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The shield And its provisions in Islamic jurisprudence
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Since I live in a society in which violence has become widespread, and killing among its own people flared up till they began to kill under the excuse of taking shelter, in these pages I would like to explain the status of taking shelter in the light of Islamic Law (Sharia), exploring scholars’ opinions in the legitimacy or illegitimacy of this issue according to the legal standards.
And, to acquaint people, and myself in the first place, with the true nature and the gravity of this issue; to expose it to those who are unaware of it; to remind those who are already aware of it. I would refute the fabrications, remove the suspicions which surround it untill it made the forbidden permissible; the wrong right. I would explain to those who believe in violence and fighting forces to defeat the foes without a restraint from legislation or law, paying no attention to the harm done to civilians and innocent people, ignoring the inviolability of killing a human soul, except by way of justice and law, which is mentiond in Ketab (the Holy Quran) and Sunna (Propheting Tradition).
Thus, I prepared this research entitled “Taking Shelter and its Rules according to Islamic Jurisprudence”, which comes in an introduction and four chapters: First What is taking shelter, and what are its forms. It contains two issues.
Second: The status of killing a Muslim shelter and the responsibility of his killer. It contains two issues.
Third: The status of killing the non-Muslims if they were used as sherlter by the enemies. It contains three issues.
Fourth: The status of taking shelter in possessions. It contains two issues.
At the end of the research comes the bibliography and the abstract in English language.
I would like to express my thankfulness and gratitude to all who helped me in forming this research. May Allah reward them all.

Dr. Sajida Taha Mahmoud
Instructor in the Department of Sciences of the Holy Quran
College of Education for Woman

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Return in the gift and its contraindications in Islamic jurisprudence and Iraqi law
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In his life, a person engages in different types of verbal and actual dispositions that result in various effects, some of which are necessary and not valid, such as selling, and some are not necessary for one of the two contracting parties, such as a mortgage or both, such as lending and agency. However, there are some actions that are sometimes necessary and not necessary at other times, such as a gift that indicates in its simplest sense. Owning money for another without compensation, it is one of the doors of benevolence and benevolence, and it is one of the attributes of perfection with which God, may He be glorified and exalted be He, described Himself. - And if this analogy is the difference - and distanced himself from greed, the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
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Maintenance Contract - A Comparative Study with Islamic Jurisprudence
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Contemporary life is racing against time in its temptations and variables, and it has become shaped and changed in an amazing way in its various aspects and fields. This was facilitated by intellectual and scientific communication between civilizations, and the rapid progression in successive inventions and discoveries in the fields of science and arts of knowledge. This contributed to a great economic and commercial renaissance. Then, these economic developments entered the world into a very strong competition, which forced producers to calculate all production costs, to reach the highest profits by reducing the price of the produced commodity on the one hand, and achieving quality in appearance (especially) on the other hand. Since the ma

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical development of Islamic jurisprudence - Develop a model
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       Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and upon his family, companions, and those who are guided by his guidance.


       Our Islamic jurisprudence and its basic principles are fixed, namely: the Noble Qur’an, then the Prophet’s Sunnah, then consensus, then analogy. However, it is characteristic of what makes it developed to meet the requirements of renewed life, including: sent interests, custom, approval, blocking pretexts, changing times. That is why it went through different stages, growth, brilliance, stagnation and endowment; Therefore, many scholars of Islamic jurisprudence divided its stages into four sections: the stage of inf

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Semitic languages   And its role in the revival of Islamic heritage
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In this paper, we present a study of examples of writings that are known in the science of Semitic research compared to the texts (Jewish-Arab, Samaritan-Arabic) written in Hebrew script and texts from the Bible. We try to explain the role of these literary works in Islamic history and civilization, as one of the most important documents are the writings (Gniza), which contributed to provide a full presentation on life in the Islamic community in all aspects of life, especially religious activity and showed the sincere relationship in dealing with the other under tolerance The University of Cambridge has prepared Islamic documents and kept them in separate boxes and presented them to researchers to convey the Islamic heritage written by

