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Rules for dealing with the offender in Islamic thought
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Research summary

Today, the Islamic nation is going through a phase that is one of the most dangerous that it has never experienced before. This phase was characterized by the following:

The nation is divided into states and its weakness in most of its doctrinal, political, social, economic and moral aspects.
Enemies targeting the nation's faith and capabilities, and the emergence of loyalty to the enemies of the nation from some groups of society, spreading misconceptions in the Muslim community.
Spreading the spirit of rebellion in all segments of society and striving to stir up the people against the rulers and put pressure on the rulers.

All these manifestations and others require the nation's wise men to study, review and find appropriate solutions. Today, the enemies are waiting for us and trying hard to divide the word. It is our duty to unify the word and close ranks to face the multiple challenges.

All of this prompted me to write this research and set the rules adopted by the thinkers of Islam to reconsider our dealings with each other so as not to allow our enemies to exploit the simplest differences that lead to the rift of the fraternal ranks.

Therefore, the approach that can govern issues of disagreement must be clear through established controls from the Holy Qur’an, the purified Sunnah, and the sayings of the nation’s scholars to preserve the unity of the nation.

The integrity of the curriculum solves many disputes, brings hearts closer, strengthens the nation, and blocks the way for the enemies of the nation. In this research, a number of intellectual controls were collected to deal with the violators, adopted by preachers and thinkers, depending on the Holy Qur’an and the noble Prophet’s Sunnah, with reference to the sayings of scholars in the indication of each of them on what is intended or From what they extracted from the spirit of Sharia glue.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Role of Informational Environment in Building Smart City
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The research addresses smart city concept as it is the latest urban design trends, by the investment of the capabilities of human, and artificial intelligence for the sake of the advancement of the city. The concept of a smart city is described as one of the most important manifestations of the information revolution, with the end of the twentieth, and the beginning of twenty – first century, The research attributes the emergence of the concept to: deficiencies of means, and traditional methods in building and development of cities, as well as The significant increase in the number of city and global metropolises dwellers. So, smart city approach has been adopted, along with innovative principles and methods which cons

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Community Medicine
The Rational Use of Collagen in Osteoarthritis: Review article
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Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease affecting joints that is chronic and disables the movement of patients with increasing pain and decreasing their quality of life with age. Available treatments are only symptomatic with no cure. Recent methods for managing osteoarthritis involve using pharmacological, non-pharmacological treatments or both for improving physical function in patients and alleviating pain. Clinical trials were conducted to reveal the extent of benefits obtained from different nutraceuticals and food supplements, such as collagen with growing use and fairly good results in the treatment of osteoarthritis. The goal of this study is to review the current information about the rational use of collagen in osteoarthritisKeyw

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
Journal Name
Opcion Journal
The Role of Agricultural Activities in Achieving Sustainable Development
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Agricultural development occupies an important position in the economies of developing countries, and its role is greater for the Arab countries. The first task is to provide food security for all the population through sustainable development, which includes the investment of available natural resources and employment opportunities for the rural population, As well as the provision of raw materials for agricultural processing in order to increase agricultural exports to reduce the balance of payments deficit. Sustainable development is linked to increased production and improvement, as well as to food security. On the one hand, it has to cope with the increase in population and if it is possible to achieve a surplus allocated for export, a

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 12 2023
Journal Name
Mustansiriyah Journal Of Pure And Applied Sciences
Cavitation microbubbles in the medical ultrasound imaging: A Review
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Ultrasound is a mechanical energy which can generate altering zones of compression and rarefaction along its path in the tissues. Ultrasound imaging can provide a real time screening for blood and multiple organs to aiding the diagnostic and treatment. However, ultrasound has the potential to deposit energy in the blood and tissues causing bio effects which is depending on ultrasound characteristics that including frequency and the amount of intensity. These bio effects include either a stable cavitation presented non thermal effects or inertial cavitation of harmful effect on the tissues. The non-thermal cavitation can add features in diagnostic imaging and treatment more than the inertial cavitation. Ultrasound Contrast agents are a micro

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Tennessee Williams: Memories as symbols in The Glass Menagerie
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The Glass Manegerie is a metaphor, which is one of the greatest plays  of great writer Williams. The play talks about  the poor people in society and how try to escape this group of people from the real world to get rid of the hardness of this tuff reality and live in a fantasy world that is much like the glass where the world is very weak this world is acting by Laura, she is  owner of these animals breakable glass where it's weak and unable to defend itself as well as the mother Amanda  is a very selfish never think about her children but only herself.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Histological structure of the Tongue in Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus)
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the histological structure of the tongue in Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) and its related to the feeding pattern. Five adult animals were used in this study . The tongues were dissected and fixed in 10% formalin, then prepared by following stages (dehydration, clearing, and embedding).The serial section(5µ) were stained with(H&E) and some special stains.The histological examination showed that the tongue consists of three tunicae (mucosa, submucosa and musclaris) and the lining epithelium of the filiform papillae is composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue. The cylindrical papillae are covered with a highly keratinized stratified squamous epithelial tissue, whereas the k

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Actor performance features in the types of theatrical silent
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Publication Date
Wed Aug 26 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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Publication Date
Fri May 26 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Islamic Thought And Civilization
Undermining the Familiar and Embodiment Content in Arabic Calligraphy
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Contrary to deconstruction and its destructive pursuit, the concept of undermining the familiar seeks to refute the constants and its known limitations. It is done through the process of receiving and what is imposed by the formation of the word or text or the structural and design structure in general, along with the Arabic calligraphy in particular. This is based on the recipient's understanding and interpretation of the dual phenomenon and the content's manifestation. More accurately, the disclosure of its reality through its expressive phenomenology; for that sake, the research was devoted to studying “undermining the familiar and embodiment content in Arabic calligraphy” including four chapters. The first chapter comprised

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Scopus (1)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 15 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
New record species- from the family Euphorbiaceae in Iraq
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Abstract The present work included morphological, anatomical, and palynological characters for the new species Acaalypha australis L. specimens, which belong to the family Euphorbiaceae. The species recorded in the study for the first time in Iraq. The plants of this species are annual herbs with green, striated or sub – polygonal stem, and branched near bases, Leaves are simple spirally alternate and lanceolate in shape. Flowers are unisexual, arranged in the axial of distinct leafy and cordate bracts, female flower arranged at the bracts bases and each flower with trileafed perianth and superior ovary with trilobed stylar stigma which has dense and coiled stigmatic hairs. Male flowers are arranged as a mixed verticellate inflorescence a

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