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Imam Yahya bin Saeed Al-Ansari and his jurisprudential views on fasting issues
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful


The reason for choosing this topic was:


First: It is my great love for the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his family, his companions, his followers, the followers of their followers, and the scholars after them until the Day of Judgment.


Secondly: Showing a great jurisprudential figure who has contributed by speaking about important jurisprudential issues in the life of this nation, and bringing out this immortal book to put it in the hands of scholars, so I chose a figure from the followers (may God be pleased with them all).


Third: The study of the jurisprudence of the companions and followers is one of the important matters because they lived in the virtuous centuries, so they lived with the best generations and sat with them, so they drank from their sweet water.


Fourth: This science has passed me by more than once during my study and reading of books, but I did not know much about it, and after researching and asking, I found that no one had searched for it in detail, and I had the honor to delve into the search and live with this great personality by browsing and searching for it in small matters. And its big ones.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 22 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The issues of illusion to Ibn hisham AI- Ansari( H 761T) on grammarian
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This research shows the issues of Ibn Hisham's illusion in its leadership of the grammarians; As Ibn Hisham attributed - during his presentation of grammatical issues - grammatical opinions to a number of grammarians claiming them in them, and after referring to the main concepts that pertain to those grammarians, we found that Ibn Hisham had delusional in those allegations, in addition to that clarifying the terms illusion and claim in the two circles of language And the terminology, and perhaps the most prominent result in this research is that he worked to investigate these issues by referring to their original sources, with an explanation of the illusions of Ibn Hisham in his attribution to these issues.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sheikh Muhammad Taha al-Balisani (d. 1415 AH) and his views on the attributes of meanings
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Research summary


The scholars of Iraq have rich contributions to enrich this science and other Islamic sciences. Many of them presented the juices of their ideas to build and defend Islamic civilization, and among them are those who took care and carried this scientific trust upon themselves and conveyed it (Sheikh Muhammad Taha Al-Balisani (may God have mercy on him), who was a prominent scholar in His era, where he presented antiquities, opinions, and ideas worthy of attention and study.

He was the author of many books, some of them printed, and some of which are manuscripts, waiting for someone to bring them out to the light of life, verify them and present them to Islamic libraries, because our libraries are i

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Selected lssues Of the Imams Of Imam AL- Bazzai in the Book of Prayer from his Book of Fatwas AL- Bazaziyyah
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The research included four topics: the definition of Imam al-Bazzazi, his scientific life, his sheikhs, his students, his writings, his death, and selected issues of his weight in the book of prayer. The Imam al-Bazazi is the son of Muhammad ibnShihabibn Yusuf. He is known as al-Khardizi al-Khawarizmi. The author did not adopt the definitions of language and terminology, and rarely mention the legal evidence adopted by the scholars in their opinions, and only to mention the views only, and the author, may God have mercy on him in his book on the sources of m The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) And fall down the order, the third issue, which is to leave the

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The jurisprudential approach Imam Al-Qurtubi through his interpretation Verses of rulings
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There are great figures in our nation, who are famous for their encyclopedia in their sciences, and their fame spreads across the horizons for what they presented to their religion and nation.
So they became torches of guidance, advocates of goodness, and treasuries of knowledge until God inherits the earth and those on it.
Among these imams is Imam al-Qurtubi, who died in the year (671 AH), after whom he left a great legacy of valuable books, including this one, which is the subject of my research, his valuable interpretation (Al-Jami’ Li Ahkam Al-Qur’an). Taking from him and his approach in interpreting the verses of judgment, following the method of extrapolation, investigation and deduction to know his style, which he used

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The omission of letters according to Zakaria al-Ansari in his book (Fath al-Rahman by revealing what is ambiguous in the Qur’an)
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The book (Fatah al-Rahman reveals what is ambiguous in the Qur’an), which is a book of verbal similarities that tries to touch the Qur’an expression, and the subtle differences between its expressions and expressions. It appeared when it appeared in many chapters, from which I chose to delete in monolithic letters such as Ba and Ta, and to heal and delete in non-monosymbols such as (that) and (may) and (no), so the search came to two chapters The first is for deleting the monolithic letters, and the second is for deleting non-monosyllabic letters, preceded by introductory discussions revolving around the linguistic and idiomatic definition of deletion, a brief translation of the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Ibn Habib al-Maliki and his views     Jurisprudence      In the book of marriage
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Allah the Almighty has honored many of his slaves in the high houses for their efforts in building the scientific edifice of this nation, by demonstrating what is needed from the legal provisions for all the relations between them, and the actions that they emanate from. The tasks of the abbreviations and Almstsot, and deposited in the mabahith after various investigations and precious precious matters and showed all the human needs in his life and what is expected to happen, even on the rarest possibilities, and their efforts that left the nation on the cases of Goliath. , And Ask They are in Dar dignity with the best creatures and make us a share of those good things, and Odamna to obey Him and His pleasure until death, and forgive us

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The jurisprudential aspects of Imam Abu al-Fayyadh al-Basri And its impact on the Shafi’i school of thought, on the rulings of worship
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Summary of the jurisprudence research

  Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, our master Muhammad, and upon his pure family, and his ignorant and ignorant companions, and those who followed them in goodness until the Day of Judgment.


 The many jurisprudential aspects that the Shafi’i imams said are of great importance, because these aspects are nothing but the opinions of venerable jurists who have reached a high degree of knowledge until they have become among the owners of faces. And among them are the Shafi’i jurists, the jurists may differ among themselves, either because there is no text about their imam in a

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of tira according to Imam Al-Manawi in his book Fayd Al-Qadeer
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Tira is a custom known to the Arabs since the pre-Islamic era. in the occurrence of good or evil. And from the pessimism: that the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era depended on birds, so if one of them went out for a matter, If he sees a bird flying to the right, he will believe in him and go on his journey and his need. The research aims to introduce Imam Al-Manawi and explain his saying in Al-Tira through his book Fayd Al-Qadeer.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Irregularities dyed bin Faraj Imam Malik             Via                   Book of jurisprudence laws of Ibn Jizi
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It has been the name of the name forward dyed Ben Faraj when reading and my research in the books of jurisprudence, especially books Maliki school…
   And I saw that I offer a service to this favorite world, by devoting him to research on the issues that are unique to one of the opinions of Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with him), and through browsing the books of Maliki, I found what I want in the book of jurisprudence laws, Imam Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Jazzi It has found six issues, and these issues, including what he had a single opinion of the doctrine, and what one of the opinion of Imam Malik, has presented the provisions of these issues to other schools of jurisprudence, and simplified research Vqarna in term

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الامام الإمام الطرطوشي (520هـ) وآراؤه الفقهية في الأحوال الشخصية
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This research deals with the ideas of Imam Muhammad bin Al-Waleed bin Khalaf bin Sulaiman bin Ayyub , Al -Qurashi, The Moroccan, The  Andalusian, Al-Maliki. He was  known as Abu Bakr Al-Tartoushey , where thesis deals  with the details of his personal life and as well as his scientific path  as well as  his works, and also covered the views of jurisprudence in the personal status and especially on the subject of divorce and inheritance,

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