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The good and bad words in Surah Ibrahim, peace be upon him
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In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise be to God who revived Balu. And the good word brought hard hearts after removing from them what had almost killed them of ignorance, injustice, hatred, hostility, estrangement, and irritation... So God replaced for them what was best with what was best in terms of knowledge and fairness, and what was corrupt, love, and altruism. So the example of a believer and a good word is like a tree with good roots and branches. Then I pray and greet the one who watered it from the pure and inexhaustible spring of Islam, our Master Muhammad, so that the valleys flowed in their capacity, and the crops grew, then they became thicker and became even, and their good fruits in behavior and work sprouted, and there were Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali and many others, as God Almighty said: This is their likeness in The Torah, and their example in the Gospel is like a seed that has put forth its shoots, and I support it, and it grows strong and grows firm upon its stalk. Fighting on the path of Muslims, instead of love, brotherhood, and harmlessness, especially after the earth shone with the light of Islam and was shaded by its shadow. Hence I say: It is necessary to plant the good word and then nurture it and adhere to it so that we may reap, God willing, its fruits, and that we should not despair of what has happened and is happening due to the occupation’s connivance and its attempt to mix the good word with the bad, for it is scum and the increase must have scum, as God Almighty said: (But as for scum, scum vanishes; What benefits people remains in me

the introduction

the earth) ().

And let us be as the Messenger of God, God, commanded us. On the authority of Anas bin Malik, he said: The Messenger of God said: ((If the Hour comes and a sapling is in the hand of one of you, and if he is able not to get up until he plants it, then let him do so)) (3), perhaps this sapling will be like a tree (its root is firm and its branches are in the sky).

The opening of the verse

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Investigating the Mastering of the Pronunciation of Weak and Strong Forms of English Function Words
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    The weak and strong forms are so called because it is not their lexical content that primary matter, but the role they have in the sentence. The problematic confusion, our students encounter, in recognizing and producing the correct pronunciation of weak and strong forms of the English function words is the main incentive behind conducting  this study. In order to gather the data, this paper used two types of tests: a recognition test and a production test. The general results reached  through the analysis of the students' answers seem to conform to the researcher's assumption: students face a critical problem in recognizing and producing correct pronunciation of the weak and strong forms of the English funct

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Messenger’s approach to preaching (the Meccan stage in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah)
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First: People’s need for advocacy:

Calling for a legal necessity for all people, regardless of their races, colours, tongues, and culture, to explain the truth, spread fear, bring benefits, ward off evil, regulate a person’s relationship with his Lord, and his relationship with creatures, so that he knows his money and what he owes.

All of creation is in dire need of the call to God’s religion with insight due to their inability to reach out to goodness, righteousness, guidance, and success on their own. Man is limited in thinking in this universe, limited in his resolve, unable to know what will improve his affairs in the two worlds. His need for religion is one of the necessities of his life, and one of the comple

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Graphical significance To (if) and (if) the two cops in Surat al-Maidah
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Many writers and scientists hardly differentiate between the two instruments of use
(If) and (if) to convergence in the meaning, as they perform the meaning of the penalty and condition, as the answer relates to his condition, but when linguistic meditation we find a great difference in use in terms of meaning, so this research came to reveal these meanings and was extrapolated applied in Surat al-Maidah By counting the verses in which (if) and (if) the cops were given and looking at their contexts, the connotation of the cops in most places was within the context of probability, which is the origin of its use, given in twenty places of Surat al-Ma'idah, and it had multiple connotations according to the contexts of the verses received

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article Origin in international relations Peace or war, monetary Reviews
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The roots of international relations: peace or war: A critical review A great debate has taken place about international relations between scholars concerning peace and War .The concept of root is matched with that of exception. And the importance of the research lies in the ensuing results in the report about the legitimacy of war and the space it holds, so if the origin of international relation is war .the obstacles against it are going to decrease .and if the origin lies in peace then the dimension of its legitimacy will narrow. key words: international relation –peace-war. Résumé : L’Origine des relations internationales : guerre ou paix : révisions critiques L’origine des relations internationales entre guerre et paix, a s

