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Child custody and protection In Islamic jurisprudence

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master Muhammad and upon all his family and companions:
And then: What most concerns rational people and reformers in the modern era is the moral deviation and delinquency that dominates childhood, due to family disintegration and the lack of discipline of most societies according to the religious and moral motives called for by the heavenly messages, especially Islam, which is the final message and guarantees the reform of people in life. Every time and place.
Islam has drawn attention to this issue (childhood) and made it the focus of its consideration, considering that the child is the nucleus of society and the preparation for the future, so it ordered that he be raised, preserved, and his affairs managed, and that he live between his parents in harmony, love, and tenderness, and it took into account his condition in the absence of that harmony or separation for any reason. So the system was established that would guarantee and correct this situation, and it was the role of the jurists to clarify and detail what the Sharia ordered so that it would be within the reach of people, an effective treatment that would lead to the desired purpose, and would be a protective fence from the pests and temptations to which childhood might be exposed.
This research has highlighted the valuable efforts and diligences presented by the four imams for this issue, and God grants success to what is right and guides to the path of guidance.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Provisions related to nails in Islamic Fiqh

Provisions related to nails in Islamic Fiqh

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The judiciary in Jerusalem in the Islamic era

God created man with a social nature, that is, man cannot live alone, but there must be a society associated with him. And when God addressed Adam, the first of His creation, he addressed him with the speech of the Muthanna to him and his wife. “This tree, then you will be among the wrongdoers” (Al-Baqara: 35), and thus was the divine discourse for the first human experience on earth. It accommodates a social relationship, which is (the family), husband and wife. And since a person needs to meet, as Ibn Khaldun said: (The human meeting is necessary, and the wise men express this by saying (the human being is of course civil)) (). And as it is known that with the meeting, relations arise from love and hate, cooperation and struggle, a

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Mother in Contemporary Islamic Poetry _ An artistic study in models of contemporary Islamic poetry

This research deals with a part of our heritage and Arab culture, which is the poetry of contemporary Islamic poets, especially the poetry that was said in the mother in contemporary Islamic poetry, when extrapolating the offices of some contemporary Islamic poets found a clear presence of the mother, and during the search for the subject or its I found that the subject did not receive research and study, although the bureaus of contemporary Islamic poets included in it a huge amount of verses in which they stood at the mother Pharthua, and expressed their feelings and emotions towards them, and accordingly this research tagged (mother in contemporary Islamic poetry _ Dr Artistic models in models of contemporary Islamic poetry) to stand

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching and Education manners in Islamic legacy

Learning education in the Islamic legacy vision considers a completed The Islamic learning education took its bases from origins of Quran and honored prophet Suna , and stressed on education child a good education and providing him with principles of religion and semantic moral values and Messenger (peace on him) considers the higher example for man in his moral, behavior and goodness and witness on this Higher God said

(you had in God Messenger a good leadership for those were requesting God and last day and mentioned God a lot). Al- Ahzab Surah :21. learning education converts man from religion to another and from culture to another and teacher left his signs on the generation if he accept or refuse.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 17 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Cultural Coexistence in Islamic History

The difference and pluralism among members of the same society is a fact undeniable and ignored, passed by the Quran, and confirmed by the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed in more than one occasion, so that the Apostle r placed a document included in its terms an agreement with the Jews, and recognized the coexistence between Muslims and Jews, which stems from the great principle of a tolerance, which recognizes the rights of others and the freedom to believe what is believed to be right, so it was incumbent upon us, and we live in rivalry repulsion and jealousies to recognize the principle of coexistence with the other, and accept it in accordance with the legitimate controls with pride of belonging to the Islamic religion, in this sense

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Divine attributes In Islamic thought

The subject of divine attributes is one of the most important Islamic tenets, which must be
To stand up to its accuracy and multiplicity unlike the difference of speech, which led the teams to disbelieve
The other, when they were engaged in the issue of divine attributes, but they are agreed and assembled on
That God is one in himself and his qualities and actions. It is not similar to Himself and does not have two qualities of sex
One . It has no similar or real similarity between its qualities and the qualities of the creatures, as well as the acts of God
God is one in His actions and does not share it with anyone, and they have based their consensus on belief
In the unity of God and the unification of Raboubiya and t

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
مؤخّر الصداق في الفقه الإسلامي

The science of jurisprudence of the most honorable science, and engaged in the great reward with God Almighty; Today, they strive to highlight this tremendous wealth by searching for it, studying it, realizing it and presenting it to mankind for the purpose of benefiting from it.
   It is a blessing to me that guided me to write in jurisprudence on the subject: (Delayed dowry in Islamic jurisprudence) Islamic law has preserved the rights of the wife to her husband, which is a financial and moral right. It is one of the provisions of the marriage contract and not a health condition and therefore marriage is held without mentioning in the contract.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Functional displacement in Islamic ceramics: محمد جاسم العبيدي

The art of Islamic ceramics is considered one of the main pillars of the art of ceramics in the plastic arts, as his knowledge of what is presented in the Islamic arts intertwined in a special way. And the Islamic ceramics are indications of fertility and the rekindling of religious ties, controversy over them, and interpretation as additions to their vocabulary. Studies in the plastic arts began to empty the knowledge towards this direction, especially its relationship to the Arabic calligraphy and specifically the Islamic decoration, which derived the first aesthetic values from calling the artist Muslim pottery and potters to inviting the Arabic letter and Islamic decoration to indicate within the theory of "displacement" the aestheti

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The directing vision and two display technologies in the Iraqi Child Theater: عباس قاسم كاظم

  The current research contains four chapters. The first topic included the methodological framework that included the problem of research and the need for it, and then the importance of the research, and then the aim of the research, its limits and the definition of terms linguistically, conventionally and procedurally. The second chapter (the theoretical framework) contained two topics, the topic The first is titled: The Outward Vision in Child Theater Performances, while the second topic was titled: Presentation Technology in Child Theater, Chapter Four (Research Procedures), which organized the research community and analyzed its sample, and the fourth chapter contained research results, conclusions and recommendations. The prop

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Educational dimensions of children's television programs in the light of the universal rights of child

The research aims at determining the type of educational dimensions to be broadcasted in children's television programs, clarifying the technical forms used in children's TV programs, analyzing the educational dimensions provided by children's television programs, and studying the educational dimensions of children's television programs. The researcher used a sample of children's programs: all of us heroes, which is a daily program on the mbc3 channel as well as the program of Tel flowers on the Algerian channel. The researcher designed an analysis content form included categories of analysis. Spss program was used to process the collected data. The research reached several results; the concentration of educational dimensions in

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