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The jurisprudence of Imam Yahya bin Moin through his history
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Jurisprudential rulings were not once restricted to anyone. Even if some prominent imams were famous in one science, this does not mean that some of them were not very knowledgeable and well versed in another science, but he did not know much about it, given his fame in the first science in which he emerged. It prevailed over him until he became known only through him, and there are a large number of these people, and among them is our imam, the great critic Yahya bin Ma’in, may God be pleased with him. Many people, and even scholars, know about him except that he is the only imam in jarh and ta’deel, and on his words and the words of his strike are relied upon. In terms of the authenticity and weakness of the hadith, he is in this field the most famous and knowledgeable of fire, and in this field he is the first in it. The insult has meaning, as his words in this art are like cold water to the thirsty person

And the cool Katsim in the days of spring.

This is what is known about the Imam of al-Jarh wal-Ta'deel. As for him being a great jurist and scholar who is diligent, this is what most people do not know. However, he had his own ijtihad, even if they were not as numerous as is the case for the imams of ijtihad and fatwas in terms of number, but he had them. Opinions on a number of jurisprudential issues, and if this indicates anything, it indicates that he worked diligently within a limited scope, given that most of his attention was directed to knowledge.

The first one in which he excelled and emerged was wounding and modification.

This came to my mind and came to my mind to conduct a jurisprudential study of his opinions, after I learned that his book, known as the History of Ibn Ma’in, contains some jurisprudential opinions. This was when I read the book Explanation of the Causes of Al-Tirmidhi. The investigator mentioned in his talk about the most important books in knowing the causes, And Al-Jarh and Al-Ta'deel, so he mentioned that in this book there are some jurisprudential opinions that express the opinion of the jurists of the people of Kufa, then he quoted some of those without mentioning that he was a jurist, so I returned to the history of Ibn Ma'in with a narration.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 22 2020
Journal Name
Multicultural Education
Effect Of Using Webinar Technique On The Digital Culture Of Chemistry Students In Ibin Haitham Pure Science College
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The aim of this research is to identify the effect of Webinar technique on digital culture in the College of Education for pure sciences at Ibin Haitham, University of Baghdad. The research samples consisted of (68) male and female students from the Chemistry Department who are following classes during the (2019- 2020) academic year. The samples represent (42%) of the total number of (162) students split into control and experimental groups. For this purpose, the scientific contents for testing were determined. The experimental part is based on analysis of the results from experiments in (preliminary standard solutions, refractive index, Beer-Lambert law). To achieve the aim of the research in testing the measure of student's digital cultur

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The dependence of resonant tunneling transmission coefficient on well width and barriers number of GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N nanostructured system
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A numerical computation for determination transmission coefficient and resonant tunneling energies of multibarriers heterostructure has been investigated. Also, we have considered GaN/Al0.3Ga0.7N superlattice system to estimate the probability of resonance at specific energy values, which are less than the potential barrier height. The transmission coefficient is determined by using the transfer matrix method and accordingly the resonant energies are obtained from the T(E) relation. The effects of both well width and number of barriers (N) are observed and discussed. The numbers of resonant tunneling peaks are generally increasing and they become sharper with the increasing of N. The resonant tunneling levels are shifted inside the well by

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
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Proceeding Of The 1st International Conference On Advanced Research In Pure And Applied Science (icarpas2021): Third Annual Conference Of Al-muthanna University/college Of Science
Dimensional analysis of predicting the removal of chemical oxygen demand from domestic wastewater using moving bed biofilm reactor
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Municipal wastewater sources are becoming increasingly important for reuse, for irrigation purposes, so they must be treated to meet environmentally friendly local or global standards. The aim of this study is to establish, calibrate, and validate a model for predicting chemical oxygen demand for the pilot plant of mobile biofilm reactors operating from municipal wastewater in Maaymyrh located in Hilla city Using the approach of dimensional analysis. The approach of Buckingham's theorem was used to derive a model of dimensional analysis design for the forecast of (COD) in the pilot plant. The effluent concentration (COD) It has been derived as a result of the influential concentration of (COD), dissolved oxygen (DO), volume of pilot plant

