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The jurisprudence of Imam Yahya bin Moin through his history
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Jurisprudential rulings were not once restricted to anyone. Even if some prominent imams were famous in one science, this does not mean that some of them were not very knowledgeable and well versed in another science, but he did not know much about it, given his fame in the first science in which he emerged. It prevailed over him until he became known only through him, and there are a large number of these people, and among them is our imam, the great critic Yahya bin Ma’in, may God be pleased with him. Many people, and even scholars, know about him except that he is the only imam in jarh and ta’deel, and on his words and the words of his strike are relied upon. In terms of the authenticity and weakness of the hadith, he is in this field the most famous and knowledgeable of fire, and in this field he is the first in it. The insult has meaning, as his words in this art are like cold water to the thirsty person

And the cool Katsim in the days of spring.

This is what is known about the Imam of al-Jarh wal-Ta'deel. As for him being a great jurist and scholar who is diligent, this is what most people do not know. However, he had his own ijtihad, even if they were not as numerous as is the case for the imams of ijtihad and fatwas in terms of number, but he had them. Opinions on a number of jurisprudential issues, and if this indicates anything, it indicates that he worked diligently within a limited scope, given that most of his attention was directed to knowledge.

The first one in which he excelled and emerged was wounding and modification.

This came to my mind and came to my mind to conduct a jurisprudential study of his opinions, after I learned that his book, known as the History of Ibn Ma’in, contains some jurisprudential opinions. This was when I read the book Explanation of the Causes of Al-Tirmidhi. The investigator mentioned in his talk about the most important books in knowing the causes, And Al-Jarh and Al-Ta'deel, so he mentioned that in this book there are some jurisprudential opinions that express the opinion of the jurists of the people of Kufa, then he quoted some of those without mentioning that he was a jurist, so I returned to the history of Ibn Ma'in with a narration.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 22 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Corrosion Inhibition of Medium Carbon Steel in the Acidic Medium Using Alcoholic and Aqueous Extract of Kujarat Tea Plant
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This study deals with the corrosion inhibition of metal corrosion process of medium carbon steel using 1M HCl for kinetic studies and rate reaction determination. The weight loss method is applied to pieces of Medium carbon steel divided to Cubans with dimensions (0.4*2*2.4) cm , and use Tafel Extrapolation Method, the samples were polished using carbide silicon paper with dimensions of (180,200,400,600,800,1000). The samples were immersed in the alcoholic medium ethanol at a temperature 293K for 3hr. Natural inhibitor Kujarat Tea (Hibiscus sabdarriffa L.) is used which is extracted in aqueous and alcoholic medium, different concentrations (1000،2000, 3000) ppm have been used ; The best concentration found through the results is a

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Influence of Sn doping ratio on the structural and optical properties of CdO films prepared by laser induced plasma
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In this work, we study the effect of doping Sn on the structural and optical properties of pure cadmium oxide films at different concentrations of Tin (Sn) (X=0.1,0.3 and 0.5) .The films prepared by using the laser-induced plasma at wavelength of laser 1064 nm and duration 9 ns under pressure reached to 2.5×10-2 mbar. The results of X-ray diffraction tests showed that the all prepared films  are polycrystalline. As for the topography of the films surface, it was measured using AFM , where the results showed that the grain size increases with an increase in the percentage of doping  in addition to an increase in the average roughness. The optical properties of all films have also been studied through the absorbance s

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 25 2018
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Minimizing the Principle Stresses of Powerhoused Rock-Fill Dams Using Control Turbine Running Units: Application of Finite Element Method
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This study focuses on improving the safety of embankment dams by considering the effects of vibration due to powerhouse operation on the dam body. The study contains two main parts. In the first part, ANSYS-CFX is used to create the three-dimensional (3D) Finite Volume (FV) model of one vertical Francis turbine unit. The 3D model is run by considering various reservoir conditions and the dimensions of units. The Re-Normalization Group (RNG) k-ε turbulence model is employed, and the physical properties of water and the flow characteristics are defined in the turbine model. In the second phases, a 3D finite element (FE) numerical model for a rock-fill dam is created by using ANSYS®, considering the dam connection with its powerhouse

