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The shield And its provisions in Islamic jurisprudence
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Since I live in a society in which violence has become widespread, and killing among its own people flared up till they began to kill under the excuse of taking shelter, in these pages I would like to explain the status of taking shelter in the light of Islamic Law (Sharia), exploring scholars’ opinions in the legitimacy or illegitimacy of this issue according to the legal standards.
And, to acquaint people, and myself in the first place, with the true nature and the gravity of this issue; to expose it to those who are unaware of it; to remind those who are already aware of it. I would refute the fabrications, remove the suspicions which surround it untill it made the forbidden permissible; the wrong right. I would explain to those who believe in violence and fighting forces to defeat the foes without a restraint from legislation or law, paying no attention to the harm done to civilians and innocent people, ignoring the inviolability of killing a human soul, except by way of justice and law, which is mentiond in Ketab (the Holy Quran) and Sunna (Propheting Tradition).
Thus, I prepared this research entitled “Taking Shelter and its Rules according to Islamic Jurisprudence”, which comes in an introduction and four chapters: First What is taking shelter, and what are its forms. It contains two issues.
Second: The status of killing a Muslim shelter and the responsibility of his killer. It contains two issues.
Third: The status of killing the non-Muslims if they were used as sherlter by the enemies. It contains three issues.
Fourth: The status of taking shelter in possessions. It contains two issues.
At the end of the research comes the bibliography and the abstract in English language.
I would like to express my thankfulness and gratitude to all who helped me in forming this research. May Allah reward them all.

Dr. Sajida Taha Mahmoud
Instructor in the Department of Sciences of the Holy Quran
College of Education for Woman

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fat Mass and Obesity Association gene Polymorphism in PCOS Iraqi Women
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             Polycystic syndrome (PCOS) is a considerable infertility disorder in adolescents and adult women in reproductive age. Obesity is a vigorous risk factor related to POCS.  This study aims to evaluate the association of obesity and PCOS by investigating several parameters including:  anthropological, biochemical (lipid profile, fasting blood sugar, glucose tolerance test, and hormone levels (LH, FSH, LH/FSH ratio, Estradiol2 and Testosterone),and genetic parameters (Fat mass and Obesity associated gene (FTO) polymorphism at rs17817449) in 63 obese and non-obese PCOS women. The biochemical tests were investigated by colorimetric methods while FTO gene polymorphism was detected by PCR–RFLP.  Lipid profile, F

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Heating and Melting Model Induced by Laser Beam in Solid Material
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An analytical method and a two-dimensional finite element model for treating the problem of laser heating and melting has been applied to aluminum 2519T87and stainless steel 304. The time needed to melt and vaporize and the effects of laser power density on the melt depth for two metals are also obtained. In addition, the depth profile and time evolution of the temperature before melting and after melting are given, in which a discontinuity in the temperature gradient is obviously observed due to the latent heat of fusion and the increment in thermal conductivity in solid phase. The analytical results that induced by  laser irradiation is in good agreement with numerical results.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Prescribing Pattern and Rational use of Drugs in Maysan Governorate, Iraq
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This study was designed to investing the drug prescribing pattern which is the important point in the rational or irrational use of drugs among patients dispensing their prescriptions from the private pharmacies in Maysan governorate, Iraq for a period of 1 month. The data collected from prescriptions were calculated and analyzed according to the WHO prescribing guidelines. The data showed that the mean of drugs included in single prescription was 3.4, and 12% of prescribed drugs were written as generic names; moreover, the percentage of antibiotics, corticosteroids and anxiolytics were 33.3%, 11.4% and 23.8% respectively. Those results indicate the irrational use of drugs when compared with the world health organization standard values