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 04 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Association of Echocardiographic Epicardial Fat Thickness and Carotid Intima Media Thickness with the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease
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Background: Coronary artery disease remains the main cause of death despite several preventive programs. Epicardial adipose tissue is a visceral fat depot of the heart located along the large coronary arteries and on the surface of ventricles and apex. Intima media thickness is commonly recognized as the initial stage in the development of atherosclerosis. The development of ultrasound machines, advances in echocardiographic devices and high resolution transducers facilitate comprehensive analysis of epicardial fat thickness (EFT) and carotid –intima media thickness (C-IMT).
Aim: To investigate the relationship of echocardiographic epicardial fat thickness (EFT) and carotid –intima media thickness (C-IMT) with the severity of coro

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Principles of war and jihad to protect the environment and civilians in times of war in Islamic Sharia
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Research summary

Islam protects the environment and civilians in peace and war, and in international humanitarian law protection of the environment and civilians in international conflicts only. As for wars and internal conflicts, it is not within the jurisdiction of international humanitarian law. In Islamic law, the principles of protecting the environment and civilians are fixed in all wars and conflicts, whether internal or external, local. or international.

Islam laid down moral principles in war, including:

- Preserving the environment and avoiding corruption in the land by burning trees and killing animals unnecessarily.

- Not to be exposed to non-combatants, including women, boys, the elderly, the disa

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Beneficiation of Iraqi Akash at Phosphate Ore Using Organic Acids for the Production of Wet Process Phosphoric Acid
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In the present work, leaching process studiedusing organic acids (acetic acid and lactic acid) to extract phosphate from the Iraqi Akashat phosphate ore by separation of calcareous materials (mainly calcite). This approach characterized by energy conservation, environmental enhancement by recovery of calcite as calcium sulfate (gypsum), keeping the physical and chemical properties of apatite. Samples were analyzed using X-ray diffraction and FTIR spectrophotometer. From the obtained experimental data it was found that using the two organic acids yields closed purity values of the produced apatite at the optimum conditions, while at different acid concentrations, it was found that the efficiency of acetic acid is higher at the low acid co

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
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Digital Photo credibility and its reflection on the cognitive process of journalistic image of Viewers: زيـاد طـارق شـــاكر
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Represent the current study and tagged (the credibility of digital image and its reflection on the process of cognitive picture releases) scientific effort is designed to detect realizing press releases and the extent affected the credibility of the digital image by selecting the relationship between digital photo and the extent of their credibility on the one hand and between the process of cognition and Press Photo of the hand Other than the consequent establishment researcher collects materials to serve the scientific research topic in three chaptersCombine the first one methodological framework for the search of the research problem and its significance and the desired objective be achieved together with the definition of the most im

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study on the Influence of Induced Water Stress on Seeds Germination and Seedlings Growth of Silybum marianum
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The effect of water stress induced by using polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000) on germination of seeds and growth of seedlings of Silybum marianum was studied.  Two  concentrations  of PEG  were used to get two water stresses (-0.4 & -0.8 bar) as well as the control for comparison. The results showed a significant decrease (P<0.05) in germination  ratio compared  with  the control.  The ratio did  not slow down to less than 50% which indicates the ability of the seeds to resist water stress to some extent. Also, a significant decrease (P<0.05)  in the  length  of  shoot  and  root was  observed  compared with the control. This plant showed

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Contemporary Medical Sciences
Measurement of the serum level of Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein-1 in hospitalized Iraqi COVID-19 Patients
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Objective: The study aimed to assess Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein-1 biomarker serum level in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Methods: The case control study from multi-centers in Baghdad included 45 adult patients (19 females and 26 males) with COVID-19, diagnosed with a positive real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and excluded negative RT-PCR for COVID-19 and comorbidity conditions. Second group, was 43 control (20 females and 23 males). Results: This study found a decrease Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein-1 biomarker serum level in these patients and a significant difference in D. dimer, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, and the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio between the patients and controls at a P valu

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Publication Date
Mon May 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Effect of Shatt Al-Arab Salinity on the Groundwater of Al-Fao and Al-Siba in Southern Iraq
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This study was conducted to estimate the extent of damage to the population in Basra, southern Iraq, specifically the areas adjacent to the Shatt al-Arab and the Arabian Gulf, which are the Al-Fao district and the Al-Siba region. They are affected by the progression of saline water resulting from the lack of water imports and the Karun River interruption, which led to high concentrations of salts in the Shatt Al-Arabs. Consequently, its effect on lands and all life types in these areas requires correcting a map of the study area to drop the groundwater sites as well as calculate the total dissolved salts, electrical conductivity and pH. This study concluded that the groundwater contains very high percentages of total dissolved solid

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