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الحزن والتشاؤم في شعر إبراهيم ناجي 1898-1953
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الحزن والتشاؤم في شعر إبراهيم ناجي



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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
خلاصه ای از شعر و شعر ابوالفرج رونی
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       ابو الفرج رونی از استادان شعر فارسی در دوره دوم غزنوی است.او در میان شاعران  ابو الفرج خیلی زودتر از دیگر شاعران  عصر خود متوجه نو کردن سبک سخن گردید چنان که میان روش او  وروش  معاصرانش از قبیل عثمان و مسعود سعد و معزی و نظایر آنان اختلافات فراوان وجود دارد. او طرز شعر دورهء اول غزنوی را که باید آن را سبک تکامل یافتهء دوره سامانی شمرد،  به دور افکند ، وطریقه ای جدید  پدید آورد. پژ

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Federico garcía lorca 1898- 1936
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Nació en fuentevaqueros (granada),de familia hacendada, muy de
la tierra. Estudió derecho en la universidad de granada y luegro estuvo en
madrid en la residencia de estudiantes . conoce bien a españa , sobre todo
los pueblos, llevado a ellos por su afición a la música popular, en cuyo
conocimiento e interpretación personalísima dentro de la fidelidad a la
esencia popular no le iguala nadie. Su preparación musical, tanto popular
como culta, es uno de los fundamentos esenciales de su obra literaria.
Pinta y dibuja también, y ha hecho ensayos cinematográficos. Dirige "la
barraca ", compañía dramática de aficionados para la difusion del teatro
clásico por los pueblos de España. Recita , da conferenci

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
انفعال الحزن عند يعقوب عليه السلام ودلالاته النفسية
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

   الحمد لله رب العالمين و الصلاة  و السلام على سيدنا محمد وعلى آلة وصحبه أجمعين.

اما بعد:

   فإن البحث في كتاب الله تعالى مطلب عظيم وشرف كبير, ولاسيما تفسير آياته ودراستها وسبر غورها  لذلك ارتأيت أن اشرع بدراسة(انفعال الحزن عند سيدنا يعقوب عليه السلام ودلالاته النفسية), وقد قسمت بحثي على مبحثين وتحتهما مطالب ,المبحث الاول :مفهوم الحزن وتفسيره في حق الا

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
شعر أبي نواس بين الرقابة والامتاع
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Summery Abu Nawas poem won a great interest on the part of learners of Arabic literature.Studied in many ways ,trying to explore it’s the meanings ,purpose and psychological part of him. I have found that poem of Abu Nawas was divided into two parts ,one is the opposite of the other. Prostitution and asceticism. I tried to elucidate the factors control of the poem and then factors interestingness then studied patterns of censors .I found from them Calipha , poets and critics who then no one in the amount of influence in poetry by immorality to prosecution and faithful representation of reality ,but the poet can skillfully evade censorship that choking him in various ways such as satire cynism and transcendence it is able to so through the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Diversity of design methods for global competitive advertising: عمار صباح شاكر ناجي
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As a result of the development and global openness and the possibility of companies providing their services outside their spatial boundaries that were determined by them, and the transformation of the world due to the development of the means of communication into a large global market that accommodates all products from different regions and of the same type and production field, competition resulted between companies, and the race to obtain the largest market share It ensures the largest amount of profits, and it is natural for the advertising promotion by companies for their product to shift from an advertisement for one product to a competitive advertisement that calls on the recipient to leave the competing product and switch to it

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Theatrical Play Strategy in Enabling and Constructing the Child's Character: سافرة ناجي جاسم
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  Since the human being knew simulation as an expressive style of expressing himself which developed into dramatic arts that have their aesthetic uniqueness involving their own constructive techniques, the art of the theatre had a pioneering role in the development of the human awareness of himself. That’s why it was and still is in all its aesthetic manifestations a free space for the self –disclosure thus man has been simulated as he is the main theme of the existence and its main wealth. Thus the interest in the child's theatre began, because this theatrical pattern has its effectiveness in the construction of the human self and enabling it to be a productive source for a life that accommodates and elevates the human action t

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Using typographic patterns in commercial advertising design: عصام إبراهيم محمد الكبيسي
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Typographic patterns are one of the design elements in commercial advertising for their ability to deliver the message and information to the recipient smoothly and quickly, and it is indicated that there are many different techniques that can use typographic patterns in commercial advertisements, including spacing, spaces between letters, letter height, length, weight, and contrast and this Usage must be studied according to the type of font and how it can be used in advertising campaigns.
Based on the above, the research came to study (employing typographic patterns in commercial advertising design) in which the researcher identified his question for the purpose of reaching a solution to his research problem which is (Is it possible

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Designing Interactive Educational Website for Highschool Students in Iraq: أحمد ناجي علي-يوسف مشتاق لطيف
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       publishing has become a large space in the field of interactive education and modern  pages have become dedicated to the service of the educational effort in this area as the research in this context of the urgent scientific necessities, especially as we consider in Iraq from the new countries in the exploitation of these new technologies and investment possibilities of the information network And the contents of different in the framework of so-called distance education Here lies the problem of research in the possibility of finding scientific solutions for the design of interactive inter active website for students of the preparatory stage in Iraq and to find out the scientific ways to find des

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Consumer Subjective Values and their Reflection on Fashion Design: وسن خليل إبراهيم
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This paper deals with the subjective reflections of consumer values ​​on fashion design. The   consumer self is determined by the consumer's idea of ​​himself, according to the intellectual, spiritual and social values, and these values ​​take their intellectual reflection in the form of material values ​​that the consumer finds in fashion design. These values ​​are based on considerations between what is intellectual represented by the values ​​of the consumer, and what is material determined by the fashion design, which also proceed from values that are visible or implied in costume design, such as the function, beauty and symbol. The   consumer self gets its material image represented in the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Symbolic values and aesthetics in the design of interior spaces: بان أحمد إبراهيم
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The current research deals with studying the aesthetics of symbolic values in the design of internal spaces and their connotations through their existence as a material value, as well as the symbolic meanings and their connotations that touch the spiritual and emotional side of the human being as an intangible value, and the research included four chapters, so the research problem was embodied by the following question (What is the role of values Symbolism and aesthetics in the design of interior spaces)? Therefore, the aim was to clarify the role of symbolic values and their aesthetics in the design of internal spaces. The first chapter included the importance of research, the need for it, the limits of the research and its terminology.

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