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 29 2015
Journal Name
Separation Science And Technology
An acidic injection well technique for enhancement of the removal of copper from contaminated soil by electrokinetic remediation process
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The Effectiveness of a Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Program to Reduce Nervous Fatigue for Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy
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Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the most important relatively recent; treatment programs that attempt to modify behavior and control psychological disorders by modifying the individual's thinking style and awareness of himself and his environment, and cognitive reconstruction by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. The current study aimed to know the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral treatment program in reducing nervous fatigue among mothers of children with cerebral palsy. The sample on which the nervous fatigue scale was applied consisted of (30) mothers whose son suffers from cerebral palsy, and the results indicated that (24) mothers suffer from nervous fatigue. This sample was divided

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Onkologia I Radioterapia
The prevalence of lymph proliferative disorders in a group of Iraqi patients and its relation to blood indices parameters
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Abstract: Lymphoproliferative Disorders (LPDs) are a group of neoplasms affecting various cells within lymphoid system. Each type has different treatment a..70619

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 22 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of sodium fluoride on the properties of acrylic resin denture base material subjected to long-term water immersion
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Background: Fluoridated acrylic resin material can present more stable properties when compared with conventional one.The most widely used fluoride –containing substance added to dental resin materials is sodium fluoride (Naf). This study evaluated the effect of Naf in different concentration to the acrylic resin denture base material and its effect on tensile strength ,modules of elasticity with long –term water immersion (after 4 months immersion in de-ionized water) Materials and methods: Eighty specimens from dumbbells shaped metal pattern for tensile strength test were preparedaccording to ISO 527: 1993 plastic –Determination tensile properties ,in dimensions(60mm, 12mm, 3 ± 0.2mm) length, width and depth respec

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Thermodynamic Investigation of Partially Purified Paraoxonase in the Sera of Healthy Pregnant Women Compared to Women with Pregnancy Complication
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The thermodynamic constanting of “crude and partially purified” Paraxonase(PON) was evaluated in the sera of “healthy and ectopic” pregnant women in order to characterize the reaction of PON with diethyl para-nitro phenyl phosphate as substrate.This study was performed on (17) women with ectopic pregnancy (EP) whose age between (25-55) years  and (25) normal pregnant women with  a mean age of (25 -55) years as  a control group . Samples were collected from the Medical City, AL-Yarmook and Fatema AL-Zahraa hospitals during the period from Sep.2011 to April 2012.The study included the evaluation  of “paraxonase activity, specific activity and total protein” in the (crude and partially purified) sera of EP pa

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Applied Physics (iosr-jap)
Influence of concentration on the structural, optical and electrical properties of TiO 2 : CuO thin film Fabricate by PLD
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In this work, Titanium oxide thin films doped with different concentration of CuO (0,5,10, 15,20) %wt were prepared by pulse laser deposition(PLD) technique on glass substrates at room temperature with constant deposition parameter such as : pulse (Nd:YAG), laser with λ=1064 nm, constant energy 800 mJ , repetition rate 6 Hz and No. of pulse (500). The structure , optical and electrical properties were studied . The results of X-ray diffraction( XRD) confirmed that the film grown by this technique have good crystalline tetragonal mixed anatase and rutile phase structure, The preferred orientation was along (110) direction for Rutile phase. The optical properties of the films were studied by UV-VIS spectrum in the range of (360-1100)

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 20 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Research
Effect of several patterns of floating stone columns on the bearing capacity and porewater pressure in saturated soft soil
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One of the common geotechnical problems is the construction on soft soil and the improvement of its geotechnical properties to meet the design requirements. A stone column is one of the well-known techniques used to improve the geotechnical properties of soft soils. Sometimes thick layers of soft soil imposed the designer to use floating stone columns for improvement of such soil; in this case, the designer will be lost the end bearing of the stone column. In this study, the effects of several patterns of floating stone columns distribution under footing on the bearing capacity of soil and the distribution of excess porewater pressure are investigated. The soft soil used in this study has a very low undrained shear strength (cu) of

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