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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The semiotic of the Islamic blazon - a related analytical study between the Islamic blazon and its publicity message: رغده بنت فيصل بن خضر الدعواني
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This study discusses the semiotic of the Islamic blazon - a related analytical study between the Islamic blazon and its visual publicity message. The aim of the current study is to explore the related relationship between the Islamic blazon and its visual publicity message. The sample is contained Five of Islamic blazon in the Mamelukes period which is between 1250 to 1517. The methodology is descriptive-analytical, and the result is that there is a clear relation between the Islamic blazon with its visual publicity message. This study's recommendation is to go towards analyzing the meanings of the cultural legacies of the Islamic civilization, and researching the implicit meanings accompanying these features leads to a deeper understand

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Compilers of Hanbali jurisprudence (Abbasid era)
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This large book represents the research and is marked (Compilers of Hanbali jurisprudence of the Abbasid era). It includes, between its covers, a large group of scholars of the Islamic nation, with its great jurists and mujtahids, from the followers of the school of (Ahmed bin Hanbal) in the fundamentals and branches, and specific to the sciences of the Qur’an, its jurisprudence, and the narrators of the hadiths of the Noble Prophet The best of creation (Muhammad) peace and blessings be upon him, and it also includes a large number of reciters and ascetics, who are known for their abundance of authorship, especially with regard to the collection and numbers of classifications, and they are too large to be counted by number! But can we

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The wisdom of establishing the right by testimony in jurisprudence and law
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Islam has been concerned with preserving and maintaining rights, so the provisions in which it is preserved are legislated. Among that  is the testimony that made it a way to prove the truth and obliges its bearer to fulfill right in order to preserve the right and establish justice and prevent injustices by defying conflict, and tyranny .

And while acknowledging that divine absolute wisdom that is the cause and origin of legal rulings is sufficient, it is obligatory to abide by its provisions and imposes obedience, surrender, contentment and work in accordance with its controls.

However, the realization of the defects behind the legislation in a comprehensive way that realizes the dev

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Orphan care In the Islamic perspective
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I was invited to deliver a research paper on orphan care at the Center for Psychological and Educational Research. So I sought help from God Almighty and began writing a research in which I explained the meaning of the orphan, his condition, and the Holy Qur’an’s care for him. Therefore, I intended for the title of my humble research to be (Caring for the Orphan in the Islamic Perspective), since the papers were mixed up in the time of accidents, disasters, and deadly weapons, all of which reap men more than what we suffer. In this wounded country of ours, with civil wars, sectarianism, and insecurity, research began to solve the problem of orphans at a time when society had become an orphan with no shepherd. When I addressed this to

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The judiciary in Jerusalem in the Islamic era
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God created man with a social nature, that is, man cannot live alone, but there must be a society associated with him. And when God addressed Adam, the first of His creation, he addressed him with the speech of the Muthanna to him and his wife. “This tree, then you will be among the wrongdoers” (Al-Baqara: 35), and thus was the divine discourse for the first human experience on earth. It accommodates a social relationship, which is (the family), husband and wife. And since a person needs to meet, as Ibn Khaldun said: (The human meeting is necessary, and the wise men express this by saying (the human being is of course civil)) (). And as it is known that with the meeting, relations arise from love and hate, cooperation and struggle, a

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 12 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Keeping abreast of the provisions of Islamic Sharia with the contemporary reality and its developments
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In The Name Of God the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful [Should he not know he that created? And he is the one that understands the finest mysteries (and) is well-acquainted] surah Al-Mulk verse No. (14), this Qur’anic verse is one of the pieces of evidence that indicates the suitability of Sharia for the human life, since God Almighty created the creation and he is the best-known concerning the needs of his creation to survive and for life to continue.

One of the key ways for the continuity of human life is Sharia's possession of the feature of suitability for every time and place, and for the whole world, and it is comprehensive to all the details of life and its integrated systems, a systems that comp

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