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of the Seven Principles of Good Practice as a Teaching Technique on EFL Student –Teachers' Performance: سوسن سعود عزيز
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The interest in pre-service teacher training has become influential in teaching English as a foreign language, and the purpose of this training course is to prepare qualified teachers to teach effectively through the application of this technique by undergraduate students. This research aims to find out the effect of using the seven principles of good practice as a teaching technique on the fourth stage student-teachers’ performance at the College of Education for Women/University of Baghdad, during the academic year 2017-2018. The sample includes (60) students selected according to the stratified sampling method. The observational checklist used by the department to assess the student teachers’ performance during the practicum perio

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
Characteristics Of The Place In Contemporary Iraqi Television Drama Serial Iraqi love And Peace Model ( Analytical Study )
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Filled the place thought philosophers and ancient is the identity that you know The value of belonging to a World Geography existential - the spiritual , and Which is characterized by the structure humanity from one another and the Rest of the organisms they interact with him alone by environmental Conditions - surrounding has to achieve time through continuous movement Localized or comprehensive . The place is exemplified by making special Natural Great Creator, I believe making structure humanity combined - Individual interactive because of its influential role in all daily consumer Productions and creative arts, specifically drama's TV , because the place in Aesthetic discourse - TV drama directly affect the creating and building the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 18 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Challenges of Translation from Persian to Arabic In Light of the Equivalence Theory of Mona Baker; Equivalence at the Word Level
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This dissertation studies the application of equivalence theory developed by Mona Baker in translating Persian to Arabic. Among various translation methodologies, Mona Baker’s bottom-up equivalency approach is unique in several ways. Baker’s translation approach is a multistep process. It starts with studying the smallest linguistic unit, “the word”, and then evolves above the level of words leading to the translation of the entire text. Equivalence at the word level, i.e., word for word method, is the core point of Baker’s approach.

This study evaluates the use of Baker’s approach in translation from Persian to Arabic, mainly because finding the correct equivalence is a major challenge in this translation. Additionall

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sfaxi's guidance to alqira'at in "Ghaith al-Nafe fi alqira'at alsabe" From Surat Al-An'am to the end of Surat Hud
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The research deals with the collection of Allamah Ali al-Nuri’s guidance on readings, which he included in his book (Ghaith al-Naf’ fi al-Qira’at al-Sabe) and singled out it in a separate study, commenting on what needs to be commented and a statement of his guidance, and it consists of an introduction, and three chapters, the first: for the translation of Allamah Sfaxi, and the second: To define the science of guidance, its origins and authorship, and the third: to mention the readings that Al-Safaqi drew from Surat Al-An’am to the end of Surat Hud, followed by the conclusion of the research, then the index of sources and references, and I followed the inductive-analytical method in the research.

Among his most important

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 02 2024
Journal Name
Al-iraqia Journal Of Scientific Engineering Research
Prioritise Five Tafseer Translators Using Clustering Technique for Surah Al-Baqarah
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
The First National Conference On New Perspectives In Interpreting And Translation Studies And Teaching English As A Foreign Language
Promoting Peace by Althusserian and Foucauldian Reading ofLiterature: Sinan Antoon’s I’jaam
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This study seeks to investigate Sinan Antoon’s I’jaam (2004) through applying different theoretical frameworks including those of Althusser (1971) and Foucault (1978). Antoon, considered as one of the most internationally recognized Iraqi writers, wrote this dystopian, war novel in Arabic and translated it to English. Antoon’s emphasis placed on literature acting as an oppositional political voice has, in turn, created its own form of censorship inside the fictional world and outside the actual state censorship during Saadm Hossein reign. Thus, particular political messages within literary texts, like I’jaam, have been received with critical attention. The writing culture in Iraq has established an atmosphere in which literary criti

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