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Noise Effect in Centrifugal Fan Impeller
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In this work a study was made in centrifugal fan blower to investigate the effect of impeller blade design on sound pressure level (SPL). Shroud and unshroud impeller of nine blades are used. The sound generation from flow inside the test rig at different positions was displayed by using spectral analyzer. The experiments were carried out in anechoic chamber with small holes in its walls, under ambient condition about (25-27) C ° to avoid the effect of temperature on the sound pressure level. The results showed that (SPL) decreased with the increase of distance from the source about (3-4)dB when distance varied about (0.8-1.06)m, and the (SPL) decreased with the decrease of velocity about (8-12)dB when velocity varied between (13000-260

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Serumleptin, Triglycerides, Cholestrol and Hdl- Cholestrol In Non Dlabetic Obese Subjects
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         This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between Serum leptin, Body Mass Index (BMI), Triglycerides, Cholesterol and HDL- Cholesterol in Non Diabetic Obese subjects comparing with healthy subject. A 36 male and female Iraqis obese were studied, mean age 50.1, 43.3 years respectively and 23 healthy subjects. Serum leptin, Triglycerides, Cholesterol and HDL- Cholesterol were measured. Leptin, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, HDL- Cholesterol and BMI significantly increased in obese males and females compared with control, but there was no significant difference in HDL- Cholesterol and BMI when compared between obese males and females. A low significant positive correlation was f

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 26 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Groundwater Simulation and Wells Distribution at Qazaniyah City in Diyala Governorate
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In recent years, there is more interest in water sources availability, including groundwater due to an increase in demand for water because of the increasing population in the world, and the water recedes due to climate change also. Therefore, the study of groundwater has required more attention. The aim of the present study is to establish a MODFLOW model in the groundwater modeling system software to simulate the movement of groundwater in the Turssaq alluvial fan which is located in the Qazaniyah city, east of Diyala Governorate. The solid model was used to define the aquifer in the study area. Using the GIS software, mapping and preparing the data needed to create a conceptual model were carried out. The data of the

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Detection of line shape parameters in normal and abnormal biological tissues
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Doppler broadening technique is suggested to monitor the development of tumours. It depends on the sensitivity of positronium (Ps) annihilation parameters to the sub- microstructural changes in biological tissues. This technique uses high resolution HpGe detector to measure the lineshape parameters (S and W) in normal mice's mammary tissues and adenocarcinoma mammary tissues as a function of tumour growth. The results demonstrate that the central parameter (S) decreases and the wing parameter (W) increases as the tumour grow. It is found that the S parameter changes considerably with the distribution of voids which are affected by the tumour development. Therefore the present technique can successfully be employed to monitor the developm

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Swarm And Evolutionary Computation
Algorithmic design issues in adaptive differential evolution schemes: Review and taxonomy
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Diagnostic Potential Role of CXCL3 and Leptin Levels in Breast Cancer
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The risk of breast cancer development is believed to be attributed to the alterations of a number of key biological components. Within this context, elevated levels of some chemokines that act as growth factors and can promote cancer development. The current study was designed to evaluate CXCL3 (a chemokine C-X-C Motif Ligand 3) and leptin (a peptide hormone synthesized by adipose tissue with cytokine activity) serum of Iraqi breast cancer patients in comparison to healthy controls. A total of 90 participants consisted of 60 patients diagnosed with breast cancer and 30 healthy women as control group were enrolled into this case-control study. Venous blood samples were collected from all participants to evaluate CXCL3 and leptin serum levels

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Publication Date
Mon May 23 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
Physoxia Influences Global and Gene-Specific Methylation in Pluripotent Stem Cells
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Pluripotent stem cells (PSC) possess unlimited proliferation, self-renewal, and a differentiation capacity spanning all germ layers. Appropriate culture conditions are important for the maintenance of self-renewal, pluripotency, proliferation, differentiation, and epigenetic states. Oxygen concentrations vary across different human tissues depending on precise cell location and proximity to vascularisation. The bulk of PSC culture-based research is performed in a physiologically hyperoxic, air oxygen (21% O2) environment, with numerous reports now detailing the impact of a physiologic normoxia (physoxia), low oxygen culture in the maintenance of stemness, survival, morphology, proliferation, differentiation potential, and epigenetic

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