of the languages..
The research tools were books of heavenly religions, the Quran, dictionaries and interpretations.
... Show MoreResearch summary
The first step towards the goal of coexistence with diversity, we must all recognize each one of us the rights of others regardless of his religion, color, gender, and point of view, and that each one agrees with his partnership with others, and a person’s belonging to a religion or doctrine must be based on conviction and self-motivation, and that the true Sharia prohibits a Muslim To impose on others what they do not believe and believe in, for God Almighty did not give His Prophet this right, so how about others, and it is not surprising for everyone that disharmony and rivalry impede the attempt to advance in society, and it is natural that our enemies take advantage of our division among us,
Thanks for people's God who brought the great book, prays and peace for
his prophet "Mohammad" the master of missioners to all people.
Allah created human being in it's best way and give him a soul thus ,
he will be a human with faith that has movement and life and the centre of his
soul is the sense which differentiate human from other animals. This
sensation generated from different senses that made the soul.
God had given him a protected heart, talkative tounge and clear seeing
to understand with consideration, so he will prevent himself of falling in wrong
by thinking and situation that he will pass by.
The significance and probability of sensation had talken our attention in
Qur'an . Hence