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Balance and moderation in dealing with the oppressor and the oppressed in the Sunnah - "Applied models")
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Research Summary

In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

The word injustice and its derivatives were repeated in the Holy Qur’an in several places, approximately (154) times. This is due to the severity of its danger, and that the most dangerous thing that our Islamic nation suffers from in our time is; It is injustice in all its forms and types, so we should all have an honest review of the sincere change in the right direction, and uncover cases of injustice and explain their causes and causes, and work to treat them and rid the wrongdoers of their injustice, and help them to correct their condition. To reveal their grievances and explain their causes and causes, and work to remedy them, and support them and mitigate what they are in, and I will focus in this research on the injustice that occurs among the servants themselves; This is because it is very common in our time, and it is underestimated by the wrongdoers. From here, I chose this title, in which I will pause on the purified hadiths of the Prophet, and how they dealt with the oppressors and the oppressed, and how they dealt with this issue, and the research on this topic may be long, but I will stand on important vocabulary for this topic, and we will open a window on such important matters In a place, my description - the oppressor and the oppressed - are inseparable, so there is no oppressor without the oppressed, nor the oppressed without the oppressor, and I divided my research into two topics; The first is in: The Prophet’s method in dealing with injustice and oppressors. It began by defining injustice in language and idiomatically. I divided it into two requirements; The first: immunizing people from falling into injustice. The second: the prophetic treatment in dealing with injustice in the event of its occurrence. And I divided it into two parts: the first: the etiquette of dialogue with the oppressors, and the second: helping the oppressors to get rid of their oppression. As for the second topic, it was about: the prophetic method in dealing with the oppressed. I started it by defining the oppressed linguistically and idiomatically, and divided the topic into two requirements: the first: protecting people from falling into grievances before they happen. The second: Dealing with the purified Sunnah with the victim after it occurred.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
International Science And Technology Journal
Impact of Concentration of Cow MANURE ON Biogas Production
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In Libya, there are multiple sources of pollution, one of which is animal waste. The anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic wastes to produce biogas has the advantage of producing valuable, renewable energy while reducing the environmental impact of these wastes. Cowmanure have the potential to produce biogas due to their high organic content. This study aimed to study different concentrations for the feedstock (1:1 and 2:1 cow manure: water v/v) to monitor which one gives higher biogas production. A plastic tank with a capacity of 72 liters and a feedstock volume of 60 liters was used to create a pilot scale. The biogas was analyzed using a GC device at the end of the experiment in the Zawiya Oil Refining Company. The result indicated that th

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Images Segmentation Based on Fast Otsu Method Implementing on Various Edge Detection Operators
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The present work aims to study the effect of using an automatic thresholding technique to convert the features edges of the images to binary images in order to split the object from its background, where the features edges of the sampled images obtained from first-order edge detection operators (Roberts, Prewitt and Sobel) and second-order edge detection operators (Laplacian operators). The optimum automatic threshold are calculated using fast Otsu method. The study is applied on a personal image (Roben) and a satellite image to study the compatibility of this procedure with two different kinds of images. The obtained results are discussed.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Potentiality Analysis of Physical Development of International Airports Surrounding Zones
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The areas surrounding Iraqi international airports generally suffer from a lack of interest in their planning in a manner compatible with the airport with the absence of integrated planning between the airport and the city. From here, the search problem appears. It is represented by a lack of interest in the integration of urban planning and airport planning and the lack of a clear policy to deal with the areas surrounding international airports. A desire to achieve the research aims to introduce compatible uses in the vicinity of airports and review the planning and global directions for dealing with the areas surrounding the airports within urban areas. In contrast, the second aspect of the research aims to assess the

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Gas sensitivity properties of TiO2/Ag nanocomposite films prepared by pulse laser deposition
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In this study, a double frequency Q-switching Nd:YAG laser beam (1064 nm and λ= 532 nm, repetition rate 6 Hz and the pulse duration 10ns) have been used, to deposit TiO2 pure and nanocomposites thin films with noble metal (Ag) at various concentration ratios of (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 wt.%) on glass and p-Si wafer (111) substrates using Pulse Laser Deposition (PLD) technique. Many growth parameters have been considered to specify the optimum condition, namely substrate temperature (300˚C), oxygen pressure (2.8×10-4 mbar), laser energy (700) mJ and the number of laser shots was 400 pulses with thickness of about 170 nm. The surface morphology of the thin films has been studied by using atomic force microscopes (AFM). The Root Mean Sq

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Proposal Algorithm to Solve Delay Constraint Least Cost Optimization Problem
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Traditionally, path selection within routing is formulated as a shortest path optimization problem. The objective function for optimization could be any one variety of parameters such as number of hops, delay, cost...etc. The problem of least cost delay constraint routing is studied in this paper since delay constraint is very common requirement of many multimedia applications and cost minimization captures the need to
distribute the network. So an iterative algorithm is proposed in this paper to solve this problem. It is appeared from the results of applying this algorithm that it gave the optimal path (optimal solution) from among multiple feasible paths (feasible solutions).

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli among Normal Stool Flora of Young, Healthy, Unmarried Males & Females as Predisposing Factor to Extraintestinal Infections:A Comparison Study
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In this study we surveyed the dominant normal stool flora of randomly selected healthy, young (18-23 years old), unmarried (doctrinal) Iraqi college students (males and females) for the carriage of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC). ExPEC virulence was detected phenotypically by mannose resistant hemagglutination of human red blood cells (MRHA) and mannose sensitive (MS) agglutination of Bakers' yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisceae). From 88 college students, 264 E. coli isolates were obtained (3 isolates per person): 123 from 41 females and 141 from 47 males. Of these isolates, 56% (149/264) caused MS agglutination of yeast cells and 4.16% (11/264) showed MRHA. Eighty two percent (9/11) of the isolates with MRHA also caused MS agglu

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 31 2025
Journal Name
Joiv : International Journal On Informatics Visualization
RC5 Performance Enhancement Based on Parallel Computing
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This study aims to enhance the RC5 algorithm to improve encryption and decryption speeds in devices with limited power and memory resources. These resource-constrained applications, which range in size from wearables and smart cards to microscopic sensors, frequently function in settings where traditional cryptographic techniques because of their high computational overhead and memory requirements are impracticable. The Enhanced RC5 (ERC5) algorithm integrates the PKCS#7 padding method to effectively adapt to various data sizes. Empirical investigation reveals significant improvements in encryption speed with ERC5, ranging from 50.90% to 64.18% for audio files and 46.97% to 56.84% for image files, depending on file size. A substanti

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Kinetic of Disinfection reaction by Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
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The present studier aims to study the kinetic of reaction at different experimental conditions depending on coliform bacteria concentration and hypochlorite ion. The effects that had been investigated were different of sodium hypochlorite doses, contact time, pH and temperature (20, 29, 37) o C. The water samples were taken from Al-Wathba water treatment plant in Risafa side of Tigris River in Baghdad. The biological tests included the most probable number (M.P.N) for indicating the concentration of coliform bacteria with different contact times and the total plate count (T.P.C) for indicating the amount of colonies for general bacteria. The iodimetry method (chemical test) was used for indicating the concentration of hypochlo

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Nasaq Journal
Lingual Sovereignty: Chinua Achebe’s Novel Things Fall Apart A Postcolonial Study
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The discourse surrounding lingual sovereignty within the African postcolonial context is profoundly intertwined with the fabric of cultural identity and self-determination. Language serves not merely as a conduit for communication but as a repository for a people's collective consciousness, encapsulating their traditions, thoughts, and perspectives. In the realm of postcolonial literature, this dialogue often grapples with the paradox of expressing indigenous narratives through the linguistic tools of former colonizers. Chinua Achebe's seminal work, "Things Fall Apart," exemplifies this conundrum, artfully weaving the orature and culture of Umuofia within the English language. Achebe's choice to write in English—a language imposed upon hi

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of Nanosilica on Solvent Deasphalting for Upgrading Iraqi Heavy Crude Oil
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In this study, the upgrading of Iraqi heavy crude oil was achieved utilizing the solvent deasphalting approach (SDA) and enhanced solvent deasphalting (e-SDA) by adding Nanosilica (NS). The NS was synthesized from local sand. The XRD result, referred to as the amorphous phase, has a wide peak at 2Θ= (22 - 23º) The inclusion of hydrogen-bonded silanol groups (Si–O–H) and siloxane groups (Si–O–Si) in the FTIR spectra. The SDA process was handled using n-pentane solvent at various solvent to oil ratios (SOR) (4-16/1ml/g), room and reflux temperature, and 0.5 h mixing time. In the e-SDA process, various fractions of the NS (1–7 wt.%) have been utilized with 61 nm particle size and 560.86 m²/g surface area in the presence of 12 m

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